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Young Blood

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Everything posted by Young Blood

  1. Have we seen a hard tag at all this year? I feel like its out of vogue currently with so many teams having an even spread of midfielder. Prime example being ours.
  2. We're 4 wins 2 losses with Jackson in the side and those loses were top 4 sides (one of which we totally fell apart as a team). Not for a second saying he's the difference but he has brought that extra energy to the side you mention above. As Goody has noted post games he gives us great structure in being a good forward target and adequate ruckman already. His height and athletisism make him a real problem for opposition across the ground. I've loved his repeat efforts and the way he covers ground with pace. He impacts contests whether in the air or on on ground level. Adelaide was obviously his best game but I thought he was great against North even though he didn't impact statistically. Most of his possessions were clean and provided a great contest across the ground. It really sucks that its a hamstring tendon. I was hoping for a light strain. As Burgo mentioned he will be lucky to be back with 6 weeks. They will be extra cautious with a young guy with this much potential suffering a soft tissue injury so early. We will miss that energy.
  3. As you mentioned in previous post it absolutely should be Harmes coming out of the side for Lockart. They've tried him as a rebounding half back and it just hasn't work. His form has been way off for weeks. He looks lost at time and hasn't been effective at all. I would love to see Rivers stay in to move up into Harmes' position with his attack and ball use across half back. Leave Lockart to play deeper back against their best small forward. I can see Rivers getting a rest also as you say but he only just came back in and it seems Goody is giving the rookies a couple of weeks at a time before resting ala Kozzy.
  4. Not a bad call. I doubt we see Tomlinson unless Oscar comes back in. Seems to be finding a role down back. I think you have to bring Preuss in surely. This is why we recruited him.
  5. Exactly what we didn't need. Kid was really starting to get a feel for AFL footy. I hope its not major and just some inflated journalism from TB. If it is serious that really sucks for us. We need everything to go right this season if we want to play finals and have been pretty good with limited injuries. Really hoping its not serious. We know how early injuries can really derail or prolong a young guns development.
  6. I would say this is the main reason we haven't seen this trialed more. Similar two why we haven't seen Oliver or Brayshaw tried up forward. Unlike Petracca they don't have a great forward craft and creativity. All of their goals come from pretty straight forward opportunity. That being said I've always liked the idea of Viney forward as he has some of the attributes being smaller, lower centre of gravity, leg and hip strength/power to break some forward line pressure to free himself up for goal. Definitely something I would like to see us try. Only thing is Viney is having a career best year in the middle and I doubt the coaching staff would be reducing his midfield minutes anytime soon.
  7. He's been terrific. Filled the need we had for sure. His ability to cover ground with speed and gut running is elite. It's his repeat efforts and running when we're linking up on a wing that have been a standout to me. Sure his disposal is still a work in progress as he's not the cleanest of players but I think he can improve there still with confidence and more experience with a new team.
  8. Had another nasty head knock which resulted in 15 stitches above the eye. Same side as the fractured cheek. He'll be fine
  9. Anyones guess this week with changes. There will be a fair few sore players. I noticed a lot more aggression with our attack and tackling especially this week. Luckily we have a bit of depth this year in these situations. Backs: Rivers, Jetta, Omac Mids: JJ and Preuss. Although would most likely be just changing the rotations. If no Viney say then more Brayshaw/Sparrow/Harmes in the middle. Forwards: Kozzy, Brown, Spargo, Hunt PLEASE don't persist with bringing Tmac in this week ?
  10. Noticed Daw was on the injury list with an 'ankle'. Anyone know how serious? If he's out I would feel better about Jackson and Tomlinson taking on Goldy. If both Goldy and Daw are fit then yes probably best to put Preuss in. It does make us a fair bit less mobile which has been a strength for our bigs of late. Either way both teams midfield will be sore after both playing physical games with a four day break
  11. Agree with most of the above re Gus getting more midfield minutes and confidence up etc. I have to say though, he had more space and time then he's had all season due to the opposition. He was successful in the midfield because its his best position yes but also because every midfielder was successful last night. Was probably overall the least physical/pressure driven midfield we've played this season. Not trying to discount his better game, his run and carry/ball use was terrific i thought at times last night and showed he is actually a quite a damaging player with his decision making and ball use. Of course you would like to see him back it up on Sunday.
