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Everything posted by Deecisive

  1. the team around you makes all the difference, deGoohy has team mates that can deliver the ball to him. Trac has to go out and fetch it.
  2. we may not get green but we can certainly get the next best player after green instead of letting him go off to GWS and make them even stronger.
  3. give him more time and play him forward at Casey, as well as ruck. He needs to improve his marking if he can do that he will be a major asset. we all know the headache cox for collingwood causes for us, i would like to see Preuss do something similar but more consistently.
  4. looking at the highlights of flanders i dont know if this was a good day or a bad day for him but i only saw about 3 kicks that actually went cleanly to a team mate. a lot of hurried kicks just down the field to opposition players. So he would certainly fit in to our current team like that, but i would prefer if we can get someone who can actually deliver the ball to a team mate with greater efficiency than he has shown.
  5. not a fan of splitting the pick, we have two top 10 players we can pick, these are the best players. best opportunity to pick up two good players, to trade one away for a couple of less talented players seems wrong. would you want to give GWS a possible cripps so that we can get to more average players.
  6. I dont think this is about screwing anyone this is about players entering into the draft and getting selected. we make no bones on the national draft when we have our eye on someone but others have picks before us. This is the same thing. Do a deal in the trading period or go into the draft and take your chances like everyone else. if anyone is getting screwed i think its the suns by Carlton...
  7. We have sent a clear message that we are not interested. We need to get around to talking to other top draft picks. then when the PSD draft comes along and they ask who we want , we then snag the ba@@@@d. his overall price maybe high we could be pay most of the same amount for an ordinary player, so spend the extra if we can and get him. we have two years to use him and convert him. we could possibly even trade him next year to the blues for a 1st or 2nd round pick or they have to wait for another possible psd draft a year later. an extra $100k to snag another top draft pick next year seems a reasonable gamble especially considering we dont have a first round pick next year.
  8. disappointed to see Frost go, he always seems to trying which is better than some. I would have loved to have seen him tried on a wing, he had the pace to chase and not having to hold down a forward may have given him a little more latitude. And while he did make mistakes (who didnt in that team) i thought he was no worse than some of our other backs, oscar for one, and to be honest i cringed when lever had the ball in hand. I wish him well with the hawks.
  9. Well i must say i am totally underwhelmed by Melbourne's recruiting so far. The saints, Carlton, Eagles, and cats are all doing great while we tend our knitting in the corner. So many free agents and what we could only come up with two we were interested in, Elliott and Tomlinson. Did we really have such a good year and have such a talented list that we did not think it worth our time trading $'s instead of draft picks to pick up some much needed talent. Quite frankly this does not make me feel as if we are making much progress.
  10. certainly worth chasing. It would be fair to say there are a lot of players out there who have or played under the influence of drugs, he was just unlucky enough to get caught at a time when they decided to punish someone. Hopefully he has learnt his lesson.
  11. i would like to see Preuss get a bit more of an education as a forward, he is tall and strong enough to worry opposition teams, hopefully we can find some small crumbing forwards who can actually find the ball and kick some goals.
  12. being average in a good side is still a step up for us. we are getting him without giving away a draft pick. He runs (be it every so slowly) and finds space, he marks well and can kick goals. He may not be the quickest but there have been a lot of great players who's agility make up for it, i think he fits that mold. I dont know how much we are paying ANB who is probably much faster, but is a poor kick for goals, not a great mark and seldom finds space except in the form of tail wind chasing coming off his opposition player who has the ball. I think a good get, that only cost us $'s that we would have to over pay a lesser player.
  13. i just want the best players we can get, aboriginal, irish even kiwi's (if we have too).
  14. why are we only looking at goal kicking, kicking is kicking. our players turned the ball over far more often all over the field with their poor disposal, so maybe broaden your remit and look for some who can teach all of our players how to kick. maybe in a couple of years time we can then get a coach to teach them how to tackle and chase.
  15. The AFL has a strange way of doing things. giving the suns additional picks of young players, who given time will eventually want to move back home or anywhere that is not the goldcoast. No Salary cap relief because the AFL does not want to compromise the salary cap? I guess no player ever gets paid outside the salary cap through sweet heart deals with sponsors or supporters including the AFL. I seem to recall the Swans had additional salary cap for years and GWS probably still has a bigger salary cap than all the other teams. But the AFL in their wisdom dont want to do that for the Suns. Why did Ablett go to the suns in the first place, why are most of the player moving clubs, because of $'s offered. Additional $'s will allow the sun to get bigger named seasoned players now who can help turn the club around now and who will stay as long as they are getting paid well.
  16. Bennell would be a challenge, but potential high reward. i would expect that the club would provide continued support for him similar to the support we provided to any other injured or recovering player. We need to use free agency to pick up quality players, Bennell when fit is a quality player.
  17. Agreed. One extra early draft pick is going to give them what? will they play finals football next year, or within 5 years time for that matter. I think most football followers would agree that is very very unlikely. The goldcoast is an expensive attempt to drum up AFL support in Qld. It has failed, and will unfortunately continue to fail. NSW AFL experiment version 1.1 (GWS) only survived due to the largess bestowed on them in the form of a massive number of early draft picks, and their continued ability to trade unused top talent for more early draft picks. I dont really care if they get an early draft pick, just wish consistency in the way all clubs are treated, whether that is at the tribunal or in providing draft concessions to struggling clubs. just have a set of simple rules and dont deviate, dont reinterpret, be consistent with their decision making.
  18. look we offer him a packet and get him, good, outcome as we dont waste a draft pick to pickup a decent player. We offer him a packet and the pies match it screws with their salary cap, we keep our money for another play. also a very good outcome. I thought i saw someone mention $600k pa. well i am sure we are paying that for a few injury riddled players who have not produced, so I say game on, get him.
  19. Sorry i disagree, a coach is undoubtely important, but other teams have won premierships without Clarkson or Simpson. The players need to step up and take ownership for their on field performance, or lack there of as well. A coach can only do so much from the sidelines and with the players available.
  20. stats have shown that we have been killed on the scoreboard because we turn the ball over so often and our opposition scores from it. I dont know how many time this season i have seen players under no pressure kick to opposition players, or handpass to one of our own players feet. this is a game of skill, and our side was not up to that this year. As i have said before we play a brand of football where we zone off hoping to pick off the easy miskick, pass etc. that does not work against good sides that do not miskick. We have the ability to get the ball forward but either we are out numbered, out marked, or simply out played. Some players are always looking sideways and backwards rather than moving the ball forward. and we frequently play players who just are not fit enough or have the form to deserve to play, in some cases i would say they dont even have the right attitude, i.e. they dont chase, they dont tackle, they dont shepherd and often miss giving or receiving simple kicks and handballs.
  21. I am not sure i really agree with the idea our backline is full of good ball users. I was worried every time lever got the ball as his kicking to team mates was far from good, a lot of turnovers at critical times. Oscar... has to get the ball first before he can kick it. Hibberd's disposal this year has been woeful, far from the player he was last year. And Salem, again another who seemed to turn the ball over far more frequently this year. May did not give us the drive we expected from the backline. But other than that (Jetta) was pretty good when fit.
  22. how many of our players had 2018 form this year. Max and ?? so your assumption could apply to 30+ other players, not sure why Brayshaw has been singled out. We know he has the capability to play better and obviously having his team mates around him playing better would help raise his game. Ollies form this year has not been outstanding, but i guess the assumption is that his form will return next year.
  23. so that means watch him go..... somewhere else other than melbourne.
  24. i loved jones dedication to the club, but their is a time and place to call it quits and this is the time. He should see if he can help out at Casey mentoring and helping our younger players.
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