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Posts posted by IRW

  1. A tangent..the maggots meet for half an hour post game to discuss who they will vote for...how many beers they can drink more Iikely, but apparently none of them say stuff like.." gee I thought Steven May had a three vote game; he basically won it for the Dees"

    Weird stuff

    • Like 1
  2. 21 hours ago, Bring-Back-Powell said:

    I'm noticing a few posters are starting to exclude Ben Brown from our projected 2023 forward line.

    Frankly unless they learn to kick it to BBB on a lead all he can do is " his best" with what he's got.

    On a lead and with his inspector gadget arms he's almost a weapon. Certainly that's  a change up from the dumb predictable bomb to the forward pocket boundary line. 

    Making him play against his strengths is like Neeld trying  to make Liam Jurrah into Byron Pickett.

    Hopefully both he and TMac have another season in them and a flag to go with it

    • Like 4
    • Shocked 1
  3. 1 hour ago, durango said:

    I still say he reminds me of a young David Schwarz when before his knee reconstructions, hopefully he can become as good without the knee reconstructions.

    Jeesus.. go and have a look at Schwarz's highlights reel before he was Ox...if he's that good then they should sack the whole FD right ..NOW for not playing him already. 

    It must be the silly season?

    Of course you may be correct,which will be exciting...

    Better than that Ruski ballet dancer guy?

    • Haha 1
  4. 7 hours ago, old dee said:

    Sorry move her out, fill in the lake, remove the bats and we have the best facility in Australia. 

    Definitely need to get rid of the bats;look what happened at the Junction Oval when we shared with the cricketers and their assortment of  sports equipment 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  5. 22 hours ago, Monbon said:

    Made me chuckle. I'm married to an award-winning author...I've been trying to teach her the basics of being a Housewife since I met her. That was a joke, Joyce...

    Ha ha she tried to teach ME house keeping for the duration of the marriage

    By chance she was off to buy property in Bali when Covid hit so we ended up  sharing house again during "stay at home orders".... which was a very long time, but I had  learnt to do my share of house keeping ,while Covid brought our son to stay and he's a chef so...I was the "dishy" as well .

    No joking..(smile)


    • Like 1
  6. 47 minutes ago, Monbon said:

    It began thus, Jontee mentioning Patrick White's letters:

    Roger Mellie

      On 10/17/2022 at 7:54 PM, Monbon said:


    Jontee, I am a very keen Patrick Whiter: please elaborate...

    I am too, but you should take a look at the Patrick White Letters - two volumes. He was a mean, miserable [censored]

    Edited yesterday at 08:58 AM by Roger Mellie
    Letters not diaries

    As a sidebar to this fascinating exchange I can offer a slogan I occasionally deploy having been married to an actress/ award winning author  and( obviously) meeting her cohort of friends ...." I am creative so normal standards don't apply to me"

    I believe Patrick White to be the sine qua non validating this observation.

    Allen Jones was a genius coach of young rugby players as well.

    Funny old world really

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 1 minute ago, IRW said:

    I am happy to be proven wrong.

    Mind you I am not sure those other  "dynasties " were so labelled at their first flag.

    Of course one could mount an argument the the Cats " dynasty" hasn't so much as begun as it hasn't actually finished 

    Just to be clear though I am tired of cliched insults of players from other Clubs you guys would all worship if the were in red and blue and I rather hope Lyon goes to the Saints so Ooze doesn't have to start at a basket case in Moorabin.

    Choco Williams as well for that matter.



  8. 3 hours ago, old55 said:

    How about we get our first dynasty over with, it's just begun. I note recent "dynasties" Geelong, Hawthorn and Richmond didn't win the flag in the year following their breakthrough win.

    I am happy to be proven wrong.

    Mind you I am not sure those other  "dynasties " were so labelled at their first flag.

    Just to be clear though I am tired of cliched insults of players from other Clubs you guys would all worship if the were in red and blue and I rather hope Lyon goes to the Saints so Ooze doesn't have to start at a basket case in Moorabin.

    Choco Williams as well for that matter.


  9. 22 hours ago, chookrat said:

    I'd also argue that the unlucky bounce would have mattered less if St Kilda were up by 10 goals, like we were.

     Same winning  percentage as Goodwin at 57% and more Grand Finals  which was obviously  the point I was responding to. 

    You are probably one of the blokes who think Geelong were " losers" for only  being perpetual contenders after they had their first Dynasty and before this next one.


