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Posts posted by IRW

  1. 2 hours ago, Dwight Schrute said:

    He kind of hit the nail on the head, we need to keep improving. we tried to run the 2021 playbook back and refused to budge, and while there were other factors as well, we need to keep evolving to continue to push for more premierships. 

    i'd imagine in 2023 we will be more daring with our ball movement, look to tidy up our defensive structure to hold up better against teams who run the ball at us, and overall look to get the forward line functioning in a more healthy fashion

    Nothing wrong with the defence if the forwards hs it in AND kick goals.

    Thete is only so much the defence can do before they are overruns should have won the Brownlow except in a fsir world Petty would have taken votes of him.

    Salem and Rivers below potential, add Bowie and there is a clear need for a bigger body.

    Otherwise it's ok

    • Like 1
  2. 20 minutes ago, Travy14 said:

    Love the effort and time.  But there is no point to making up trades with picks just from this year.  Always futures involved and the Dees have recently been active in that space 

    I am pleased someone has noticed.

    They've been spending futures like they are not needed because they were banking on VFL input,aka the Cats , rather than it being a permanent 2nds team or a home to keep  Weid game ready

    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, CYB said:

    Where's the fun in dealing with even more speculation ;). 

    Any scenario that lands us with a KPF + Grundy is a win. Pick 2 nets us Cadman. As for future picks, well that would mean we have to put up with BBB and TMac for another year and we all know that story too well. Maybe JVR changes it up and maybe Maxy learns to kick straight. but JVR needs a long term partner in crime and the other 3 are approaching their expiry date. 

    Maybe Trac could learn to kick as well.

    That's 20 or 30 goals a season while they find a KPF to replace Tom and BBB.

    Max is demonstrably better behind the play rather than regularly forward.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, layzie said:

    Still can't believe we canme 5th. Still feel we are the second best in it. 

    That's another story..At years end, banged up and very badly managed managed we were probably 4th best; not far off on the  scoreboard but still an insurmountable gap

    • Like 2
    • Thinking 1
  5. 10 minutes ago, YesitwasaWin4theAges said:

    He [censored] us royally that little pip squeak.

    Is there any reality at all in that comment?

    ps...this is a State based suburban football sporting competition.

    It's not Russia vs Ukraine....there are no traitors,none,nada,zilch .

    • Haha 1
  6. I don't much care if Trac is on 360 although he's not particularly interesting

    I don't much care if he does cheap advertising though I prefer not to publicly  single out players over the team.

    What irks me is his spinning the ball as he runs in to miss shots at the goal.

    As best as I can tell none of the leading  goal kickers do it and thus it maybe relevant

  7. 5 hours ago, Fanatique Demon said:

    I was there that day.  I love the way the players bounced the ball about every five metres. And the terrible kicking styles. 

    On behalf of Dicko ..I am insulted by your kicking observation( he got a bit of the ball too)[ smile]

    I remember John Lord as a bit of a duffer..I guess that was closer to his retirement and when I was a bit older.

    Bluey ripping off out of defence on the outer side brought back memories.

    Note to fans ..I wore number 6 on my jumper until I was about 15  then I stored  it away to memory. 

    If you are 30  + years old don't embarrass yourself 

    • Like 1
  8. All I remember is looking down on Gabelich running past me in the the Northern Stand and feeling sick and someone ( Crompton) putting the world back on its axis 

    Also Dickos kicking, and I can recognise Bluey before the commentator calls him.

    Even worse goal kicking than today but no one seems to mind.

    Great names there and none of us knew the Tigers were about to invade our home ground......advantage

    • Like 1
  9. It wasn't home and away but if May wasn't 3 votes against the Swans then Goodwins a great coach with flexible options

    Over the season the dee fence pretty much won the first 10 games and the votes should show that  

    You'd think any half smart umpire would notice how they had to run back in the other direction every time the ball went towards the Demon defence 


    Petty is to May what Trac was to Oliver

  10. 3 hours ago, Lucifers Hero said:

    So, you would prefer him to be a sore loser like Scott in last year's PF who used 'illness' as an excuse?

    No he didn't, you spuds accused him of that just before you started going on about" banged up" Demons over the last two weeks

    Oh and umpires and the AFL (laughing)

    To his credit the coach said they weren't banged up  , but I reckon they were and he was just covering up for their season long selection mistakes 

    The Cats WERE  obviously flat..almost as if they were recovering from a debilitating illness.

    Pathetic...grow up


    • Facepalm 1
    • Vomit 5
  11. 13 hours ago, layzie said:

    Thought the umpiring was excellent last night. 1 or two decisions doesn't make a game, no matter how much people want it to.

    So why is the best" repeat effort " on here so called fans saying the Dee's lose because of umpiring favouritism.

    Ps It clearly was "IN THE BACK "  (can't overlook a nudge then leaning across space to push) but you might argue the mark could have been paid


    • Like 1
  12. 22 hours ago, DeeZee said:

    Gee we must’ve been banged up or unfit ,mentally weak ,or something amiss to lose to that bog ordinary side in Brisbane 

    I hope we get that mongrel back for 4 quarters next year.

    Lucky we did because no one will remember how much  better than the Dees other 3 were.

  13. 15 hours ago, Clintosaurus said:

    Yes, it is pot the club week and truth cannot get in the way. People need to find something else to do.

    Hard to get a clear picture  the wonderkund coach says they weren't banged up at all

    No one going to surgery  blah blah blah.

    • Facepalm 1
  14. 8 hours ago, McQueen said:

    This award depreciates each year - but it’s moving now more than ever.

    In all seriousness how can the umpires be so good at reading the game that they give these guys votes?

    The red carpet was probably more interesting to me. The girls OMG there was some stunning women on the arms of footy players. 

    Oliver I thought polled okay and was a better player than Cripps - bias aside, Clarry is a relentless machine and was in amongst it.

    Yeah but he's not a vote winner for umpires .half the time he's out of sight under a pack and then Trac gets the ball in free air

    • Like 1
  15. 4 hours ago, willmoy said:

    Selwood...kicker, pusher and stager.

    Hawkins...stager,pusher and sucker

    Danger..."general all-round award" winner though good footballer, like Trac though kicking could improve.

    All three, instinctively look at umpires as do all wobbles for frees.

    Simply pathetic..


  16. 2 hours ago, layzie said:

    Ok but riddle me this: A lot of people think we underperformed this season. So how can we, a team that made top 4 twice in 2 seasons with a flag be more of a faker than a team that has top 4'd 3 out of 4 years with 2 prelim appearances and no flags? It's backwards.

    Give Brisbane credit but not too much, brilliant win last week but how do you explain their performance last night? Fagan 3 wins and 6 losses in finals, serial chokers on the big stage. For the talent this side had they stunk up the joint.

    Geez The current year,the current opponents  and the current teams are all that is relevant at the seasons end.

    The Dee's earned 5th  the 4 that finished above them deserved to do so on current performance.

    No riddle it speaks for itself.

    You may want to argue that next season may be different. 

    Last season was

  17. 24 minutes ago, Bates Mate said:

    They had every right to be there , they beat us on our home deck in a semi 

    Yep every team that finished above Melbourne beat them or at least beat them when it counted.

    The Dee's had no right to finish higher than 5th

    • Sad 1
  18. 2 minutes ago, Billy said:

    I’m a bad sport, I’m not watching the Granny & couldn’t give a flying f@#k who wins it

    Well you don't really like football then.

    Anyway this arvo will likely be the one to watch.

    And not barracking actually makes good football great

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