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Young Blood

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Everything posted by Young Blood

  1. It's a big concern for me. Last year we were able to combat the quick corridor ball movement using our fitness and ability to get back to zone off and make teams kick down the line on the wings (ie filling up the space through the middle of the ground) If its off a quick turnover then there's less you can do about this. BUT I've been so concerned watching teams move the ball easily with numbers through the middle of the ground the last three weeks when we have had the opportunity to get back and set up properly. The work rate just isn't there defensively at the moment. I think a lot of that comes down to fitness. We're not running out of games anywhere near like we were last year.
  2. Mmm I wouldn't doesn't have a good track record as a forward. GWS swung him there occasionally and wasn't great. Unfortunately his lack of pace and agility really hurts him.
  3. I thought the forwardline pressure was terrific in the first half yesterday. As good as I've seen this season. The problem we're having is with ball movement. We need to do what opposition teams are doing to us. So many times we're looking to move the ball wide, stringing 15-20m kicks, this produces slower transition and eventually result in kicking in long (the only real option when we set up this way most of the time). What Collingwood, Sydney and Freo did so well is moving with the ball in hand. Starting from the half back they initiate their ball transition with a short handball or kick to someone that already has someone else running ready to receive through the corridor. Its proactive and when you run in numbers it means even if you turn it over you have a greater likelihood of winning the ball back. Its something other teams earlier this year tried but weren't good enough to execute. To me its less about the forward line under performing and more about how to transition the ball from stoppages and turnovers. So many times yesterday I thought guys like Petracca would win a ball from stoppages and look to run and kick the ball long. This can be great if its in our front half to catch out the opposition back out of position. However by moving the ball by hand/short with pace beginning in the back half running in numbers it gives the forwards more time to structure up to lead and get into dangerous positions. It drags opposition up to the ball instead of zoning off and creates better more accurate/dangerous inside 50 disposal.
  4. He's done a great job replacing Gus' role on that wing. He makes great decisions with the ball in hand and always provides a contest either to win of halve it. Hopefully he can build on this for the second half of the year. I'd like to see him get more creative and damaging with his kicking as he kicks so well.
  5. I'm glad a player has finally commented on the low crowd numbers. It still baffles me rocking up each week to see the stands looking so empty throughout the ground especially the last two weeks against high-quality opposition. I'm almost certain when we play finals the crowds will return as they did for the 2018 finals against Geelong and Hawthorn. It would just be nice to see consistent crowds throughout the season to show the players we're there for them rooting them on, that every game matters to us as much as it does to them. Kudos to those who do! Not sure how deliberate Christian was with his approach here, perhaps it was all just sincere but I thought the way he was critical and promptly gave a half jokey, measly excuse. If he didn't give the excuse it would be straight up negative comments made public towards the MFC supporter base which would be more controversial. Perhaps it was just his way of nudging those who are fit and healthy enough to leave their warm cosy homes for the MCG this long weekend. Collingwood will of course have more supporters there this week. But it will be nice the next time an interstate team plays the G against us that they not to be louder and more present then MFC supporters.
  6. Certainly never implied that Gus would be getting a banner contract. I think he will work out a contract that fits in with MFC's 5 year plan ahead (hopefully!). Gus is a match-winner. Its been well documented but in the heat of the moment, when a contest needs winning he has shown consistently he can perform. The big contests he won or halved in the grand final during crucial moments were match defining. I said he was in our top 5 most important players this year. Certainly doesn't rank as highly overall with a healthy list. But he has performed his 'easy role' down back well with Salem on the sidelines adequately and then some. It's more about how he covers then ground then anything else but around the contest and with ball in air or in hand the statistics back this up. He might not have the foot skills of Salem in terms of sharpness but he uses it pretty well on both these days. His dispoal efficiency % could be better but he generally kicks under more pressure then other backs. All that being said he's: 3rd for effective disposals in the side 2nd for effective kicks 2nd for rebound 50's 3rd for disposals behind Clayton and Trac. Again not unusual with him playing that sweeping half back which Salem usually plays and picks up similar numbers. 1st for uncontested possessions. 2nd for intercept possessions 1st for marks (no.2 in the comp) 2nd Intercept marks There's definitely some room for improvement but he's performed in this new role well. Most of these numbers/ranking within the side are leaning towards elite compared to the rest of the comp. If you consider the position he is playing easy that's fair enough. We can see how he performs back on the wing if that happens when Salem returns and then reassess. If he performs as well as last year I hope we can sign him within the cap constraints we're facing.
