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Everything posted by TGR

  1. Nobody disagrees that he is the boy you'd want your daughter to marry. He has to learn that we need him to the the man you want to go to war with. I have watched MFC last decade doing token 1%ers. Lets call em half percenters. The clayton's smother. You know, one hand up, look away, hope the ball doesn't bend my pinky. Tonight I watched Sydney. 1 and a half percenters. Smothers full on diving. No token efforts. We are getting there gradually. But like Roos says, we have a long way to go. So does Jack of Hearts.
  2. You are joking surely. Bomber Thompson is completely erratic, and the lowdown is the daily grind. He hates it. This decision will rival Neeld. Ling? Every 2nd word will be "positivity" and his hands will move faster than his brain. I am glad it was Robinson who was the source. Beer drinking, nail-biting, slob of man with the most predictable blokey cr@p that really represents a waste of my foxtel budget.
  3. The decision was a howler. But....I hate those Boomer Harvey...KB...cheap handball to the ground....I view it as basically keeping possession; even though the rules don't.
  4. Forward marks inside 50 on angle. Pretty simple to work out a line from the mark to the centre of the goals...and extrapolate. Umpire meekly points the correct angle. Forward semi ignores him. Umpire politely asks via pointing. Forward looks elsewhere. Umpire gives up. I'll give you the tip. Umps will grow balls and brains one day via the rules. Umpire will ask once. If player ignores, ump will either call play on or actually reverse it. Mark my words.
  5. Take the good with the bad. At least he gets it.
  6. Last round - 15m chip kicks. This round - 9m ones are OK. Now lets focus on the player that holds to the player for 2ms after a tackle. 3 umps tonight are clowns, with 1970 perm hair-doos.
  7. I wouldn't judge an assistant's role under a control-freak. That is why Garry should never have appointed Neeld in the first place as he was a Malthouse assistant. NBuckley is a bit different, because he wasn't a Malthouse yes-man. Quite the contrary. Neeld was, according to Rocket Eade allegedly. These megalomaniac control-freak type coaches don't allow their assistants to breathe, think, explore, create etc... They are given a specific role and a specific mandate to do a particular job in a particular way. Do the maths. It aint hard.
  8. What about posters like Ben-hur that actually add to the forum? Can there be a IQ scholarship for the odd poster that is needed to (a) lift the IQ; (b) stir the pot; © give critical feedback? I would call it the Clayton Collard Scholarship
  9. I might buy shares in ology right now. BTW, why not merge? Or fields take over ology. Fanbob should be able to explain the economies of scale to us with no keynsian knowledge.
  10. That's a good point, and one that I forgot about. A neurological expert, like Webber or any other neurologist/neurosurgeon, might argue that concussive effects can accumulate and manifest down the track. Don't forget that some players in the past have missed the next week of footy even though they continued to play then and there.
  11. How about a sign/painting of Viney in ballet shoes attempting a twirl. Hands above his head touching and elbows out. Good banner I reckon.
  12. This might be the biggest crowd we play in front of for a while, in terms of non-final or non-public holiday. Every man and his dog are going. The only game on in town this weekend. 50-60? This should be the one game whereby a 50:50 decision to TV it or go; should be pushed to the latter. MFC youngsters, unlike Collingwood, Hawthorn, Geelong, Richmond etc..., don't get to play in front of finals-density crowds. We owe em a taste.
  13. Can't understand supporters trying to work out a bias in journos....they are a dime a dozen in this 24 hour 1116 MEN generation of dumb-down footy comment, who like using terms like "structures" when most have NFI. Yes, Anthony Hudson's Geelong bias is evident as he refers to them at almost every opportunity. Ditto Harmes. Rohan Connolly with Essendon. Then you Neil "Squeal" Mitchell, who is a MFC supporter, buying Bulldogs memberships and beating his chest. My concern is when I saw Adrian Anderson with a Hawthorn scarf, supporting like a school-boy. That, IMO, is 100x more scary than your alleged journo bias.