    Much more interesting pressers from Lyon (and Scott) as  well for anyone  with a sense of humour 

    • Facepalm 1
  10. 6 hours ago, The heart beats true said:

    If it’s Ross Lyon watch them try and keep teams to less than 40 points every week by flooding back and moving the ball slowly.

    Ugh. And then watch him get annoyed in the post match interview because a journalist dares to question their game plan and how dull it is.

    One unlucky bounce to Stevie Miln is all that stands between Lyons and Goodwins Premiership record.

    • Like 3
  11. 17 minutes ago, drysdale demon said:

    Give it a rest.

    Listen cobber if Goodwin and the FD don't think the game and and the list( too slow too small too few skilled kickers) is ok and they just need to change "ins " for "outs" and not remedy some of the above defects with players who are ready to go ,then he wasn't watching the top four in the finals.


    The "dynasty " is now off the pace  and likely  fighting for their hold on the finals  not just the double chance and with Clubs building behind them

    Stubborn narrow mind will get found out in a changing game.

    One winter of cloudless skies then .... poof it's a deluge!!

    • Like 1
    • Facepalm 1
    • Vomit 2
  12. 7 minutes ago, IRW said:

    OK I apologise.

    1 Hunt currently feels hard done by and I have  personal information to support that's how he feels.

    2 He accepts the decision as the lot of  professional athlete.

    3.His reasons are listed

    4 Nonetheless he makes respectful public comments as a professional athlete should.

    5 I imply that currently the balance between rights and obligations in the AFL arena is skewed towards rights

    6 Which is not an attractive ( classy) state of affairs.

    7 I  hope that's now  clear and you are  intelligent enough ( from your critique) to understand this was a post about  "professionalism"in the AFL as much as the subject of the thread.

    8 But I doubt it  ....I  chose not to mention Jackson because he's actually pretty irrelevant to issues of AFL culture.




  13. 2 hours ago, Kick_It_To_Pickett said:

    I have not idea what any of that means. It’s a grammatical nightmare, littered with expression issues

    OK I apologise.

    1 Hunt currently feels hard done by and I have  personal information to support that's how he feels.

    2 He accepts the decision as the lot of  professional athlete.

    3.His reasons are listed

    4 Nonetheless he makes respectful public comments as a professional athlete should.

    5 I imply that currently the balance between rights and obligations in the AFL arena is skewed towards rights

    6 Which is not an attractive ( classy) state of affairs.

    7 I  hope that's now  clear and you are  intelligent enough ( from your critique) to understand this was a post about  "professionalism"in the AFL as much as the subject of the thread.

    8 But I doubt it


    • Like 1
  14. 48 minutes ago, bush demon said:

    I just want to say that i was played out of position by Mr Williamson in grade 6. He had me at CHF when i was clearly a ruck- rover type player. I have never forgotten that.

    You have kind of missed what I thought was really obvious but as it seems you have the IQ of Dogga I will explain. 

    Even if you are pee'd off and feeling undervalued by MFC your PROFESSIONAL commitment means you play the game,tick the public boxes and move on....unlike players who think " professional "means it's only money and self interest. 

    No one is contesting self interest..just how you live with it in a professional manner.

  15. 3 hours ago, Kick_It_To_Pickett said:

    Compare the pair … all class from Hunty

    Why it's all class is because if you know ( albeit 3rd hand) what he thinks of how he was used  ,played out of position and the " coach" then the narrative is very different. 

    But that's what being a professional sportsman is ..what you do and say...not the " right" to get what you want.

    • Like 3
  16. 14 hours ago, Monbon said:

    Can't say I was impressed with his admission that he was 'gone' after the Bye, that he flew to his mum and checked out the Eagle den as well. Um, doesn't that mean that focus has evaporated? Doesn't that mean that from Round 14 he was going through the motions? I wonder whether his stats curved negative from that point on...

    They are pros and committ to every game at 100%...assuming they understand that being a pro doesn't just mean they get paid 

  17. 2 minutes ago, Kick_It_To_Pickett said:

    Hasn’t thanked Melbourne or shown one iota of gratitude towards us. He is not a good bloke, or he is just hopeless with the media

    He's not the sharpest needle in the pack which probably why we didn't put up front and centre very often.

    • Like 5
  18. I wonder why The Munster resigned with Storm fir a net season loss of 250K and the chance to ay at home with his good mate as coach. 

    It might be a club culture and management thing perhaps. 

    The Dee's are secondary ( or third) tenants in the Storm HQ; perhaps Max could stop podcasts and coffee and ask for some advice.

    Who's going to shack up with Kosi this season I wonder.


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