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Everything posted by Rossmillan

  1. Some guy just offered clarry $100 bucks if he kicked a goal from the boundary in the warm up. He shanked it. Next kick straight through the middle. Rain has stopped for now, let’s go boys
  2. Also a redlegs fan who then followed the dees. My 7 years living in Melbourne watching them every week made me more and more passionate about them. Out and about today at the kids sport, receiving quite a lot of well wishes wearing the colours. I think there is quite a few people from other teams wishing us well.
  3. Free chips OMG must get there early
  4. I just looked to select category 4, still cheaper tickets available. Whole family can get in for less the a $100. I actually think pricing was pretty good, got my family in for less than a home and away game last year. I think this is their idea of a staggered entry , one for hospitality guests and one for general punters. Why make it so confusing?
  5. Did anyone else going to the game get an sms about staggered entry times, and needing to arrive at a certain time to gain entry? I can’t find information on my ticket or anywhere on what my entry time is meant to be
  6. The original intention of the bye was to satisfy quarantine arrangements imposed by WA, surely if the teams go there Early that won’t be necessary. The only wildcard is if port play a prelim at home.
  7. If you had to take a gamble on which state was least likely to have a lockdown in the next 4 weeks, I guess you’d go with WA?
  8. I selected the home/club member 1, and the selected the C1 member adult, and then for my non-member family members selected generic adult tickets. Took me a few goes. I have no idea if I did it correctly, but the sent me an email confirming 3 seats so hopefully it’s all good. That ticket system is a shambles.
  9. I attended the women’s match when they made the prelim last year at Adelaide oval, from memory there was about 20,000 that day. The ironic thing was that they didn’t spread the crowd all over the ground. Everyone of us were on the lower deck wing on one side of the ground. I was crammed in shoulder to shoulder next to everyone else. They put a tokenistic spare row every 5 or so rows, but that was the extent of the social distancing. Im sure more value was put on it looking good on tv, and reducing security costs than the health and well being of the patrons. However, I have to disagree with you, I think there will be an atmosphere and the players have consistently said they prefer some crowd to no crowd. I’m at least partially hopeful that we might outnumber the opposition supporters and give the boys a lift if they need it.
  10. My reading suggests yes, if not located in greater Brisbane area. Unfortunately no if in greater Brisbane area, as not allowed to attend any event with more than 1000 people.
  11. Really looking forward to this. So dissapointed for our Victorian supporters. My heart goes out to you all. Rest assured, those of us who can go, we will give it a 4 quarter effort!
  12. As an Adelaide based supporter, can someone tell me where this speculation that we might play our home final in Adelaide if we win comes from? It’s sounds promising…..
  13. I remember working in Taiwan on a mobile phone network, and a software error caused a database reload on the switch I was working on, taking out one million of their customers services. I didn’t really understand what was being said (in Chinese) but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t nice! Thanks for all the hard work guys!
  14. Is our game plan a problem in the wet? Paraphrasing @binman, we look to pressure the ball out of the centre and hope to use our defensive setup and intercept marking to propel ourselves forward, rather than winning centre clearance (unless we can do so cleanly). If it’s wet, it appears that the ball is less likely to be cleanly intercepted and control gained, and then we struggle with the lost territory?
  15. Can I ask why? Gawn and or Jackson forward isn’t adding anything to the forward line. I think we were better earlier in the season with an extra medium sized forward. Melksham or M Brown or Jones can fight it out for that role. I actually feel like Max could run out a few games on his own, he has in the past. Leave BBB or TMac to ruck forward and Max play one kick behind the play as intercepter, he is better suited to that role. I’m not saying for a whole season, but it couldn’t hurt to try it for a game or two. For mine the Weid experiment is done for this year, and Daw no thanks.
  16. Out: Jackson In: Melksham Petracca to play more forward. I think we are too tall up forward, especially in the wet. The ball is rebounding out of the forward line too easily. As much as I hate to include Melksham we need more class in the forward half. Must get Petracca forward, he’s the one who knows where the goals are. He keeps wanting to break tackles and this hurts us less in the forward 50 where the risk is worth it. Need Jordan back in the guts more where he takes the first simple options, rather than trying to be too clever.
  17. The cream rises in the wet, gee Oliver and Lever are playing well! The umps will even the free kicks up this half, hopefully in the right parts of the ground.
  18. I was sitting right behind this one. I am telling you 100%, Brown had 3 players drawn to him, they were all looking at him. This allowed Jackson to float across the front of the pack unchecked to take the mark. first you say brown was in the pack, then you say your not sure he was even on the ground? There are very subtle things that are hard to measure. How do you measure the fact that Tom McDonald roamed around with the second best defender for much of the night?
  19. You talk about diving, and then want to support a team who stole our 2006 World Cup dream :.)
  20. My wife tells me the advertiser is reporting 100% capacity
  21. Umpires should be like jurors, each team should be able to have a challenge to strike ones they don’t like from the final jury :.)
  22. +1 - can’t find any info on ticketing
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