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Young Blood

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Everything posted by Young Blood

  1. The reliance on the medical condition of the player who has been hit high is a newish thing yeah? Would Tex not be in line for a week or two in the past without taking into consideration concussion or damage etc?
  2. Anyone else think that Eddie's was a goal? I thought Stewart swiped but missed it. Didn't see the ball change rotation in the slow mode. Edit: saw that replay just now. Probably touched.
  3. I don't think JKH has necessarily been in better form then Baker. I think its more about the role they want to fill, based around forward/half forward pressure which JKH at the very least provided last week. With Baker I understand he has speed and has strung together a few decent games at Casey but you can see he is still very raw and needs to work on his defense and positioning. We saw what happened last time we brought in a 19/20 yr old too early and I think against a fired up doggies outfit Oscar might get a bit lost on the wide open MCG. Listening to Rawlings on the podcast last week he still sounds like he's developing well but not there yet. I was surprised to see JKH selected.
  4. Was about to say the same. He is so f####ing cunning. The master at creating free kicks. The toughest body that flops at the perfect times.
  5. I guess the FD liked our balance last week. In terms of players who can play mid/forward and apply that pressure and spread that Stretch did last week I don't think JKH is a bad option. I'm glad we didn't pick Baker who clearly isn't ready. Who else would you pick to play this role? Kent isn't there yet being rusty in his first few games back. Only other I can think of is Bugg and I don't think he has enough dash to play on a wing. JKH isn't slow lol. He'd be as quick as Spargo or ANB. Not slow
  6. I think its more a difference between the type of player. Spargo is more a natural footballer and knows where to position himself with good decision making, he is a better contested ball winner and has a more developed defensive side to his game. Oscar is much more raw and needs to work on a lot of the strengths of Spargo's that I just mentioned. I really doubt/hope Baker doesn't play this week. I think it will be Tyson for Stretch
  7. I really hope they don't bring Baker in. I understand his speed and has strung together a few decent games at Casey but you can see he is still very raw and needs to work on his defense and positioning. We saw what happened last time we brought in a 19/20 yr old too early and I think against a fired up doggies outfit Oscar might get a bit lost on the wide open MCG. Listening to Rawlings on the podcast last week he still sounds like he's developing well but not there yet. Vince for Smith of Joel isn't fit I'm not going to be popular but I can see them bringing in Tyson for Stretch. I think this is what will happen.
  8. This really sucks Billy's been one of my favorite players since he joined the club. Has been building really nicely and starting adding some strength and size. I thought he played really well last week and was looking forward to him in our best 22 for the rest of the season and beyond. We all know how professional he is and will rehab accordingly. I have no doubt he will be knocking on the door next season when fit. He is a future gun for the this club. Best wishes Billy.
  9. In short YES it is Nasher. Thankyou. Trac played a really well balanced game last week and I look forward to seeing him try to continue to do so this week. Stop the bashing on the developing beast.
  10. Yeah look timbo all we want right now is speed. Just any player that is fast. Bring in another 19/20 who is fresh and ready just like Harry Petty.
  11. Lets give Oskar Baker a go I the seniors this week because pineapple dee is 'partial to rangas'.
  12. If she was a 'bloke' she might be taken more seriously. She gets under the skin of many but still one of the best writers in the game.
  13. The spread when we won the ball around the stoppages looked much more cohesive. I actually thought Petracca was particularly good in that regard. Definitely his best midfield game this season. He seemed more calm with ball in hand and didn't rush like he has been this season. Very promising.
  14. Don't mind him getting caught holding the ball if he looks like breaking the lines which is most of the time.
  15. I've really liked the game of no.4 Lockhart. Anyone know his story? Has rebounded really well from defense with pretty nice disposal considering the conditions. Attacks every contest.
  16. Oh yes of course. I only meant if Kent was playing on a wing or further up the ground.
  17. Harry Petty breaking some lines and getting some run of that stoppage. Would like to see guys like Kent do the same. Try to break the lines and open the game up if possible.
  18. Dom just seems to be rushing his disposals at the moment. I also agree with others the handball over the top that he's trying is not for wet weather football. It's either handball backwards or kick it long. Sigh
  19. Players up in Darwin must be watching the Casey game thinking "thank Christ I wasn't dropped this week". Polar opposite conditions.
  20. I'm hoping Wagner has a big game. I'd like to see him really push to make the best 22 before the end of the year. I think he's got great attack on the contests/tackling and has improved his contested marking/spoiling considerably. Was unlucky to be bumped out of the team earlier in the season. Would love to see him take over Lewis/Vince role across half back as a good user of the football but with more strings to his bow in terms of contested work then Lewis at the moment.
  21. Hannan looking a class above at the moment. Just using the ball better then most. Casey battling well despite the conditions.
  22. Bit of class and poise there from Mitch in the wet
  23. Loving the indigenous jumper! Anyone know if Dees are planning to wear it for tonights game? Would be such a shame if Jeff has missed out on wearing his Aunties design again....?
  24. Yes I definitely saw some repeat efforts from Jeff that looked promising last week. That continual hunting of the opposition or footy with his pace and intensity will be what everyone will be looking for this week.
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