  7. There's pretty much zero chance Gus leaves. It's just a matter of the contract. Right in the thick of his prime years. I imagine the talks of taking less pay to keep the team together might come into play at some stage. This season he's been in our top 5 most important players most games.
  8. I really feel for Sam. It just hasn't worked out for him. At 24 years old he should be hitting his stride but a number of things haven't fallen his way. He's played just 54 games in 7 seasons! Injuries, lack of consistant form and the club recruiting excellent tall forward additions in Brown, Jackson and possibly now JVR possibly have all hindered his ability to improve at the AFL level. Still baffles me why he signed on with us when there were opportunities elsewhere to really advance his career. But not complaining he remains a great backup for any of the talls we have for the next two seasons where we will be pushing for multiple premierships!
  9. So James Jordon on both wings. Cool got it.
  10. Why not Tomlinson? Backs don't ruck in the backline. Means potentially leaving their opponent alone or having to hand over all the time.
  11. Side note I was at the game and really felt like the saints made him earn it. He's often sat on/collapsed on after coming to ground post marking contest but I noticed it happening a little more often yesterday and a few of them you could see him looking slow and sore to get up. Would like to see a bit more protection for him in marking contests. A lot of the time because of his size he is often the only one to go up against two opponents with everyone else staying down. He will either mark or half the contest giving us a spare for crumbing, a strategy thats worked incredibly well and a credit to Max. However I would like to see more players attempting to bump his man or opposition off their line/run towards contested marking contests. I feel he could be supported better with that unnecessary extra physicality in the air at times, especially early on this season. At 30 yrs old now the way he plays, the physical toll will become more evident and recovery will be harder.
  12. Played out the game, no strapping and carried Tmac off the ground on his shoulders after the game. All signs indicate this is hopefully just a precaution and its minor. He might have woken up sore this morning.
  13. The idea in theory could work but these days the way teams set up defensively is important to create opportunities offensively. What I mean by that is manning up across the ground is a defensive strategy that involves your whole game being dictated by the opposition. When we turn the ball over where are players positioned on the opposition to make the offensive transition? The modern game requires knowing when you win the ball back in certain areas of the ground that there is an outlet available in parts A/B/C of the ground. Zoning defenses allows greater structure and system when winning the ball back (as evident in our game). Younger teams with less experience will suffer most in this area if this structure is broken. Apart from St.Kilda being incredibly slack defensively most of the game and being too safe for large parts of the game with ball in hand/playing too slow. They were actually alright when they changed the angles. They simply lacked polish to transition the ball with some of the higher risks they were taking. Team's like Freo and Brisbane will be much better transitioning the ball with speed to really challenge us. Looking forward to the challenge! Tagging Ed is quite a commitment with his ability to cover ground being the best in the comp. There's not quite enough evidence that it dramatically upsets our game plan (GF Ed was pretty ineffective as a big example). Traditionally wing's don't really get a hard tag. Having Ed loose as he was on the weekend certainly isn't ideal as it makes out game so much easier. So its a bigger conundrum for coaches than a simple tag.
  14. Breakfast with Mum in the morning then off to the game with my Dad and brother like we do/have every dees MCG game for the past 18 years. I'm a good boy Come along folks if you can! Enjoy this ride in person, there's nothing like it.
  15. Suggestions of swinging Melksham down back have me a bit puzzled. Has he been training with the backline pre season? I understand he has the size and footskills to fill somewhat of the Salem role but he is pretty slow. Don't mind him coming in as a HF/HB swingman role as depth for the Sparrow's.Harmes' but I would imagine a last resort at this stage as a true backman. I think best point of action is to play through Bowey more in terms of rebounding out of defence. I was surprised to see he had only the 9 possesions on Friday but he used the ball well with them as he usually does. For mine probably second best kick in the side within 40m. I think unless one of Rivers, Hibbo or Lever don't get up we'll see Tmac down there again. He's steady, reliable, gives you greater flexibility with how you use May and takes the pressure of a returning Tomlinson.
