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Posts posted by IRW

  1. 24 minutes ago, Roost it far said:

    So we'll all stfu but you can keep on asking questions?.....just saying :)

    I really don't ask many questions 

    On this I put a simple proposition ; apply Occam's Razor 

    In this case why hasn't he signed by now?

    And immediately people rolled up with multiple theories 

    The simplest answer is just that he is not  going to.

    The refutation is Brayshaw..the difference is he was upfront about looking at other options. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Sir Why You Little said:

    Yes i have been told similar. He has no “connection” to the City of Melbourne 

    But he does love the Coach and the players. 
    He is also a huge fan of the new Game Plan this year. 
    So it will be an interesting Season 

    Yep and all the more interesting if  'Land and the press dont rattle on about it and just concentrate on the footy.

    Please please please stfu( not you in particular)

    ps how do you " know" he's a huge plan of the new game plan and what is it  given that we havnt actually seen it?

    Do you mean he's keen on midfield time?

  3. 9 hours ago, 58er said:

    Whst are the signs that you believe are relevant? IRW 

    He hasn't signed yet and it's getting to "signing time" metrics.

    There is a credible rumour  he's thinking of going because he  doesn't really like living in Melbourne( not that he doesn't like playing for Melbourne) .

    He isn't apparently in an established living situation( aka brought a house) in this town and  the Club is just  saying what tradition requires them to  say when it's  likely out of their hands.

    No shortage of choices

    I don't KNOW hes gone  but ..



    Don't need " indigenous "," family ties" ,  "money", " lonely / no partner" in the theoretical mix 


    Further more I THINK the wild desperate  philosophy  on here suggests that you all " know" he's likely gone.

    I'm very happy to be mistaken 


  4. 20 hours ago, Gawndy the Great said:

    Is that your opinion or are you in the know?

    It’s helpful to start off any opinion based sentence with “I think” it helps the nufties like me to tell the difference between fact and speculation. 

    I know all the signs are there 

    Occam's razor

  5. 4 hours ago, DemonOX said:

    Thanks BBP for posting the details  

    This bit really pisses me off and shows a total lack of respect for the club. 

    Hope Kozzie doesn’t follow Jackson’s lead with this. 

    You've only now realised that Jackson wasn't particularly respectful of the responsibility his natural talent required of him?

    Immature and thick as a plank

    Kossie is gone but for different reasons. 

    It's still a drag though.

    With luck Kossie will give us a season of competitive magic and a flag , rather  a quarter of talent pitching for  a self entitled future

    • Facepalm 1
  6. On 2/20/2023 at 2:27 PM, Demonland said:

    PLEASE STAY by Paddy Gosch

    Kozzy Pickett is one of the most promising young players in the league, and there has been much speculation about whether he will stay with the Melbourne Demons, or move interstate to another club.

    Last year the Demons went through this “Will he, Won’t he” situation with another one of their young guns in Luke Jackson. Subsequently Jackson shunned the Melbourne Football Club's offer and defected back to his home state. Whilst ultimately unhappy with his decision Dee’s fans will remain forever thankful for Jackson’s contribution in the third quarter of the 2021 Grand Final which helped secure the Demon’s their first Premiership in 57 years.

    Dees fans are once again faced with the prospect of another one of their young guns being lured away from the club. At the time of writing, it is not yet clear what Pickett's decision will be. However, there are a number of factors that could influence his choice.

    One of the main factors is the success of the Melbourne Football Club. In 2021, the Demons broke their premiership drought, and Pickett was instrumental in the team's finals campaign kicking 2 goals in the Qualifying victory against the Lions and 3 goals in the Preliminary Final against the Cats

    Despite the Demon's straight sets exit during the 2022 finals series they still finished the season in 2nd place after winning the first 10 games of the season. They are widely regarded as having one of the most talented lists in the league and are tipped by most pundits to finish in the Top 4 once again in 2023.

    Given Pickett's role in the team's success, it is likely that the Demons will do everything they can to keep him. However, there may be factors outside the club's control that could influence Pickett's decision.

    One such factor could be the lure of returning West to either his home state of WA or to South Australia where he played a lot of his junior footy. Pickett was born in WA but grew up in the Indigenous community of Ceduna in South Australia and played junior football for West Adelaide. If he were to move to Perth or Adelaide, he would be closer to his family and friends.

