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Everything posted by Sydee

  1. If MFC trade J Hunt I will be very very disappointed - sure he had a crap 2018 but he is one player we should hold onto - has pace , is fearless , can break lines , and despite question marks on his disposal he has all the skills just needs to fine tune decision making We need more fast attacking players not less I sincerely hope he is going nowhere
  2. He already has a contract he doesn’t need to sign another one early. I don’t think this in itself is proof he isn’t happy to stay or the FD isn’t happy for him to play next year The only players desperate to sign contracts are the ones unsure about their value to their team or other teams - in short if you have currency it is likely in your best interest to not sign early and bargain when your negotiating position is strongest I don’t see much evidence of JH initiating this current situation but I do believe he is and will continue to be courted heavily by the idiots abroad - for JH that would be tempting from a $ perspective , flattering , somewhat attractive from a go home point of view and confusing all at the same time - it’s not his fault but at some point it would be in everyone’s interests that the circus moves on
  3. Feels like = IS KK is worth a pick in the 60+ range if you ask me based on Kent , Rohan, Scully talk etc if we can’t get this done and retain a high 1st round pick it should not be considered full stop
  4. Couldn’t stand him as a player - some things just never change it seems
  5. I really don’t get the love for May the only reason we would entertain this deal is if we have been told categorically by Jesse he’s gone as soon as he can and does not want to be MFC player What effectively constitutes a swap May for Hogan and a second round pick is nuts As far as KK is concerned I took the chance to watch the R21 game vs Suns last night and all I can say is for him to get a game he needs to HTFU big time
  6. If their behaviour hurts them as a club long term I say great - ship it in ! Anything that makes other teams less attractive than the MFC is ok by me These young men you talk about are no different to any other people in business ( yes it’s a business not just a sport ) they make their own bed by entertaining interest from other clubs - they don’t even have to negotiate their own contracts they have managers to do all that for them. They don’t even have to make any public statements about what their real intentions are. They don’t need the AFL to intervene their managers are paid good money to protect and advance their individual cause. In the case of JH I support him 100% whilst he is a MFC player - when and if he says he’s not then my support is withdrawn - simple
  7. Right now Tyson is so far ahead of this guy it’s not funny - Preuss needs to really knuckle down and do as much if not more work than Max in the pre season to really justify this trade I hope he proves me wrong but I’m far from convinced that he will make it - North agree or they wouldn’t let him go I suspect Being the size of small battleship means nothing if you can’t keep up with an ever increasing pace of the game - in fact it is a major disadvantage to the team Jury very much still out on this one !
  8. As much as my heart says no my head says yes if his ankle is good the guy ripped our heart out when he deserted to fill his wallet but I agree that he would certainly help fill a void we have with outside run and the thought of the Dorks getting that advantage makes me feel sick would be hard no doubt to cheer him like other players who have been loyal but - if it took us closer to an elusive flag why not consider it
  9. Now you are back onto biscuits its gonna happen there's nothing really left to say on this little fiasco
  10. Feeling pretty confident it isn't going to stop at 300
  11. Wow they really are on fire ! Not very bright at all
  12. I really do wonder what the man himself (JH) is thinking right now ? Be great to hear from you Jesse when you are ready
  13. We should not be entertaining any sort of trade for Jayden Hunt I still have faith that he can become a valuable contributor particularly with the now confirmed rule changes which will increase the speed of the game again We don't need to panic or give away one of our best footballers to the Shockers and make them semi-competitive all to achieve the addition of yet another key back who in my opinion whilst useful is no superstar and if anything undersized height wise to take on the really big forwards who are the ones that hurt us most (Brown etc.) The sensible thing to do is set a very clear expectation with Freo and Bell about what is acceptable for us to proceed with this (picks / player/s and time frame) then stick to it - if they don't give us what we need simply close the door and do not discuss it further I'm happy to keep JH I would like to see him trialed at CHB next year if it doesn't make sense to play 3 tall fwds - I would like him to spend another year living in Melbourne and gaining a greater affinity with the city his team mates and all things to do with MFC. Who knows he may decide he would like a long term contract next year with us -in short I don't see any real downside with this outcome
  14. Hmm with the change of rules and the constant push for gender equality we might be onto something here
  15. Wow that's a shocking trade for your Uncle
  16. I think it may increase the value of smaller mobile strong marking forwards of which we have a few - perhaps this is the reason we are prepared to entertain JH leaving for fair compensation Although not a massive fan of May one thing he does have is leg speed for his size which is a positive - not sure if his ability to read the play and reaction time is as good but assume our FD know best
  17. I think some of the posters with all that confidence might be on the Weed literally
  18. My concern is that the way things look like panning out we would have a suplus of tall backs but a shortage of tall forwards We wouldn't need much to go wrong and we would be struggling for tall options in the forward half
  19. I don't really want to lose JH but it seems inevitable now Just wondering what are our forward options next year if Weed doesn't fire or come on like we all hope or worse still he and/or TMac get injured. We used to have Pedo as a back up but that option no longer exists Who's is the next option for tall forward - Joel Smith? - Sam Frost (can't see that working out well) - OMac (don't think he can play fwd personally) - Steven May? - Max (Is this one of the reasons we are chasing Preuss - Harrison Petty (tall enough reads play well - do our FD think he could be reinvented as a fwd like TMac?)
  20. I will just sit back and wait for you to tell us exactly what is happening and why - you do seem to know everything
  21. So May is more valuable than Hogan ? Personally I don't think so
  22. AFC might have been working on the premise that MFC finish in bottom 5 or 6 teams this year - they wouldn't have been the only ones On that basis they would receive last year (10) , this year (1 to say 6) how does that stack up with 5 on a points basis - I honestly don't know but I know which option I'd prefer
  23. How does that work - didn't we hand them our first round pick (10) plus our first round this year last time I checked that is two first rounds picks - what am I missing ??
  24. What ???? just anyone - you do know that most of them aren't much chop don't you
  25. Very glad you are not negotiating on our behalf - that would be ridiculous and totally inconsistent with recent precedents
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