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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. My sister lives in LA. When she lived in NYC there would be Happy Christians camping outside her apartment every xmas. Every day she would hear Merry Christmas,God Loves you etc. To which she would reply, Good get the F%$k out of my face and take all your bullshyte somewhere else. I have been to LA myself and they are the worst.
  2. Anyone know what level we got him to this year on XBOX?
  3. Immigration is a tough issue for any country. The real problem is birth control. World wide birth control is needed (particularly in busted arse countries). I dont think we are obliged to take in refugees from anywhere at any time. We should export condoms and the pill and teach people to use them(maybe BBO could be an ambassador) But we dont do this because the stinking Catholic Church controls most of the charitable budgets of first world nations. FMD. Anyone criticising Australias refugee policies must first provide an alternative. There are no easy options sadly. I've met some crap Afghans and some low Sri Lankans as well as good. I don't buy persecution tales too easily either. We should take our quota and no more. If we do not depopulate I am sure the IMF will invent a way for it to happen.
  4. Mitch Clark is not allowed to play elsewhere at this stage. What is the purpose of a contact otherwise? His manager must be a dunce or a desperate because we will not let him go till he is finished. There is no comparable trade i can think of. In the meantime i hope people keep away from his social media pages.
  5. It was a reference to his instagram site `. the one he has been working on to cure the depression/lisfranc/hammy thing. I don't want you in either.
  6. Somehow i don't think sales of the photos of the Blonde will cover it,
  7. It seems that no so long ago he was Superman affected by the Kryptonite we call depression but now he is just Clark 'the total" Kent
  8. Not really he is probably a very nice guy. I think we should wait to pass judgement. But hey,I liked the first part.
  9. As if this needs explaining to you BBO, but at least you are not simply gathering very,very low hanging fruit and you still harbour useless ambitions of attaining youthful flesh. Dc has not so much given up but has focused on quantity over quality.
  10. Serial rorters of multiple pensions find themselves in a never ending spiral of dependency on Viagra and Cialis as well as Gin and Tonic. They live from Thursday to the next fortnight in a sexual frenzy,the final fizzle in the loins being not unlike the death rattle of the giant blowfly.
  11. We've given them 13 minutes since Barrett went off .this is a matter of national importance!
  12. Thanks for clearing that up . Jesus, you must be on the good Shiraz. You give off an heir of intelligence which is rarely seen here,nor welcome .
  13. Clark left Brissy a similar way . His contract will have to be exited with all the legal stuff in order. If it is going to make him miserable here and the rumours are true then he should go to perth. At the moment we don't know.
  14. Are you telling me you don't like his pictorial additions to what is an essentially a long running,big content thread with a formerly text based readership being overrun by some Meth coast freak with 9 toilets and a computer?
  15. Germans use an observation deck. We may as well use the same method to predict the future of the MFC as the tea leaves don't seem to be working.
  16. Picket, No need to yell this out but Johnny Cash held similar beliefs.
  17. All cats are grey in the night. Yours are grey in the day also.
  18. You dont want to know too much chook but at the risk of sounding like OD and co I ingest them and no matter how much damage I do to my body I rarely get ill and of course I am as regular as an 8 day. Prunes are of course plums. Sugary plums.
  19. Pav cant go on forever. Ross Lyon you dirty bustard.
  20. I take it Beezle was not referring to our Persian friends. Otherwise i might take offence on their behalf.
  21. Prunes are the key to my unhealthy lifestyle.
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