  16. I'm a little suss on Dunstan. He was always a bit of a whipping boy down at the Saints mainly due to his average disposal and decision making. The guy can do all the right things then absolutely butcher the ball with lazy execution at times. He had an interesting year last year at the saints, being on the outer at the start of the season, lacking pre season fitness and form. He worked his way into the side with excellent performances in VFL and ended up playing some consistent AFL footy toward the back end. He even ended up second in St. Kilda's Brownlow votes. Funny he didn't crack the top 10 in St. Kilda's best and fairest. I imagine this is mainly because he only played the 12 senior games but still.... I don't think he was rated very highly internally at St.Kilda. That leaves me wondering a little bit about how much he will be able to impact our side. I think the conclusion is yes has been brought in for depth. But I think it will take injuries or some consistently poor form in terms of what the coaches want out of players over a number of weeks for Dunstan to get any sort of look in this side. Oh and of course losses as well. Hard to replace anyone in comprehensive winning sides on any team when we're playing like this.
  17. Agree with all of the above. I was at the game on Friday and I love watching off ball what players do and how they position themselves around the ground especially around stoppages. Both Harmes and Sparrow were setting up more defensively regardless of where they were playing, this allows us the forward movement out of stoppages with some insurance behind the ball a lot of the time. The two of them run incredibly hard both ways and their bigger bodies really stand up in contests around the ground. So while they may not do as much around the ball they are great utility guys that also give our best mids a break.
  18. Goody did mention he had not planned for Tmac to play down back this season having him train with the forwards all preseason. However with no Lever, Petty, Hibberd, Rivers and now Salem his hand was forced last night. Smith is obviously still getting used to AFL level and Tomlinson will take a while too after a year out. We need some stability down there with May so he can stay aggressive, also Tom was most effective further up the ground last night playing as a CHB creating great contests behind the ball. One of those 5 premiership defenders return you might see more Tmac down back with us having enough options up forward. Down forward the formula of Brown, Fritta, Gawn, Jackson, Trac as marking options with Kossy, Spargo and Nibbler supporting on the ground is a great balance to me. I do agree that towards the back half Tmac might get squeezed out at some point. Hope he uses that as fuel to keep up form.
  19. urgh modern-day media strikes again. Obviously separate issues but some will muddy this up by bringing the two wrongs (incidents) into the equation. 1. Pretty simple to me. Bevo gets his big fine (SEN saying six figures... ooof) He'll come out at some point and give a round about sort of apology to media people who took offense indirectly towards Tom of some kind. 2. Tom Morris will or at least should lose his job after this leak. If it was about a member of the public he might have got away with suspension but in pretty much any professional workplace this is a straight up sacking now when reffering to a fellow employee this way. Fox will be silly to try and tuck this one away...... Then again its AFL football media we trying to forecast. The greater AFL community and media knowingly allow guys like Wayne Carey not only come back into the media but put him on a pedestal regularly after everyone is aware of the guys horrible reported history of behavior including glassing a woman in the face. Apologies the rant went a bit off track there.
  20. I thought our two most important players last night were Jordan and Spargo. Their positioning and contested work in predominantly one and one situations were excellent. Their decision making under pressure is elite IMO. At 21 and 22 years old they both play like 200 gamers with their footy IQ and understanding of the game.
  21. Does anyone know if theres a chance someone uploads a replay with different commentary? I really want to watch sans BT's over the top drama. Any angels out there willing to sink up a SEN or 774 call to the game? Apologies if this has already be queried
  22. James Jordan will be the sub. Why change a winning formula now? Why bring in a guy who hasn't played an AFL football game for 6-7 weeks to a role as a sub which he hasn't played all season long? Most importantly our game (and especially this one) evolves around contested ball and pressure. Jordan provides both of these at a pretty high standard across the ground. He is smarter and more reliable with ball in hand. We can cover for a smaller back or forward going down most likely. But if one of the three starting mids/ engine room guys go down in the middle I'd much rather see JJ at centre bounces more often then Sparrow and Harmes. I totally get others wanting to bring in more spark off the bench with the run and carry of Hunt. But I just don't see Goodwin risking it. Hunt's ball use has been better this year sure but JJ is so much more reliable.
  23. Interesting that Langdon isn't being thrown into the mix of our most important players heading into Saturdays game as much as others. He's crucial to us transitioning the ball out of defence and any time we switch of turn the ball over. I would have thought if the midfield battle is tight in terms of contested football that players like Langdon with his outside run might be the difference in the two sides. Not sure it means much but statistically his worst two games of the season were against the dogs. Hope that changes this weekend!
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