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  1. We need to be brutal at the contest today. Enough is enough.
  2. I reckon he’s only getting games because we are petrified he will request a trade if we drop him and we see him as our long term full back. If he leaves at the end of season anyways will be a kick to the teeth.
  3. How is it not 100% out of the cap? Seriously. What logic is there that we can’t replace a medically retired player entirely?
  4. We’d try turn him into a forward
  5. We needed to do this last off season. Where did the Grundy money go?
  6. I actually don’t even think we have a player that can go with him.
  7. If we don’t throw the book at a forward this year I’m microwaving my digital membership. (Yes I’m willing to lose my iPhone in the process)
  8. Is there something in our inaccuracy in big games? Can this club get its head around being a big club? Both finals last year and today. It can’t be a coincidence.
  9. How about talking about the “team we want to become”. This is not a rebuilding team, we should already be the team we want to become.
  10. We didn’t even fly the flag the night he went down. Look at how the entire team flocked at Darcy when he floored maynard last week. Not much demon spirit hey?
  11. I’m so jealous of how good of a footy club Collingwood are and it makes me sick. Our standards are so so low. Our inaccuracy in big games is not isolated. It’s mental weakness.
  12. Some statements need to be made. Petty, Mcadam and Oliver are not fit enough to play AFL football right now.
  13. The Petty experiment up forward has to end. What can getting 2 touches a game be doing for his confidence? Get him back in defence so he can touch the leather again.
  14. I’m hoping it’s a bring your mouth guard to training week. I’ve never seen this team under goodwin never have a crack like they did today. Couldn’t stick a tackle to save their life. We really need to get back to our DNA of contest first.
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