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Everything posted by thaipantsman

  1. RR reads little bits of various quotes without fully grasping or understanding any. Being a senior coach requires an enormous range of abilities – maybe Neeld simply hasn’t got it. There’s no shame in that – he tried. Those who appointed him deserve more attention. IMO this quote is the most accurate one and consistent to my position in the Neeld discussion. RR's still looking up Yaa baa in the Thai Dictionary:)
  2. enlighten us RR=do you know what Yaa baa is? Perhaps the one and only Thai word in your Vocab?
  3. Now now RR, You are at home in this forum because you have the support of your forelock tugging mates that also happen to be pro Neeld. Doesn't make me afraid to challenge the tripe you write. Mass Culls etc... One decent midfielder.....Give us a break... Will give you another chance just to check whether there might be some savvy behind the words.. Range Rover, on 30 July 2012 - 07:47 PM, said: Rrrright ...okayyy. Stay away from the yaba pills TPM. First answer the question RR+ Range Rover, on 30 July 2012 - 07:18 PM, said: You'd have a haunted look on your face too if you were coaching a side that had only one legitimate quality midfielder (Jones). RR= 1. What is the difference between a legitimate quality midfielder and a quality midfielder? 2. Given Trengove is a midfielder surely Neeld would not have picked him as Captain if he was not "legitimate quality?" Surely he was not selected on the basis of his youthful appearance alone. Do you still believe in Neeld given such a calamities decision? Do you concede that Neeld is simply not much of a motivator and Trengove along with many others have not progressed let alone thrived under him?? Want to see you twist your way out of this one....then we can talk Yaa baa...I can even post you a song about it non understanding? yaa baa is no problem? Not sure you clearly understand what yea baa is either? You understand Football? You advocate the mass Cull of a Football Club. Players that have been selected by some of the best judges going around to be capable of playing great football. Cull them all. It's the fault of these kids and in no way the fault of an untried, dull and boring coach.
  4. yes lock the thread. Lets only post the forelock tugging ones between RR and crony mates. Gold Coast will [censored] us but don't worry!!!! "I believe in Neeld"
  5. Successful clubs need Media Tarts. Eddie is the classic example.
  6. Can't take the credit for this but is certainly true in Neeld's case. "blessed are those that have not seen but yet believed " classic quote from Kalangurdemon. Come into the real world now RR...stop throwing stones
  7. carpet bombing? kallangurdemon, on 30 July 2012 - 07:13 PM, said: Without wishing to sound too biblical with Mark it is a case of "blessed are those that have not seen but yet believed ".I may be ( to carry on the theme ) a doubting Thomas but I have seen nothing to suggest that we are on the right track with him .What concerns me is that haunted look on his face every time there is a camera close up .It is hardly reassuring .I doubt that the players are committed to him or even on his wave length .From the time the leadership was turned upside down until now the season has been a complete disaster .How anyone would have the unmitigated temerity to suggest that it will turn around is beyomd me .Can anyone point to one measurable ,quantifible area where we have improved ? This was not my thread yet you responded with some reference to Yaa baa and a comment directed at Thaipantsman.. An apology on that score would be nice. RR=I'm not the only person to doubt Neeld. Your stance is that he is untouchable. I was not a Bailey advocate either but Neeld is not in his league. An offshoot here=Rodney Eade would have been much better.
  8. Your Neeld banner is also tedious, repetitive and boring. This is your opinion and that of your cronies. Bored at your blind faith in an unproven coach who seemingly couldn't lead an ant to a honey pot. You have no rhyme or reason for any of it. You openly advocate mass culls and blame all the current crop of players. You don't even entertain the idea of the actual problem being the Guy who's calling the shots, game plan and current culture. Tedious indeed!
  9. Excellent contribution and yes when it comes down to it we all do it for "shits and gigs" We certainly are going somewhere. A Coles Advert is the stark reminder. Whether your "nowhere" is the same place only you know this. Just what is his philosophy apart from Hot Air Statements. His Draftees?? Not sure if you mean Magner and Couch. Both serviceable but promising. Cook? Leigh Williams maybe. Who else are his promising draftees apart from Clark?
