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Everything posted by Willmoy1947

  1. There's a lot of serious betting going on...............
  2. oops, not in....i've been tricked....
  3. Glad to see the people who are in the know have selected the best niggler in the side, and who actually gets the bloody ball.........
  4. Just kick him in the nuts.....
  5. Drinking with Johnnie is so much better shared cos then you get to remember it.
  6. I'm happy to have Bugg instead of Jack, and i think he, Bugg, will pay his own way overall this year. Mac back will straighten up our forward line, and he, along with Weideman when ready, will take care of the height. Thanks
  7. Don't think "Paddy" has that Martial Art touch, his is more "potato" touch......
  8. Sydney crucified last night, must have been a hellofer letter they sent to Umpires Board last week.........
  9. I had a vague feeling that Oliver had to climb over the Grandstand, go through the Members Entrance, and run down the race on to the ground from the other side, but i might be exaggerating a bit..........
  10. If we can remind Umpires: Nos 2... onwards, that it's called "UNFAIR HIGH FEND OFF" (quote AFL Umpires), we shouldn't have any problems at all.....hmmm
  11. If this bloke Rath is so much in demand to the AFL from Hawthorn, what are we doing about his innovations in regard to coaching methodology etc.
  12. I'm with Wolf, Track is built to run through packs. Let him do it.........
  13. There was a million other reasons that would have caused our loss to Hawks before this morose subject of fifty odd (guess) poor posts...............
  14. After eight games,( ie twice to date) we might need someone who isn't MFCSS diseased, and a lid throw away type, with an elastic returnable capability, type persona.......
  15. Must add the "new kicking in danger rule does not apply to MFC" notes for maggots, to come out of versus Hawks game..........
  16. What i learn OD is how much there is to the character of posters by what they post and how they post it. For example Brayshaw, some folks say things as though a "son", others are a touch harder. I wasn't going to comment initially, but to me this is a story by itself of how supporters want to will The Club onwards and upwards. There is a lot more to this......
  17. Pederson injured i think from what we saw on Fox during the game.
  18. All my favourite posters all together..........hmmm
  19. ...and then i have another thought. Would we rather be discussed as GWS mark 2, all glory and no guts (drinking bath water), or would we rather be a Richmond, just bloody relentless and in waves, super fit without the last quarter fade out, you know the place in (our) yesterday's game where old players are not seen kicking goals at full speed from the boundary. What the bloody hell were they on?
  20. AF comments agreed and accepted, the only problem was he was seemingly and commendably, the only one able to get the ball, in other words there is a couple of distinctly different situations. The getting 1 and the kicking 2..... In regard to the others inability to get the ball, in relation to inside 50 numbers. What could you or I or anyone do when everytime our players got it they were scragged indescribably within any Footy rules i have ever heard of...........
  21. Which Clubs are secretly taking The AFL's magic recovery potion? How could a bloke who had three knee ops run away from some reasonably fast players of ours, kick a great goal, tweak his tendon or something, and come back on? The umpires thought at half time we were too close. This will never do. The end.................
  22. Free kicks in Syd/Footscray Game 1 You drove your head forward into him. !@#$% 2 Deliberate high fend off................................who do you think you are Dusty? 3 Just to cap off a good night 3&half mins to go certain Field Ump decides to position himself on boundary line. F/k Heeney Boundary unsighted...Goal Some are not up to it.........
  23. Did Adelaide lose to Collingwood because they didn't have Lever in the side last night? Or were they just hopeless....
  24. I've told all my friends to go to confession every week, before they go to the pub, in case they don't get a chance again....bom bom...
  25. The best show to come out of the USA ever...............
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