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Everything posted by Strafford

  1. I think we may have discussed this before. What is a small forward? Is it a height designation?The way they play?A role?
  2. Fitness is always a hard one to quantify from the outside. In reality it is about how fit you are compared to the rest of the comp. I think the main complicating issue here comes down to the use of supplements. We just don't know if any fall off in our fitness levels in comparison to the rest of the comp was due to us not being as willing as other teams to go right to the boundaries of staying within the rules. I just think supplement use may have exploded a few years back and we didn't go with it until fairly recently. Was that a good or bad thing? I just hate the idea that success could come down to pharmacy labs, just because fitness is such a vital part of our game.
  3. I must say I thought the same thing. Suddenly bursting into song after two years a member lol Although he does seem to have posted in two other threads. Seems to have read a bit of the Satyr though.
  4. The relevant section only came into force in 2011, so anything before that doesn't apply. So I'm not sure how many of the guys you have mentioned used substances that fall into the catchall category after 2011. The catchall category also does not apply if any country has approved a products use. For it to be banned in that case it would have to be specifically named. So even though a product is banned by the heath authorities in the US for example, but is approved for human use by say Germany it is not covered by the catchall of 2011. To become a WADA prohibited product it would need to be specifically listed on the WADA banned list. Hope that helps as it is a tangled web, but I can see why they brought in the catchall.
  5. Haha. Perhaps I could have expressed that a little better. Tin foil hat time perhaps.
  6. A great deal of what you write mirrors a great deal of what I think mate. Whole boards don't have to written off, that just fractures the support from the power brokers. For good or ill the President is the actual face of the board. If he was to stand aside as you say it would have to be the right person and done in the right way, only those with a thick skin need apply. A number of my family were and some still are involved at Carlton when they imploded, they splintered left, right and centre. The things that went on there were crazy. The press were given a front row seat due to all the leaking.
  7. Still putting out the fires on Demonland with boiling oil, good move. What do you mean bored you love it. Before you mention it, yes I do know you volunteer at the club. Hopefully on balance that negates the damage you do on here.
  8. Strafford


    As funny as it sounds, I actually prefer playing in our division facing the Ravens and Steelers right now. The Niners and Seahawks look tough. That comment will now come back to bite me as we will now go 0-4 against them lol. Can't wait for the draft. IQ ready to go.
  9. The key is that it wasn't approved for human use. It seems that automatically that makes it a banned substance under WADA rules.
  10. Thank you for the courtesy of a well considered post. I appreciate it isn't easy to admit that on reflection perhaps I should have done things differently. Respect. I know it is hard to tell on the Internet, but I am not being sarcastic in any shape or form.
  11. I really rate Dawes and if he can get back to the promise he was showing before his hand injury, we will have a top player who will be a leader for the club. I'm not really superstitious, but I am now touching all the wooden furniture here, which has been made a little harder by all the toes and fingers I am now crossing in response to the opening post. Doesn't make it easy to type either lol
  12. I don't think he was putting down poor members either, but what did you think would happen after the combative nature of your first post and then the one a few posts later. You set the tone and predictably that is where it went. Downhill. Good to see you have toned down a lot of Demonlanders to just a few in this post. So you don't exactly know what Don was actually saying, but you then used the phrase for your own point scoring, just as others have done on this thread, but in a different way. Did you post about how happy you were we got or win, or how you liked the last quarter, or did you just come on to pick a fight? On a night when for the most part Demonlanders were being positive you picked a fight, but now aren't happy some didn't play fair?
  13. Strafford


    Pretty deep draft for backs condemned so you should be able to pick up a solid one, although the class does lack that wow factor.
  14. Strafford


    You seem to have gone a bit high risk, high reward with your FA's. If Long can get back to his pre-injury standard he will be a great pickup. Cook could actually help alleviate the loss of Amendola, as he is actually more of a receiver than a traditional tight end.He is a very athletic guy. Just a really tough time to be in your division with the Seahawks and Niners. I loathe the Niners by the way so I hope your guys kick their butts lol. My apologies to any Niner fans on the forum, but the eighties was a very awkward time for me being all arms and legs and you guys didn't help.
  15. Honestly what was the point of this thread tonight. It should have been a night for enjoying a few positives from a game that at three quarter time looked like a looming disaster. The opening post was worded in such a way that it could only divide. It is my own fault for reading the thread, but it has got my back up and I haven't even called for any board sackings.
  16. We are a real chance. I realise I should add something else, but at the moment I've got nothing lol
  17. The Lions aren't great so we have a real shot. The win will do wonders, regardless of who we played.
  18. Strafford


    It does look tough mate, although I'm not that familiar with your roster, so I'm not sure exactly how tough.
  19. Eddie everywhere and Costa at Geelong are ones that immediately spring to mind as to Presidents who have been given a great deal of credit for success at their clubs. They have their critics, as it comes with job, but they also have their share of back slappers as well.
  20. Unfortunate opening post by you and a few poor choices of words by Don.
  21. A number of positives for me. The tackle count. A number of players showed leadership. Some of the rightly criticised players stood up.The last quarter showed the coach hasn't lost the players. There were some concerns, but today was a little step forward. Much more for the coaching staff to work with this week. Much easier to point out the mistakes if you can also point to this is what happens if you do it right.
  22. Yep and that is the problem we face. It probably is too late for him, because at some point enough is enough. There really would have to be significant progress for him to survive. I honestly doubt he will be here come years end, but where I differ from a few is that I don't think It is entirely his fault if he does go. I truly hope I am wrong about him going as I believe that would mean we would have had to have improved significantly for him to have kept his job. Lose today and despite all the financial and stability implications, I just don't see how we keep him.
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