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Everything posted by Pipefitter

  1. Too many have their heads in the sand round here. Where we are is unacceptable, heads will roll. I have no problem with the AFL coming in and appointing a CEO as we clearly have no idea what we are doing. All the good work Jim did will quickly come undone if we spend another 3 years on the bottom. This club is Jim's legacy. Let's not stuff it up.
  2. I think it's more mental, the Ineviability of it all starts kicking in. When you know you are going to lose no matte what you do, once they let a goal or 2 slip in the last quarter they give up.
  3. Apart from the 2 obvious ones, all the coasting past packs. Commentator summed it up today, "Watts needs to go... he doesn't".
  4. I think we will beat Gold Coast. GWS i'm not so sure about.
  5. Beg for my job back at collingwood? Though seriously, have a heart to heart, get some whispers, find out who's not interested and relegate them permanently to VFL. Moloney/sylvia etc. Take the short term pain and get back to playing the kids. If we play a young side all year of kids who want a future at the club and belted every week so be it. We will be better in the long run.
  6. Why is Brian Royal so hated? It's not the coach. Its the midfield/or lack of.
  7. There are at least 10 players in that draft I'd take over him. Hindsight is a hell of a thing.
  8. Moloney doesn't want to play for the demons anymore. Give his spot to someone who does.
  9. I understand he is a great user but he shirks it so many times a game we don't even mention it anymore. It's just expected.
  10. Out: watts, sellar, Moloney, green In: who cares?
  11. Shouldn't get seduced by stats when he is playing lose. His intensity and competiveness are unacceptable. How many times he Just coast past a contest. We sure know how to pick em. Another one with all the talent in the world without the drive to reach the levels expected.
  12. Posted this in the post match. He needs to spend the rest of the year in the VFL. Prove that he wants to be in the afl. He doesn't look like he wants it.
  13. Watts needs to spend a year in the VFL. See how much he really wants to play AFL. He's another party boy that needs to pull his head in a decide if this is what he wants to do.
  14. This is not an improvement. Remember this was the year we were bookmarked to make the finals. Every game has been a backwards step. There are so many players that need to go its not funny. Gotta laugh at Moloney again. Still shopping yourself around are ya? Get off the beers mate, you will be lucky to get a contract at Melbourne let alone a decent team next year.
  15. Would be interested to see how much we have been outscored in the last quarters this year.
  16. Moloney is a joke. Watts one on one effort on bootsma was disgraceful. Pea heart. It's hard to keep defending him.
  17. This is what grates me. We are completely unable to respond.
  18. Poor ol Sylvia. We should catch up with him for a beer this weekend.
  19. Watched the interview. Answered like a politician, meaning no answers. Although its too early to judge Neeld it would be easy to assume we chose the wrong guy again. We can't recruit the right players to save our lives, how would recruiting a coach be any different? Let's be frank, the only reason this club still exists Is the incredible power of an incredible man named Jim to make people buy in and contribute. Whether this correlates to appointing a board and and a football department to bring the onfield performance back to an acceptable level remains to be seen. If the afl were to walk in and appoint a board and footy department to this I wouldn't object because it's obvious as a stand alone entity we have absolutely no idea.
  20. Had a mate talk to a couple of senior players last week. The relationship between Neeld and the players doesn't seem rosy at the moment. Wether or not its Neelds fault or the fact that Melbourne players aren't' used to working so hard who knows. Either way, you can tell from the way we are playing there are some fairly large issues showing on the field. Theres the aspect of playing for your coach. I haven't seen them do it once this year. As terrible at times we were under Bailey he managed to most of the times get a response from the players the following week. We haven't seen this either this year.
  21. There is hope. We could become a stand alone VFL club.
  22. You can tell him and Moloney are on the way out of the club, They prob already have deals worked out.
  23. Yep he is. This is the reason why the club had to make a 19 year old captain. These "senior" boys dont care anymore.
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