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Everything posted by jane02

  1. I’m trying to find out that information as well. Does anyone know?
  2. I’ll pay you double if you invent a Dwayne Russell mute button as well.
  3. I was also confused by this and the scrolled further and read it was true. I’m in shock.
  4. Thank you so much. I have enjoyed each and every one of these. Great job 👍👏🏻👏🏻
  5. I know exactly how you feel. Without doubt it was the happiest day of my life. ❤️💙
  6. Thanks for a great listen again this season. I thoroughly enjoyed every episode. Enjoy your break and I look forward to tuning in again in 2022 👏🏻👏🏻
  7. I unashamedly sobbed for about 10 minutes after the siren went. I sobbed so much I was hyperventilating. My daughter thought I was in some sort of medical crisis and got me a paper bag to blow into. Through my tears I just tried to explain how happy I was and how I never thought I would see this day. She still looked at me like I wasn't quite right.
  8. Two hours of yoga and meditation this afternoon have amounted to nothing. My heart rate is already through the roof.
  9. That’s was so enjoyable- thanks so much 👏🏻👏🏻
  10. I don’t either but have just done a yoga session and have the essential oils burning. Go Dees ❤️💙
  11. So proud. Happy not to be a blubbering mess like last week. Will sleep easy tonight. Go Dees ❤️💙
  12. Prior to this, my favourite goal on replay was Jack Watts goal in 2017 ( Queens Birthday). This is now my official favourite ❤️
  13. I will never get sick of watching this ❤️
  14. 6. Oliver 5. Gawn 4. Lever 3. Salem 2. Kossie 1. Viney
  15. My WhatsApp group of friends who bailed out on me at half time last night feel like absolute idiots this morning. 🤣
  16. I think I’m going to need sedation if I’m going to get any sleep tonight. I wish I was a drinker at times like these.
  17. My WhatsApp group all went to bed at half time. Sat downstairs on my own and thought ‘here we go again’. Burst into tears when the siren went. No one to celebrate with but I cried happy tears. So proud ❤️💙
  18. OMG - I’m going to have a heart attack ❤️💙
  19. I’m having palpitations- my resting heart rate has tripled
  20. 6. Fritsch 5. Oliver 4. Jackson 3. Gawn 2. Langdon 1. Salem
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