  12. I'm curious as to what is being defined as 'selfish' here. Not saying Bernie or other posters on here are wrong but as a midfielder its often hard to tell these things perhaps. Taking on the opposition to try and break through tackles and getting caught instead of handballing could be seen as selfish. But the best midfielders are also asked to break the lines and try to get free to gain forward momentum. Or is it even a Clarry example of selfishness when he simply handballs to a man under pressure or blindly kicks to gain a possession?
  13. Yeah if you read the last few posts in this thread you will see the emphasis on how Tom's body seems to be failing him and particularly at ground level where he has been extremely ineffective. Looks slow, heavy and unable to make the right plays. Sure a fit and more mobile Tmac will get the nod every time over an 18 year old developing player. But right now because of Jacksons athleticism and ability to play ruck he's more valuable then Tmac at the moment. I don't think comparing the twos average stats in our worst game of the season really counts for much I'm afraid.
  14. Meh, considering last week I will take a win by a couple of goals tomorrow night. Just get the job done. Of course a healthy lead throughout will obviously help with all of our anxiety.
  15. Yeah he's never been able to turn corners with much ease, I can't recall him even ever wheeling around to snap the ball. So his lateral movement has always sucked but he just looks so much more stiff and restricted with his movement this year. I think he looks heavy, more so top heavy, lumbering around and even his running looks strained because of it. You could be right and I actually hope the issue is that he's carrying an injury that with an off season can possibly reset him for next season. But he just looks so off the pace at the moment. Looks shot for confidence. When he turns the ball over because he is unable to get his arms free or break away from the tackle, he looks dejected and frustrated. Much the same when he is unable to take a contested mark.
  16. Maybe start by losing a few kg's and improving his mobility. That's if that is even possible....
  17. I agree. No structuring, change of tactic, position changes or inspirational speeches would have changed the way we absolutely butchered the football last week. That one wasn't down to coaching. We were completely overwhelmed by a better side early that set the tone and we seemed hampered by the short break in trying to respond. The poor execution early shot our confidence for the rest of the game. That and the physicality they had around the football to limit out midfielders. I am not saying Goodwin is exempt. I would love to see the coaching staff come up with some things they could change in game to shift a game's momentum. Its all or nothing with our contested ball/front half game plan. I think it was Jobe Watson last week when asked what can Melbourne do to start winning the ball in the middle from Max's ruck work. His suggestion although simple seemed at least progressive which was because Max was dominating so much he could actually afford to knock the ball further to the wings to the advantage of our wing players to create some run on. The unpredictability alone of that idea is interesting.
  18. Sorry @Pates looks like Max is fit and ready to go.
  19. Regardless of Max's availability you would think Tomlinson and Vanders are the definate ins. I would like to see TMac come out for one of those two as he is a bit of an embarrassment at the moment. If we're going to stick with this stupid 3 talls forward lineup I would like to see Mitch Brown come in. The guy has some genuine experience, the ability to get himself free and mark and hit the score board. Would like to see him come in and support Weid and Fritsch as the third option. There really should be some harsh calls made this week. Players that have a reputation or longer leash like Jones and TMac need to make way for guys who are actually knocking on the door. My ideal team for this week would be: B Lockhart May Omac HB Hibberd Lever Salem C Langdon Oliver AVB HF Hannan Weid Tomlinson F Kozzy Fritsch Bennell Gawn Viney Petracca I/C: Brayshaw, Sparrow. Rivers (one of: Brown, Jackson or ANB)
  20. I can't believe those who are saying Viney is the issue. He has been so good this year and other then Petracca the only one who takes the game on and gives us genuine forward momentum from stoppages. I've been super impressed with his improvement with ball in hand whether it be patience, decision making and kicking. Obviously room for improvement but tracking along really well now that he seems he is finally fit and free from injury. For me its absolutely Clayton who has been more of a liability this year. He doesn't look confident with ball in hand like Trac and Viney. He is still getting his hands on the ball but his decision making is just awful. He is has fallen behind in his development due to the fact that he hasn't added to his game. He doesn't look to break the lines or improve his kicking. When he does somehow find himself in space he looks panicked and unsure. Rarely makes the right choice with disposal beyond the in tight handball. The good thing is he's 23. There's so much time for him to really build on his game if he wants to. I think he has the capacity. He has the body to be able to do more I just hope he has the IQ to keep improving in that area. Brayshaw is still the unknown. While he hasn't been performing I think he is almost the opposite to Clayton in some ways. I think he has the IQ and the sense of timing and space to be an effective midfielder. Its his intensity thats off at the moment. He always looks slow and lethargic but this year just seems to be making decisions late. I really wonder about his overall fitness. If someone had to go it would be Harmes without a doubt. As many have said on here with his breakout being in a specific role he was made to look better then he actually is. Tagging is out of vogue at the moment and I can't see Harmes playing that role again any time soon. With all that said I'm glad we have some up and comers in Sparrow and Jordan who look to be developing nicely.