  10. Excellent contribution and yes when it comes down to it we all do it for "shits and gigs" We certainly are going somewhere. A Coles Advert is the stark reminder. Whether your "nowhere" is the same place only you know this. Just what is his philosophy apart from Hot Air Statements. His Draftees?? Not sure if you mean Magner and Couch. Both serviceable but promising. Cook? Leigh Williams maybe. Who else are his promising draftees apart from Clark?
  11. Yes a confession at last! A mistake. Not along the way though ....This was the first one and from the very start. It was a statement from Neeld. Has gradually gone downhill from there. His media skills are an embarrassment .
  12. First answer the question RR+ Range Rover, on 30 July 2012 - 07:18 PM, said: You'd have a haunted look on your face too if you were coaching a side that had only one legitimate quality midfielder (Jones). RR= 1. What is the difference between a legitimate quality midfielder and a quality midfielder? 2. Given Trengove is a midfielder surely Neeld would not have picked him as Captain if he was not "legitimate quality?" Surely he was not selected on the basis of his youthful appearance alone. Do you still believe in Neeld given such a calamities decision? Do you concede that Neeld is simply not much of a motivator and Trengove along with many others have not progressed let alone thrived under him?? Want to see you twist your way out of this one....then we can talk Yaa baa...I can even post you a song about it
  13. First answer the question RR+ Range Rover, on 30 July 2012 - 07:18 PM, said: You'd have a haunted look on your face too if you were coaching a side that had only one legitimate quality midfielder (Jones). RR= 1. What is the difference between a legitimate quality midfielder and a quality midfielder? 2. Given Trengove is a midfielder surely Neeld would not have picked him as Captain if he was not "legitimate quality?" Surely he was not selected on the basis of his youthful appearance alone. Do you still believe in Neeld given such a calamities decision? Do you concede that Neeld is simply not much of a motivator and Trengove along with many others have not progressed let alone thrived under him?? Want to see you twist your way out of this one....then we can talk Yaa baa...I can even post you a song about it
  14. No way Hosey!! RR you must know better that my friend? Decision was made by the Coach in consultation with the players.
  15. RR= 1. What is the difference between a legitimate quality midfielder and a quality midfielder? 2. Given Trengove is a midfielder surely Neeld would not have picked him as Captain if he was not "legitimate quality?" Surely he was not selected on the basis of his youthful appearance alone. Do you still believe in Neeld given such a calamities decision? Do you concede that Neeld is simply not much of a motivator and Trengove along with many others have not progressed let alone thrived under him.
  16. kallangurdemon, on 30 July 2012 - 07:13 PM, said: Without wishing to sound too biblical with Mark it is a case of "blessed are those that have not seen but yet believed ".I may be ( to carry on the theme ) a doubting Thomas but I have seen nothing to suggest that we are on the right track with him .What concerns me is that haunted look on his face every time there is a camera close up .It is hardly reassuring .I doubt that the players are committed to him or even on his wave length .From the time the leadership was turned upside down until now the season has been a complete disaster .How anyone would have the unmitigated temerity to suggest that it will turn around is beyomd me .Can anyone point to one measurable ,quantifible area where we have improved ? Great Post Kallang! Mere fact RR finds it necessary to sign off with "I believe.....Neeld" says to me that Neeld is indeed coaching appallingly and his position is in peril. Fact is Neeld is not in Peril for at least another year. A year is a long time in Football and things may turn around RR. No need to put these banners up so early in one's tenure? Makes us nervous.
  17. LOVE IT!! About time indeed. Engineers are working in the background now? What's the process...ahhhh anyone think Trenners would be a good Captain? Great!! Foundation is what we need. Got to build from the ground up. 5yo on Green cordial? Smarter than a 40 yo with blurred vision from way too much beer and red wine I say. Get real !!
  18. RR, Haven't recently studied the poll. Could imagine given the current mood in Demonland that practically everyone outside of Mitch Clark and Nathan Jones got a mention. Petterd, Morton and Bate would [censored] the ears of most clubs-IMO
  19. Spalding back then is what the current coaching staff are trying get Sellar to become. Won't happen.
  20. doesn't qualify but should of kept him. What was the precise reason he left Melbourne for Carlton?
  21. The problem with Miller was he suffered from the yips. Could never back him in from 30-45 metres.
  22. Brock would be very handy now? Travis was class and never really reached his full potential.
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