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Posts posted by IRW

  1. 2 hours ago, KysaiahMessiah said:

    About to watch Melbourne play in a final.  Storm that is.  Unfortunately their season has progressed like ours, falling away at the end.  Hope they step up.  Still amuses me it’s called “footy” even though I like it as a spectacle.  Footy?

    There is little similarity beyond this year.

    Brutally professional ,for which they are hated  and very very successful over recent seasons 

    • Vomit 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, Queanbeyan Demon said:

    Um . . . . because BBB helped us win our first premiership in 57 years. Quite frankly, I don't give a FF if BBB never gets another kick. He stood up in a grand final and we won a flag. He'll always be a Demon premiership player and forever a legend of the club.

    To say nothing of the fact that earlier on here here was a running debate about whether TMac was better than Weid or not.

    Short memories in the silly corner.

    BBB may well be finished but..

    "What you said.." and wasn't he 2nd of the Bang Bang Bang...BBB!"

    • Love 2
  3. 26 minutes ago, Jaded No More said:

    I thought she sang the anthem really well. 

    What the hell are we even talking about? 

    She butchered the song and was mentioned in a semi pun  re Goodren/ Goodwin/ Delta.

    My response ( I wanted to reference how awful she is) was meant to respond to that post.

    My " bad" .Very confusing.

    Why is she so bad? 

    If you can't sing " tonal" then at least be musical enough to know your limitations and sing the dreary song straight and let us get on to the reason we're at the footy. 

    It's got nothing to do with nationhood btw

  4. 2 hours ago, Demon Dynasty said:

    Whatever they were told/thought/ believed that's all fine but keep that under your hat and internalise it.  It shouldn't be a regular public thing.

    And what was that wolf of wall street crappa.  Complete BS.  That's all fake bravado.  Just get on with things and stick with the Reverend's "when all is said and done" mantra.  Was the best message in 2021 AND it was mostly internalised and kept in house!

    " IN HOUSE " and released AFTER the event...there you have it.

    Wall to wall stupid pr....while we're at it never let Oliver near  reporters before important moments.

    AFTER the Brownlow maybe.. although he won't win it

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Spargonicus said:

    A few notes of thanks: (and a dig)

    - to the Dees supporters around us in N53 who got fired up in the second half when we were doing some big chants. (To the flogs who thought the Bears supporters were louder - total &$@! My ears and throat are feeling it this morning!)

    - to Petty, Brayshaw, ANB, Tracc, Oliver, Langers: you gave us some great moments and put in everything last night, I thought 

    - to the Bears supporters generally: your captain is the joke of the competition, nobody likes him.

    It sucks, but let’s go again next year. I’ll be there. 

    Here's  a request to go with your points

    Given Dogga Jackson is likely to go home to  get one grab marking practice can we retire his LJ label and return it to the guy ,if it hadn't been for Gawn in China and the " coach" who will remain nameless  , who would possibly still be the greatest indigenous player in AFL history.

    Liam Jurrah  aka LJ!

    Thank you

  6. 4 minutes ago, Flower Magic said:

    I haven't read this whole thread, but has anyone given credit to Fagan for his brilliant tactic in playing dead, and I mean completely dead - no effort, no chasing - in the final round so that the Dees thought they were good to go for the finals, and that the Lions were easy beats. Daniher did not elect to stay in Brisbane, Fagan ordered him to stay there because he knows that the Lions are a much better side without him. He refrained from tagging Oliver in round 23, but had Berry primed and ready for the task when it mattered. "Charlie, don't try too hard, let Hibberd think he has you covered" etc etc. Just brilliant, and the Dees fell for it, hook, line and sinkered/sunk.

    You had microphones in the rooms? Or you read Robbo?

    Well coached against a game day spud and it's basic common sense  that Brisbane would come primed to ay against an pretty ordinary injured opposition.

    Next thing  you know people will be saying Goodwin is one of the great coaches because MFC won a flag under him after 57 years.!

  7. 32 minutes ago, spirit of norm smith said:

    Ins. Tmcd. JVR.  Howes. Bowey

    outs. Melksham.  Spargo. Sparrow. Rivers. 

    Rivers was disappointing but worth keeping unless thete is a big trade deal in play.

    I don't fancy Spargo myself but he is the best link player and decision maker in a disconnected forward line .

    Sparrow good trade material

    Melk gets unfair treatment here but is probably finished.

    No one actually knows if JVR can play at this level ,so I'd suggest chill pills are in order.

    After all MFC has a tradition of VFL champions

  8. 7 minutes ago, 1964_2 said:

    Yes, but he doesn’t actually work on and address anything…Just turns up to press conferences  and says there were lots of “learnings” and we “need to be better for longer” and improve our inside 50 connection 

    He is an exceedingly uninteresting interviewee.

    With most coaches you get insights, glimpses of personality or at least a touch of "madness"

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Deenooos_ said:

    Yeh I agree. I really hope the club is smart enough to ensure we recruit the players we need for the positions where we are lacking. I think JT is reliable and will get us what we need.