  21. It's really clear how the midfield has been beaten the last two weeks. The physicality of opposition mids of both Port and Brisbane overwhelmed out mids and I don't mean tackling necessarily. I've noticed their mids getting early contact with our playing before they even have the ball. So often even if Max does tap it down to Viney, they're knocking him off balance before or as he's getting possession. It's a pre meditated plan that means Viney is rushed into giving an errant handball where another one of our players is under duress. Teams might be sharking Max's taps but I think there's more to it. It's almost as if every mid of ours in the centre square is being tagged so the ball can be tracked and the opposition can win the clearance from pressuring us to turn it over. They're setting up so well when this happens that they're able to spread and move the ball quickly while our mids are left stratching their heads saying "wait didn't we win the ball from the tap?" thinking they had forward momentum.
  22. Tom McDonald is done. Even if the player he was is still somewhere in there his body won't allow for it to come to fruition. He can't turn and is useless unless he clunks a mark of which he hasn't been able to do much at all this year. He's not even getting to contests to try and half them. This tank of his isn't doing anything anymore either. Playing him up the ground has done nothing for this team. That being said I hate to say he is one who is given a long leash and I hope it is once again shortened. We look so much better without him as a liability. It was really stupid to play three talls. It kills our forward line pressure which is what we have relied upon so much this season being a front half team. For that reason you won't see Hannan dropped as he is probably our best in that area. Doubt Brayshaw will be dropped as he is coaches pet and was talked up prior to the week by Goodwin stating his best isn't far away. It will not be popular but he won't be dropped unless its fitness (again Goodwin stated he's fit). Salem certainly won't be dropped either. Sorry. Realistically: IN: Tomlinson, AVB, Rivers/Jetta OUT: Harmes, Jones, Tmac We have a lot of good potential ins that could fill a variety of roles. I also like the idea of bringing any of Spargo, Brown or ANB. All of which can adequately perform a role needed. Anyone know how Smith is going? Haven't heard much of him in the scratch matches. I think the experiment of him as a defender should be put to bed and I would love him to play as a high forward. I would be so much happier experimenting with that and giving it a few weeks instead of continuing to struggle with TMac
  23. Even though we lost on Sunday there was still a some signs of the confidence this group has in one another to compete and stay in games even when we've been outplayed. We were untidy with the football and clearly beaten around the ball but we still had a chance to win. I haven't watched any Port games this year but they seem the same inconsistent team of they have been for some time. I think we're a better road team then they are and have a better list on paper. I hope we really come out aggressive and set the tone early tonight.
  24. Like others here I too was surprised to see he was actually shoved down as my initial memory was that he did the old 'I'll put my head between your legs and try to get up with forward momentum so it looks like you are keeping me down'. Such a common tactic. The different example with the Petracca one is where both players are lying on the ground after holding the ball is called. The umpire is blindsided and can't see that Bailey (Bris) is actually holding Petracca so Trac can't get up immediately to get the free. Another effective tactic. They're all little games within the game which we sometimes love but often its pretty ugly watching and even when our players do it I cringe. The difference with Fritsch's one is yes he was shoved down but what got him was instead of throwing or handballing as he got up he chose to hold onto it for that split second more to get up properly and thats when the whistle went. Now I don't necessarily agree with it as a players should be able to regain his feet to man the mark and then throw the ball back. But all of us, including the umpire knew what Fritsch was doing and as whoever was commentating said it right "He just needed to make it a little less obvious". I think thats true. The kid will learn. Side note. How funny/annoying is it when a player who has clearly given away a free kick in a one on one to a direct opponent picks up the ball and holds onto it asking the umpire repeatedly "Who do I give it to????". What a weird game indeed.
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