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Everything posted by Pipefitter

  1. At this point in time its hard to defend Neeld. He's definitely fracturing the club more than it already was, which i didn't even think was possible. For Moloney to up and leave was something no one would have seen coming 12 months ago.
  2. Its a shame how its turned out. He definitely had issues with Mark Neeld, vice/versa. Neelds not here to make friends i guess. We are going to have a very different looking team next year. I wonder how far this cull will go?
  3. Comparing who we picked against who west coast picked over the years we shared similar draft picks is depressing. What they did was a master class in drafting. What we did is a joke.
  4. I try my best to convince myself we did the right thing but we clearly didn't. I was wondering the other day how far down the draft order he would slipped if we didn't pick him? He's not the player west coast would draft.
  5. Totally agree with the side note. Say what you will about Bailey but he built a really cohesive defensive unit which Mark Neeld has picked apart and destroyed.
  6. Surely we won't stuff this up this time. Surely?
  7. Was just trying to think what players get a pass mark this year. I could only think of 4, Jones, Howe, McDonald, and Blease. This is why we are where we are. The saying "Too much left to too few" doesn't even come close to describing this clubs situation.
  8. It's embarrasing. There's no one at the ground. Irrelevant is the word for what this team has become.
  9. Spiritless garbage. We sure know how to roll over and die. We haven't fired a shot since all season. They may as well forfeit next week. Save the money on flights instead of getting supporters to dip into their hard earned to over pay this insipid group of players.
  10. Jack watts is not a key defender. Put him up forward and rivers down back for gods sake neeld.
  11. It just shows how little emotion that kid has when you can willingly lie to Jim stynes face. When other supporters tell us to get over it I don't think they get how much that lie means to us. You just don't do that to a man like Jim.
  12. Gees Rivers is underrated on these forums. Will be top 3 in BnF this year. Well and truly in our top 10 players.
  13. Blease can play. I like jake spencer.
  14. I think Bate has played his last game.
  15. Wilkes has been the difference. I never thought I'd ever say that.
  16. I'm not ranting. I just worry where his head is?
  17. What to do with trengove? He is struggling. Maybe put him behind the ball, get some easy touches? He's really labouring.
  18. Pathetic as usual. This is really getting boring watching this garbage every week.
  19. He's actually playing better footy than most on our list.
  20. Which thankfully will help us not lose draft picks this year. It can't be proved. It would need some sort of leaked document of board room directive on the coach, which isn't going to happen. But i think we all knew what happened.
  21. I don't care about freo, or carlton, or whatever. I care about our club. I didn't agree with what we are doing at the time, and i still don't.
  22. There are different ways that a coach can make winning a harder thing for the team. Less interchange rotations, playing players in different positions, sending players off to surgery, taking players off for extended periods when they were kicking too many goals, playing ball winners (Mclean) as forward pockets. All of these things happened. We tanked, we all know it.
  23. What Brock said was true. Whys everyone shooting the messenger? If people think this year has been our lowest, you've obviously forgotten the indignity of following a club throwing matches and supporters cheering losses. I agree with Brock as it also went against everything I believed in as well.
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