    We have Turner to come in for May when he retires (I really hope May doesn't drop off a cliff next year at 31 and hope he play until 33, he's just too good). Anyway we will have JVR to come in as the pack crashing marking forward which we need so badly and TMAC has another 2-3 good years in him. I would just drop BBB next season, his knee is cooked and he won't be better than JVR or TMac next year. How good would a forward line be with those two contested marking forwards?

    In terms of injuries; I'm convinced we had at least 8 players out there under a significant injury cloud: 

    - Max (cooked syndesmosis ankle, and groin)

    - Lever (multiple rolled ankles in the last 2-3 games)

    - Petracca (fractured leg)

    - BBB (cooked knee)

    - Jackson (ligament sprain in knee needing surgery)

    So when you look at it, we are completely banged up and it shows. Gawn realistically has a 4-5 month injury and many others including Pickett and Fritsch with knee issues too.

    If we don't make at least a prelim/grand final next year we will be a complete laughing stock. I can't accept that we come out next year with everyone healed up and not cause the comp some serious problems. We will learn that our 2021 style won't win us another flag as we will have learned this year, so they will go to work in the off season to make us better. We are too good for that not to happen.

    In the end the premiership hangover did hit us I think, and the pressure and expectation of it all was too much. It was embarrassing that we couldn't at least make a prelim but it is what it is. The better days are not over.


    You forget that Oliver said in an interview a few weeks ago the Max hits it straight to him and he just handballs to Trac without looking because they play in seamless harmony!

    I want to know if he actually watches replays while Salem is doing his hair.

    And we wonder why they didn't win

    • Haha 1
  10. 26 minutes ago, sue said:

    “We’re not done yet” is open to interpretation.  Either we are not dead yet (which is not very positive) or we will do more (which is positive)     Let’s hope the players read it the latter way.  

    Which is why I distinguished it from a sudden death chance after a loss or an opportunity to go into the Grand Final following  a win and a week off.

    Mind you I doubt they bother to read it

  11. 2 hours ago, daisycutter said:

    i can see 2, maybe 3 gingers in that pic, wcw. so, which one is the famous wcw?

    We're not done yet..? Subliminally acknowledging there's been problems?

    It would read differently next week  if they were straight into the Prelim .

    Strange...and they haven't mentioned the Queen!

  12. 59 minutes ago, Mickey said:

    Brisbane out to $3.85 on Sportsbet

    Dud Sportsbet have the Dee's as unbackable favourites for the first 10 rounds this year?

    Like pretty much every expert commentator?

    Geez Louise what has that got to do with.....anything ?


    • Haha 1
  13. 10 minutes ago, kev martin said:

    They still control the reigns on game day. Now the squad is selected the aspects of going in unchanged is irrelevant. 

    Would prefer them to make actions then sit on their hands (which they have done in the past), if Brissy starts taking control or we need to get rolling.

    You want them to be non proactive or reactive?

    Maybe you misinterpreted my intentions, or you are holding onto something about the coaches?  

    In style, the tempo, take it on, play percentages, 

    In structure, extra players at the contest, or in defence,  push up the field from defense, crowd the ball, play one on one.

    I could keep going, I hope you get my gist.

    The coaches have to make quick decisions during the game and not just let it roll on. 


    Fair enough ,if Goodwin suddenly becomes a game day coach it would help for sure.

    We heard it was Max who made the winning move last yeat

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  14. 44 minutes ago, demon3165 said:

    Why, when he has he does nothing he ain't a midfielder..

    I am hoping if it's close  he'll do a Rohan with 2 minutes on the clock and kick the goal to seal it.

    He's been trying for mark of the year for two seasons now so it's time he actually catches one. 

    Mind you his block to let Trac do his Daicos snr goal last year was pretty snazzy   much unrecognised and gave a needed boost to Tracs goal kicking reputation (!!!)


    • Like 1
  15. 8 minutes ago, kev martin said:

    I got Melbourne on my mind. Though the story of royalty makes it hard to be 100%.

    Pressure, run, transition well from attack and defence, get over the nerves quickly, play in the moment and take the opportunities. 

    It will be a tough game, fighting for everything.

    We are a proven big game team and must go in with plenty of confidence. 

    I want our leaders and best, to take it up to them and have great games. They will drag the rest with them.

    C'mon coaches, make the decisions quickly about our style and structure during the game. Get them up and successful. 

    Go Dees!

    Make decisions about style and structure?


    Now Captain Conservative has stopped" loading "do you reckon he's going to  ring left field changes to an  unchanged team

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Redlagged said:

    Hard to argue with this, isn't it? Premiers then backing up to finish second, in such a competitive environment. Not too bad.

    That judgement is on hold until the season is over.

    Lose tomorrow and it's 5th or 6th rather than 2nd

  17. 11 minutes ago, chookrat said:

    Would an alternative be to build our facilities underground beneath the MCG with a full size underground stadium beneath the G. I appreciate this would cost a bit but how awesome would it be. It would also solve the planning problems instantly. The entrance could be a the gates to hell theme.

    I think they'd have to do it at night and hope no one would notice

    • Haha 4
  18. 7 minutes ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

    If anyone thinks that nobody from our Club, nor any players and/or their family members read these boards, think again. Just sayin’…

    Oh if you expand the list like that you are no doubt correct

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