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Everything posted by thaipantsman

  1. Demonlanders: It's been a particularly hard week for all concerned. As a token of my appreciation I will award a Complimentary pair of Fisherman Pants "Direct from the Villager to you" for guessing the correct WINNING margin this Saturday. Don't ask cos where not going to lose! If successful message me privately with your postal details and will be in your box the following day.
  2. Yes agreed Robbie F=the worst changes I've ever seen. Apart from Williams. Why not try him?
  3. Thank you Angry Dee, Williams as a mature Rookie has massive raps from Norwood and South Australia. Had an absolute horror year with Back Injury and severe illness. If he's right to go why not pick him V Gold Coast. I know very little about Cook but everyone keeps talking about him.
  4. Well that's not necessarily a bad thing? The man's got his Family priorities sorted.
  5. Thought you liked Austin 1800's. Honest car! Those guys you mention fit into a coherent game plan/style. I could name 6 ordinary guys running around for Melbourne now that would of done much better at Geelong. Watts would be an absolute star at Geelong alongside Hawkins and with Chappie and Stevie J putting it right out there in front of him. Scott is a motivator as well! It's more the culture the guys have walked into and are working in. IMO Neeld is extremely uninspiring type of guy and not the sought to share your morning Muesli with.
  6. Don't worry . They'll sort it out. Jack is already picked anyway no one doubts that.
  7. <p> Members 35 posts Gender:Male Favourite Player(s):M Clark, D Nicholson, J Grimes ,J Farmer, S Woewodin, D Neitz, Posted Today, 10:32 PM Does the Pressure Build on Neeld?=YES Are we Tanking?=OF COURSE NOT Was Neeld the right Man for the Job?PROOF OF THE PUTTING IS IN THE EATING Which Players didn't stand up again?STANDBY BUT IT'S A TEAM GAME. Whose career is over after Sunday?WAIT TILL END OF SEASON FOR THIS ANNOUNCEMENT. Will Don McLardy make a speech? NOT MCLARDY'S FAULT HOPEFULLY HE CAN SPRUKE THE DEES UP A BIT!!
  8. Demons by 8 goals . Sylvia BOG and Sylvia to kick 4. Anyone else prepared to crystal ball this one?
  9. Hello!!!! Last time I looked GC have one a single game and were flogged comprehensively by GWS. Boys we need to take same realistic pills here. GC are complete and utter Shite!! Nothing but a 5+ Goal win will suffice.
  10. A Gold Coast win=obvious disaster for Melbourne FC and Neeld's tenure. Media will start rumblings.
  11. No way !! Go for Williams and Cook and to hell with it!! They're our future with Jurrah and Clark next year. Common Neeld restore my faith..What's to lose?
  12. I like this very much! This guy has big potential for very little coin.
  13. All good but not show about Fitzpatrick. Stick with Spencer and agree with the rest. As an outside chance would like to see leigh Williams get a game.
  14. who said Range Rover is creating bogus accounts to help boost his "POLL"
  15. Posted Today, 10:57 PM Range Rover, on 31 July 2012 - 10:50 PM, said: 175 - 5 for Neeld. I'm a bit disappointed to be honest. Was hoping for 99% but only managed 97.22%. Did you and Tona have two accounts each? Come on ... come clean. So this tells us that Range Rover now has 175 followers!! Well you've been around a few years now. Keep messaging your mates. Your starting to look like a real King pin now RR.
  16. RRovers last two polls have revolved around 1. Culling all the Players 2. Culling the Coach In a forum like this the poll must be conducted via Administration not someone advocating Mass Player Culls or Blind Faith in an a Coach with one win under his belt(gws not included) close to seasons end. Obviously the only people to bother voting will be Range Rover forelock tuggers. RRover sees himself as a Kingpin around Demonland and good on him! We need Passionate Guys like Range Rover. Doesn't mean we can't disagree with him. All the poll really told us is that Range Rover has 120 followers.
  17. Belze settle down Matey! It's not a bad response. For example Range Rover's Signature makes me Projectile Vomit. I was pretty cool with Neeld a couple of months ago then that "Neeld" signature kept on jumping out at me. This is the same. I can help out re: the current board stuff ups....? Letting G LYon have any input appointing the last two Coaches. Bailey and Neeld. That's a good un for starters.
  18. Cults can be fun! don't take it too seriously Have fun with the RRovers of this world. As I said earlier he sees himself as a King Pin around here and doesn't like to be challenged. He's got a good heart and intentions I've actually warmed to him.
  19. No that's stage 7! Stage 6 =Dreaming 6=Dreaming We are awful now. As bad as I can remember. Prepared to bunker down for 2 years until we get a new coach or the current one pulls his finger out and all while renewing my membership in the process. The situation can't get any worse and I'm not even depressed. More to life than footy after all. Who plays super coach??
  20. don't believe you Cowboy you're just lying low for a while! I went to the Brisbane game as well with my 22yo Son and his Mate (Lions supporter) . I had not witnessed Melbourne play that style of football in my life. I suppose this is why I Q Neeld. (without wanting to get into a new round of Neeld Poll Trivia stuff that 684 Members didn't bother to contribute to because was so bloody ridiculous) As I said 6= Dreaming and lets hope things can turn around.
  21. Love your Banner comments re: Liam Jurrah!! Go LJ's a legend!! He alone may pull us out of this crap next year.
  22. 6=Dreaming We are awful now. As bad as I can remember. Prepared to bunker down for 2 years until we get a new coach or the current one pulls his finger out and all while renewing my membership in the process. The situation can't get any worse and I'm not even depressed. More to life than footy after all. Who plays super coach??
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