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Straight Sets Simon

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Everything posted by Straight Sets Simon

  1. Dwayne is less painful than the way Melbourne are playing now.
  2. Especially when there are external factors at play for many of those players.
  3. Agreed, there was a lack of balance in the team selected and this was obvious before the first bounce.
  4. Jetta would almost be one of the first picked at the moment.
  5. Another thing, Melbourne players not standing on the goal line for both his shots on goal. Only Dawes went down there but was out-numbered!
  6. Melbourne allowing Collingwood to play a loose man in defence was costly. The best piece of play was when Pedersen had the ball on a half forward flank he actually played on straight away and took the game on which opened up the forward line and eventually resulted in Howe kicking a goal.
  7. First week I tipped all nine this year.
  8. I agree, however with point 3 it should be spin around quickly and then run back (backwards).
  9. Again, today Melbourne players were far too slow to get behind the mark and turaround to look down the ground. Too often their first option was to look sidesways without having looked forward at all.
  10. Slow ball movement and continually outnumbered in the forward line.
  11. Stop chipping backwards, look forwards instead of sideways!
  12. I would hate to see a Melbourne player put on a shepherd just quietly.
  13. The best piece of play was when Pedersen played on which resulted in the Howe goal.
  14. Slow ball movement is killing us.
  15. Moving away from Casey would be a disaster. The club needs to grow, there isn't much room to grow in Collins Street.
  16. I'd still have Gawn ahead of Spencer, easily.
  17. Was Ben Hur the one who went to training in Lycra?
  18. I was one who was sucked in by his highlight reel but was quickly turned off him. A large part of that was becuase of his fitness which didn't look great.
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