    Another factor that could influence Pickett's decision is the financial aspect of the deal. The Demons have a plethora of star players that they have had to lock away on long term deals and whilst Kozzy is an integral part of any future playing list the clubs out west may be able to offer him a more lucrative contract than the Demons, which could be a tempting proposition for any young player.

    In terms of what the Demons could expect in return, it is difficult to say. If Pickett were to move to say Port Adelaide, who by all reports are his main suitor, the Demons could potentially receive a trade or draft pick in exchange. The prospect of Port being able to offer adequate compensation is even more grim as they’ve already traded away their future first draft pick for 2023 as part of the Horne-Francis deal. Given Pickett's value to the Demons, it is likely that they would seek a trade that would be beneficial to both parties if he chose to leave.

    If Pickett were to leave the Demons, the club would undoubtedly miss his contributions. He is a dynamic and explosive player who has the ability to turn a game on its head. His speed, agility, and goal sense make him a valuable asset to any team. Demon fans are salivating at the prospect of Kozzy playing more midfield minutes in season 2023 and depending on the success of this change it could potentially increase his already high value to the Dees and any other prospective suitors. 

    As for how Demons fans would feel if Pickett were to leave, there is no doubt that there would be a sense of disappointment & devastation. Kozzy has quickly become a fan favourite due to his electrifying style of play and his role in the team's premiership season. On the heals of Jackson's decision to leave the club that took a punt on drafting him, losing Kozzy would feel like a double blow. In time, fans would understand that players sometimes need to make decisions that are best for their careers and personal lives. However that does not make up for the sting of a star player leaving.

    As a Dees fan, I cannot begin to express the immense joy and pride I feel watching him play. His speed, agility, and skill on the field have been nothing short of phenomenal, and he has quickly become one of our most exciting players to watch.

    Hearing whispers that he may be considering leaving the Demons for another team, I feel like I have to make this passionate plea for him to stay on behalf of all Demon fans.

    Kozzy, you are more than just a player to us. Your presence on the field brings us joy. You have become a role model to young fans, showing them that hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude can help you achieve great successes.

    But more than anything, Kozzy, you have become an integral part of the Melbourne Demons family and a cherished member of our community. We have watched you grow and develop as a player, and we have celebrated your triumphs and supported you through your challenges.

    As a Demons fan, I can say with certainty that we want nothing more than to see you continue to grow and develop with our team. We want to see you raise the premiership cup again, hear you sing the team song, and watch you celebrate with your teammates and fans.

    So I am begging you, Kozzy, please stay with us. Stay with the team that has nurtured and supported you, the team that has become your home. Stay with the fans who have cheered you on through thick and thin, and who will continue to do so for many years to come.

    We need you, Kozzy. The Melbourne Football Club needs you. Please don't leave us. Please stay ...

    The last paragraph is just embarrasing

    • Like 3
    • Haha 3
  7. man.

    TMac’s on the run kicking has improved too. It cannot be underestimated how much we missed TMac late in the season for his work up the ground and in the 50m arc. He looks super fit

    "his leg is as good as its ever going to be now" said Oscar at Tom's birthday party for his son.

    the actual question is how it will stand up it he gets a tweak, not how good is it right now




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  8. 14 hours ago, Bring-Back-Powell said:

    Interesting comment below from the SEN article posted.


    “The concern for all Melbourne supporters is it gets into Luke Jackson territory and becomes a repeat of that which became quite distracting.

    “I don’t think Kozzie Pickett will get to that point because he’s just a different character to Luke Jackson.


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  9. 18 hours ago, deelusions from afar said:

    Thank you so much to the track watches that have given us great insight into how we are tracking in the preseason (training the house down!)

    Found it interesting to hear TMac spent much of the match sim in defence.  Is he likely to be a permanent fixture there?  Will he be the swingman?  Could he play in the same backline as Petty, Lever, May (replacing someone like Hibberd if the injuries do catch up with him)?

    At the end of last year I thought they needed to go with TMac / Turner back and shift Petty forward as he has the style of play and body to play the big crash power forward role in a way that all our other options can't.  JVR is showing great signs but he is yet to play a senior game!