  14. An isolated incident for our captain at the time, when we were debt-free at the time. I could raise you 10 examples for every one of your poor attempts...that I would give you one at a time to digest/debate. You can start with the tanking that wasn't tanking but we had to be punished saga. You can also go to the penalty we paid when enticing J. White from Freo when we were paying over the odds. If you don't think the MFC has been a white ass to a big AFL stick in the last 40 years, you have rocks in your head.
  15. You're dead wrong. I am. Mr. Bean and Georgiou? I couldn't sleep last night. And now I have a $equel with the appeal.
  16. I like it. But I will say, this appeal adds to the culture change at Melbourne. In my lifetime, MFC have whimpered....AFL or others have barked... MFC have walked away with tail between legs. Groundhog day? Groundhog year. Even if Viney gets another week, it shows the club will back the player (who is in the right), no matter what. Additionally it shows a bit more that it stands for something. This hasn't happened for several reasons, and culture has to be implicit in that. The AFL don't want this appeal. It keeps Viney in the headlines; twitter going nuts, invites more comment. This appeal strikes at the common-sense and integrity of Moose Henwood, Goose Shimma, and Emmett Dummett.
  17. Another good protest would be Andrew Demetriou to go on a hunger strike. Win-win.
  18. The question needs to be asked, is Eddie losing it? He might have early onset neurological condition. How does an A grade experienced professional come out with "Ape" and the C word on live TV in the space of one year. Must be the half an inch of makeup he puts on before Ed & Derm. I just want to scrape it off with a shovel.
  19. Appeal is what we all want, but don't forget, any error made in relation to bump versus brace, could be equally matched by the mistake of "low impact (given) versus the medium/high impact" it should have got. I don't think Viney hit him hard, but how does a jaw break with low impact? Those that go for appeal should brace themselves for the possibility of a 4-6 week ban. The AFL/tribunal is like an elite private school in Melbourne. They don't like being held to account for minimum standards. They defend like Rod Marsh swinging like a dunny door hoping you'd shut up and go away.
  20. Margaret and David are surely MFC supporters. Anyone want a pirated copy, just PM me and send me a blank beta tape. Just need 2 actors and a camera(wo)man to take the pressure off the greyhounds.
  21. Funny how the biggest covert critic of PJ's push for Anzac-eve game was Edward "loose tongue" McGuire.
  22. What about a raw egg with no.7 on it? BT & Richo will be walking on egg-shells?
  23. Disney have halted production of Star Wars sequels to organise the movie version of the Viney saga. Liz Mullinar has almost finalised casting: Rohan Atkinson will play Alexis Georgiou Rowan+Atkinson+Biography.jpg Robert Hughes will play Gleeson (subject to his release from holiday) Elvis (circa 1971) will play Paul Roos https://www.pinterest.com/pin/354799276865701098/ http://abcnews.go.com/meta/search/imageDetail?format=plain&source=http://abcnews.go.com/images/Entertainment/gty_elvis_pressley_nt_111130 Gollum will play Josh Mahoney http://www.impactonline.co/features/1077-preciousss-serkis-reprises-gollum The Leprechaun from The Simpsons will play Gill McLaughlin at Warnambool Races http://simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/Leprechaun Demos Roussos or Tony Mokbel will play Andrew Demetriou As for the main guys, we need help. The collision is too dangerous to be done be a stunt man, so they are just putting a live rabbit between 2 greyhounds. As for Jack, look at this link. Todd had to get Roland in to soften him up a bit. http://www.aflphotos.com.au/galleries/results/?q=Max%20Viney This can be done on a Napoleon Dynamite budget. We just need actors for Jack, Lynch and a cameraman. Neil Mitchell might even open his program with this. No doubt he will jump on board tomorrow, insisting that the whole world do something symbolic akin to a black power fist pump before the game….
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