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Dee Zephyr

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Everything posted by Dee Zephyr

  1. No problem binman, as always your contribution is appreciated.
  2. Carlton are driving down the Princess next weekend to face the angry kittens.
  3. Whatever it was, the Dees faithful behind the goals at the Ponsford were rightly giving it to him big time with those ridiculous antics every time they kicked a goal in the first quarter. We loved the “ let’s play ball “ attitude from our boys early on.
  4. With you 100%. Very odd the AFL site would put a poll of the best team and yet the 3rd placed team isn’t amongst the 4 teams listed.
  5. It has started tonight. Here’s a little from the 9 things we learned from Round 9 article on the AFL site. They also have a poll on which is the best team after 9 rounds and they only list 4. Crows, Tigers, Swans and Eagles.... the Demons' draw has been softer than Kleenex. In that time, they played teams that all sit in the bottom five after round nine:
  6. @Adzman I have no idea why or how I quoted you above. Apologies, wasn’t my intention.
  7. Only an opinion but maybe it had something to do with Oliver’s broken finger suffered last week and surgery on Monday. If there was a chance Oliver couldn’t come up Tyson would be the most logical replacement.
  8. He certainly played well. Watching from the fence I thought he was in our top 3 players today. One of his goals was on the back of him winning the ball at half back and beginning the chain. Terrific reward for effort. As usual, covered the most distance.
  9. Nothing original to add on any thread sorry, all the good stuff has been written up... My milk shake brings all the boys to the yard, And they're like, Its better than yours, Damn right its better than yours, …
  10. ....and putting the Hawks out of the 8 in the process.?
  11. Looked like the winner early in the straight.
  12. Sorry Wadda, tried QLD racing for you but they are only showing replays. A Waller quinnela.
  13. Ok, I’m on. Put it on with Neds and split my investment by 3 so I can place it on all totes (Vic, NSW, QLD), much easier than trying to guess which state will pay the most should we be successful.?
  14. Nice work, emergency plan in action. My only single win bet for the day and I’M A RIPPA salutes in Doomben. Tough win.
  15. Yep, up to you and Macca. Rich Charm disappointing a tad, Udyta stated she didn’t want to draw the inside 3 barriers, not sure if that was the reason.
  16. Awesome team, we’ll be eclipsing GWS for membership numbers at this rate.
  17. North always end up kicking to the right of screen first in all games I have watched from Tassie.
  18. Just watched Pleasuring win well in Adelaide, gives Damian Lane a treble out of 3 races so far. Hot, Hot, Hot!
  19. Good idea Macca. Im more than happy to go with yourself or Wadda for the “emergency” pick.
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