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Posts posted by IRW

  1. Did anyone see De Gant plunder the field in the Giro Italia? He made a nearly 10 minute turn around on the race in one stage,first on the flat then he broke away and buried them in the brutal climb to a snowy finish and penultimate Stage win.He's a gun Time Trialer as well apparantly and his form recently has been a quantum step up over previous years. Maybe a smokey for the Yellow Jersey in Le Tour.

  2. the only way to improve Mortons deficiences would be a long term residence at Moloneys Boxing camp, though if that was too tough for him then perhaps season as 'enforcer' at the Lingerie Football league

  3. Thats good to know..I read recently that Gilbert sledged Cadel ruthlessly back in about 2005, in his first tour, when he brazenly joine a break away group...told him to 'F off'. Evans ignored him and the two were enemies for some years.

    No longer apparantly and now that he's a proven winner they will all be riding to support him.

  4. Team support is obviously so important.....lead out riders for the sprinters and domestiques to burn tbemselves out for the yellow jersey chance. Armstrong always obviously had great support and the Schleks always seem to threaten just on the basis of their partnership. Even last year Cadel seemed to be doing a lot of the work himself,though he had varicose vein man to help him. I hope you're correct that BMC is even stronger this year....another year older ,the lad is going to need support.

  5. Gee Bluey the change of scenery has cheered you up.Thats your most positive post in years!!!!! Graeme would be proud of you..................Meanwhile it would be great to see the Nureyev of footy back in the fold. .......Good post DW..I.didnt know about how heavy Schartas problems were

  6. Remembering,and reading about 1964 is a wonderful memory.I dont know that it means the Dees will win on Sunday,though the odds are better than 50/50 I guess. In any case I wouldnt want to be kicking into this Northerly tonight......or riding into it either. If Cadel is a once only winner it seems that he is at least a 'clean' winner

  7. He's appealing I think so who knows. Sammy Sanchez seems to be thereabouts whenever I turn on Eurosports TV........I suspect the team set up will be what makes the difference in the end even though the pr machine focuses on the leaders......Cadel was quite an old winner last year,he may be 'past it'.......btw I suspect they all need at least a bit of 'big head' and a lot of crazy.....hard head as well just to keep going........a few pills possibly wont hurt and all the other riders seem to understand.Its just the getting caught that upsets their team mates.

  8. Thomas Voeckler wore yellow before Andy Schlek.Big Thor Hushovd had it for a while though he's a sprinter....and really smart I reckon .The current favourite seems to be pommie Bradley Wiggins who apparantly is in form at the right time.Frank Schlek might be be a shot he always looks ominous to me,but then I have no idea what I'm talking about and it might just be the brotjer helping brother thing...the Radio Shack team always looks really well organised. Frank probably falls down at the time trial stage when up against Cadel. But Wiggins for me and he has a couple of Aussies in his team along with Mark Cavendish for stage end excitement

  9. Just as interesting as Cadel going for Yellow back to back will be Oz's Orica/Green Edge team.They wont be chasing Yellow as I understand it but they do have a sprinter who might chase Green..Mat Goss with the experience of Stuey O'Grady to hold the show together out on the road................... Add a climber or two to protect Goss and I imagine they will be hoping for at least one stage win. .................. The Tour reminds me of yachting in the way that the Winner the muppet punter knows about (Line Honours /Yellow Jersey) isnt always the big story that the cognescenti value.....stage wins,climbers and heroic 'domestiques/ handicap winners or division two performance in light and shifty air).. Bring it on I reckon,along with the 'kissing clapping girls at the end of each stage....do you think they draw straws to see who has to wear the polka dot dress?

  10. bldy hell this board is complicated

    . I saw the underline but was too scared to try and erase it unless something weird happened.

    Alternatively I could take your post as a compliment.

    I Think I will actually because I rarely get them where I come from

  11. Ash and Ding are lurking, IRW has turned over a new leaf , this is getting boring...where is HHNF when you need him?...never thought I 'd be typing that

    I'll say something contentious if you really want me to,but I feel like a visitor so I think I need permission.

  12. Coach Neeld summed it up well when he speculated that Jack may be one of those rare players (read champions) who can play forward mid or back and even pinch hit it the ruck if needed.

    Think Goodes rather than Reiwoldt

    Pendlebury reckoned that basketball point guards make the best mid fielders which is why he sees Watts playing midfield and directing traffic around the ground.

    Already with him down back we see his vision setting up the play,,a talent so often talked about but rarely delivered ,and his intercept steal and run through the corridor against the Pies showed something of that and how damaging he will be in the centre of the ground

    However he still needs to get the intensity and pace of the game into his system, You have to be very very good if you continue to trail to the contest on the assumption that the ball will stay in dispute until you get there.

    The odd 50 metre roost,not just when kicking in, wouldnt hurt either

  13. Just a heads up.

    .Le Tour beckons ....only a couple of weeks away now..

    No Andy Schlek,no Big Thor or Robbie McEwen but Stuey is back with Green Edge and Cadel will be looking to go back to back..

    Great viewing even for those like me with no posting or cycling 'acumen' and the timing means it doesnt clash with the footy.

    On a slightly tangental note, during the wee hours following the pelleton afficianados and muppets can debate whether Lance Armstrong is the greatest cyclist since Eddy Merckx or the biggest drug cheat since Marion Jones.

    Thats the thing about Le Tour its not just about the bike.

    FWIW IRW doubts that Cadel will win but has no idea who will,other than that they will ride for a team full of blokes with interesting names

  14. I sat next to Neita vs Bribane...not a happy chap re game style (back then at least) but he was outstandingly gracious and good humoured towards his numerous camera toting well wishers.

    He took my apology for previous years 'in game abuse' (dropped marks,out on the full etc) with a chuckle and a grin.

    He deserves every honour MFC can give him and its pleasing to see the MCC acknowledge him as well.

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