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Everything posted by thaipantsman

  1. Wrist slash would be a little drastic! James Mac may have been worth holding onto as Captain. Even now there is "talk" he will be back soon.
  2. What about Junior Mac? Greg Wells? Sadly Crackers and Stan Alves are outside the jurisdiction of the question.
  3. Wasn't Moloney involved in a three way deal here somewhere?
  4. Oh forgot..Biffo? Would you like Fries with your hat?
  5. Agreed White was better than Simmo though didn't Simmo make All Australian? Brock is looking better as each week goes by. Scott Thompson...say no more. Bate=Feel he is well worth holding onto. Leave him at Full Forward and send Rivers back where he belongs. He can drift forward occasionally. Good input from Biffo!
  6. Refreshing to at last see some semblance of realism on the site. All the above is TRUE no matter what spin anyone wants to put on it. Can only hope Neeld learns from his mistakes and applies a totally different philosophy in his second year. RR is correct that Neeld is Safe right now but if it's a similar scenario this time next year then Neels will not Coach into his 3rd season. IMO he hasn't got it. Could be wrong but! Lets hope for some improvement starting this Saturday with a no excuse policy going into the game. A loss V GC and Melbourne are in severe turmoil if not already.
  7. Belzbub!!! what's your story? settle yourself down a little. just a little chip on your shoulder perhaps ??
  8. T, Decision is made and got to live with it. First it's the Bailey mistake and now this. Frightful at best. Buckle down for 2 years and then another game plan and clean out. Neeld will see out his years at Ocean Grove and perhaps a new dynamic force will appear to take over at Melbourne. Perhaps similar to the ideas you suggest
  9. Since Saturday most of us are over "all things footy" at least until next Saturday:) Life as a Melbourne Supporter. Lots of fellow members have been calling for the scalps of practically the entire list plus the Coach. IMO as a life long Demon that the Neeld appointment was the wrong choice but would sacking him help? Given Neeld has entirely revamped the game plan and players are still in a period of adjustment would it be a mistake to CULL our youth as most seem to be advocating in a recent RR Topic. Wouldn't that mean the new Guys coming in will need another year to grasp the Neeld Way? The Devil you know argument? OK...We have all sat back in our comfy seats in the Northern and said...ahhh why did we let him go? Yes? In the last 25 years which Melbourne Players have been "let go" and thrived in another environment? What players are Melbourne likely to trade or de-list that may thrive at another club?
  10. Since Saturday most of us are over "all things footy" at least until next Saturday:) Life as a Melbourne Supporter. Lots of fellow members have been calling for the scalps of practically the entire list plus the Coach. IMO as a life long Demon that the Neeld appointment was the wrong choice but would sacking him help? Given Neeld has entirely revamped the game plan and players are still in a period of adjustment would it be a mistake to CULL our youth as most seem to be advocating in a recent RR Topic. Wouldn't that mean the new Guys coming in will need another year to grasp the Neeld Way? The Devil you know argument? OK...We have all sat back in our comfy seats in the Northern and said...ahhh why did we let him go? Yes? In the last 25 years which Melbourne Players have been "let go" and thrived in another environment? What players are Melbourne likely to trade or de-list that may thrive at another club?
  11. There's not a person on the Board with the balls to sack him especially since he was hand picked by Lyon/Healy/Connolly
  12. I'm waiting it out. Still turn up most weeks and have done since about 1970. It's gonna come I know it! Hei...anyone think Rodney Eade would be let out of his contract to coach us next year?
  13. Lets start a post white jumper v navy blue jumper=which is more beautiful? Keep Monoccular happy?
  14. Take a big deep breath. The sun will rise again and all will be ok. Agree it was a shocker and am also totally [censored] off. That's why I've wasted nearly an entire morning talking to guys that openly support MN in the hope it will rub off on me.
  15. Hope Bate will stay. If we trade Bate will come back to bite us on the bum.
  16. Good one Ron! Good Post and point taken Ron. I still don't think our list is all the problem. IMO players deserve another year and time to adjust to the MN(cfc) game plan style. By all means some have to go but not the youth..ie...Trengove, Morton, Bail types..
  17. RR This is the players first year under Neeld and his new game style. They need at least another year to adapt?
  18. Norm Smith To make it clear it's fine if you question LJ's work ethic, kicking style, hairstyle. Not ok to state ...6. Liam Jurrah - its pretty clear that he may be in jail in 2013, How does this indicate or paint you as racist? Paranoid maybe?
  19. Sure no one is saying it's not serious. This is why he needs us? To say he'll probably be in Jail is not fair to him or to Demonlanders. Alleged at this stage. As for the racist tag. Who suggested such a thing? Where did that come from? I love LJ and if he comes through all this which I think he will Melbourne and the football world will be better off.
  20. LJ isn't going anywhere NS. He's integral. Staying put. He also needs our support at this time not this type of comment. Sure I don't think MN is NBT. Separate issue and can debate that one as a separate issue. What's your point here re the 186 point loss. It was Jurrah's fault? Bailey's? My fault?? Words are important. Ironically I can be lambasted for not approving of Mark Neeld yet all is cool to proceed with this mass cull exercise.
  21. How bout we make a pact to hold off on LJ/Jail type comments. All alleged at this stage. Let this run it's course and hold the uninformed comment.
  22. RR =give the thread a chance. some haven't even got out of bed yet?? save the edits for at least a few days
  23. Norm Smith, on 29 July 2012 - 02:39 PM, said:='thaipantsman' timestamp='1343533660' post='601991']6. Liam Jurrah - its pretty clear that he may be in jail in 2013, but if not I get strong feelings and indications that few under Neeld are happy with his work ethic. Shame on Norm Smith...
  24. This is the poorest thread I've ever read both in player analysis and the call on Liam Jurrah. Poor!!
  25. Bartram played like a man possessed by some sought of higher power in his most recent game. He was fierce and we miss him right now. Not fair to cull young guys with long term injury such as him. Would ad Bennell to that list. Very sad . Neeld likes him. Now you guys all love Neeld so there's go to be something there. Melbourne could consider moving Sellar, Davey and Joel Mac on. Joel will probably be a star at Gold Coast or GWS. Rivers, Mcdonald, Garland, Bartram and Frawley will form an imposing back line. Viney will be just what the doctor ordered and pick up another mid. Clark back next year with the emergence of a Cook or Leigh Williams and things could turn around very quickly..... Go Deeeess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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