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Everything posted by Sydee

  1. One year contract - will need to go boom pretty quick !
  2. Based on your favourite players I guess its fair to say there is a fair amount of love for Casey Drunkn? Either way if you look at his stats he really doesn't get the ball that much, can kick a goal though it seems - saying he will be a superstar at AFL level is a fair stretch I think.
  3. At least Biff got the Richmond spelling correct
  4. Pretty sure the two word answer would start with F and end in F
  5. You would like to think so but wouldn't that be announced at the same time if so?
  6. Seems like we desperately needed Jack gone - that on the surface seems like a very very average deal but we are mushrooms in the dark as to the true reasons behind all this
  7. I watched the Melb v Freo game at the MCG again - he looked pretty slow to me. On that effort alone I can't get excited - not sure what he adds really - happy to be proven wrong though.
  8. Looks too slow on what I've seen (which I admit isn't that much) - can kick and ok marking the ball Speed is the big question mark I think
  9. Hi Jake Great that you decided to join us at the MFC welcome aboard. We all hope that you will raise the premiership cup in red and blue soon. Good luck for a stellar 2018 season
  10. Huh? That sounds a bit like draft tampering too doesn’t it ?
  11. Good on him - have a blast Jesse and come breathing fire and brimstone round 1 next year
  12. That would be one of the worst deals of all time - trade a seasoned AFL footballer who has his flaws but arguably one of our most skilled players to the filth for an upgrade of 4 picks in the Lucky Dip they call the National draft. Then we flip that plus something to Adelaide for a bloke who just polled the same votes in the Brownlow as Oscar Mac and as far as I'm concerned is not a KPD - Wow I just give up
  13. Let's be frank they look like winning a flag in the next few years - more likely than most teams including us unfortunately
  14. Agree with everything except Petracca's move to the midfield - he currently struggles to run a game out as a forward - a true midfield tank seems a fair way off
  15. I couldn't agree more - it really annoys me all the stuff you read on here about Adelaide tanking , bad luck , we should done this or that. The indisputable fact is that the MFC is still not ready to seriously challenge - they are their own worst enemy by getting complacent , talking themselves up and then failing dismally. They and only they are responsible for not being ready - let us all hope that there are some huge changes in mindset and perhaps personnel over the break that sees the team take another step forward next year - this is now a very very even and tough competition. If we start thinking it's just going to happen then we are in very big trouble and could easily slip back down to a place that we know all too well.
  16. Sam has some qualities that many others don't - size, speed and strength all in one package He is unquestionably a work in progress but if he can refine his decision making, spoiling and delivery he would be a valuable player. These are not easy to do - but significant upside if he could - worth a chance I think
  17. Interesting observation about Clarkson and kicking - I never thought and still don't think Frawley is an elite kick seems to get a game!
  18. Hold on - this is the same team that just rolled us without several regular starters in their team in a dead rubber for them and for us a fame that meant so much hmmm, my read of this is they think they have our soft under belly covered and like the sound of stating the season 1-0 and a big gate take just a little bit jaded still I guess but how people think we can show up and roll them by 10 plus goals is extraordinary
  19. The MFC is gifted at carefully crafted statements to deflect from the core problem. That is they are not hungry enough to taste the ultimate success - it's been that way for many many years - I find it hard to see it changing any time soon , if at all. I sincerely hope I'm wrong. The performances of other teams in the final round to "get it done" speaks volumes about the lack of hunger or belief that is deeply engrained.
  20. Settle down Dappa - just stating facts no need to tee off at me - we had plenty of passengers for the first 30 mins - you can't argue with that
  21. Yeah because Hogan was having such a huge impact on the game before he went off. Buddy Franklin he ain't !
  22. If we can't beat the teams remaining in our draw it's a bit pointless making finals anyway ! i want to make finals when we can beat those teams - not limp into the finals and get smashed first game the team has improved and has been continually improving for the past 3 years we just need that trend to be sustained - then you just never know
  23. Prior to the arrival of Paul Roos at MFC I spent many years having virtually zero confidence in our FD to make any sensible decision on recruitment or team selection. This slowly has changed and right now I have reasonable faith in the FD to get these decisions right the majority of the time. If JL's form or perceived value to the team doesnt warrant selection I am sure he wont play - simple !
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