    I know Goody loved having TMac in the team early in 2022 as he was able to be shifted to defence if anyone went down.  It meant that if someone like Chandler was the sub, it didn't hurt us if a key defender went down as we could play a smaller forwardline.  Obviously having Grundy in the side (and how they use him and Max) may further influence how this works.

    If I were picking the side I would think it would work something like:
    Key defenders: May, Lever, Petty**        (with Turner, Smith as backup)
    Key Forwards: TMac**, JVR, Fritsch, ruckman*        (with BBB and Schache as backup)

    * I hope the resting ruckman actually plays in the ruck and the ruckman plays loose across half back.  I just can't see us looking dangerous with Grundy / Gawn resting forward unless the ball movement is improved x1000 from last year.

    ** I would like to see Petty and TMac swap positions from time to time.  I think the best teams and best coaches have flexibility built into the lineup so that opposition weaknesses can be exploited and you can have plan B scenarios without throwing out the game plan.

    Flexibility would be something new for MFC version 2022.

    Apart from injuries it was  lack of FD flexibility that made the 2021 Premiers so " gettable"

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  10. 3 hours ago, Slartibartfast said:

     I spoke to someone who played footy at a much higher standard than me and I said something similar about Max playing behind the ball.  He said that he did that role for one year and it nearly finished his career as he was continually hit from behind by large forwards.  He said it shortened his career.

    I agree that Max plays the role very well, but I also want him playing in 3 or 4 years' time.  I fear if we make him play this role he won't.

    The proposition that Goodwin won't play Max behind the ball "just to prove he's boss" is so silly it barely warrants comment, but I have because the continual sledging of Goodwin, who managed to get us to second on the ladder at the end of the H&A season, is just tiresome.

    Yeah I acknowledge the cheap shot but not how Max should be used.

    He's been playing behind the ball for several seasons and getting molested in every contest no matter where he is

    in fact my memory tells me he gets more stand alone marks down the back then he does up forward. 

    That depends on forward pressure causing opposition sides to go forward  with  desperate  bombs( sort of like MFC forward thrusts at times)


    • Like 1
  11. On 1/9/2023 at 12:10 PM, Demongirl35 said:

    Great report

    JVR with out a hair cut in Pettys number took me a while to realise who it was.

    Max was taking great marks in the forward line but he’s kicking worries me

    After the drills at the end of the session they did some running and Benny brown, Jefferson and Kyah Farris-White led the way. Was really surprised after the session they had and everyone else looking cooked. One stage Farris-White led by about 10 metres from The group. Pig pulled out of the running towards the end with some sort of complaint 

    Really liked the way Rivers was training also. Seems to have some spark back.

    Everyone except the coach knows Max should be behind the ball in defence 9 times out of 10.

    Goodwin knows it as well but hes likely to go with stubborn habit just to prove he's boss


    • Facepalm 1
    • Thinking 1
  12. On 12/27/2022 at 8:16 PM, Little Goffy said:

    Purely as a contingency, I'll be death-riding Port as well as Freo in 2023, just to make sure they can offer us at least a top-5 pick and change. ;)

    But seriously, Kysaiah Pickett is a rare player. Not many forwards - let alone small forwards - top 40 goals in a season in consecutive seasons, and he has managed in every full season he's played!

    That's why MFC will miss him .Jackson was mostly potential but Kossi has alreadyvshown what he can do and his potential is that he is set to build on it.

    It's going to be very disappointing 


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  13. Just now, Rodney (Balls) Grinter said:

    For the most part, I think Tomahawk is an amazing player and he deserves to be reconsised as such, but he's also a dirty cheat.  Happens too often and the fact the AFL makes allowances for him that they don't for other players is a disgrace. 

    His clumsy wirly bird arms everywhere effort that broke Steve May's face wouldn't have been allowed for any other player.  FFS, Chandler fell forward into a guys back accidently and got rubbed out for matches.

    Blatently pushing guys in the back etc and winning games off the back of it is cheating.

    That the AFL are weak as and consistently let him get away with it isn't the point.

    Stop making excuses for him.

    I dislike him but that's just a ridulous assertion.

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