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Posts posted by Undeeterred

  1. Why the hell were we facking around like that 30 seconds out? Surely Viney could have turned and banged it long - he had way more space than he realised. Nobody talking, and the ball carrier with little awareness a couple of times there

  2. 1 minute ago, stuie said:

    You're not actually watching are you? He landed on his coccyx in the second quarter, the same one that kept him out for a year. He's been on and off the bench getting treatment.


    Oh Jesus Stu.

  3. 1 minute ago, stuie said:

    Quality post champ. Desperation of being wrong.


    If it makes you feel better mate. 

    Here it is for you in one sentence: Tired or not, no changes that you can name would make a shred of difference to this result.

  4. 2 minutes ago, stuie said:

    Right, so we're tired and getting outrun and smashed, but bringing in players who were fresh wouldn't help...

    Give up talking footy mate, you're clueless.


    Jones looks knackered - we probably should have put Michie in for him - he would have been fresh.

  5. Just now, stuie said:

    Right, so we're tired and getting outrun and smashed, but bringing in players who were fresh wouldn't help...

    Give up talking footy mate, you're clueless.


    Sorry, yes, you're right Stu. ANB and Bugg would have made an enormous difference. Well done. 

  6. Just now, stuie said:

    Every single player just outrun by their opposition, yeah you're right we're not tired at all.

    Use your eyes. You're wrong. Simple as that.


    That might be an effect of the trip. Nobody's arguing that. 

    But what you don't get, you bloody numpty, is that the options we've got for changes would make no frigging difference.

    I'm done with this discussion, I've already made the error of trying to explain things to you.

  7. 1 minute ago, stuie said:

    Mate, did you even read what I wrote? It's not about the players individually, it's about the overall effect on the team. Vince has been rubbish today as has Harmes. For THIS game at THIS ground against THIS opposition, fresh legs and run was vital, but yet again we were too gutless at selection and will pay the price.


    I did, and it was utter tripe. Complete nonsense. Explain very clearly for me. Bringing ANB for Vince in means that the rest of the team gets a better rest on the day? 

    It's just absolute rubbish. 

  8. Just now, stuie said:

    I've said this a lot, but I'll say it again. It's not about the individual players, it's about the effect they have on the lineup and the overall ability to rest players through the game to suit the specific conditions. The 1 game we've won at Etihad we went with a fresh, quick, small team, and we've consistently gone against that ever since and then stood around scratching our heads wondering why we get run off our feet.

    ANB and Bugg were absolute essentials this week IMO. Bernie is clealry nowhere near right to play, Harmes is struggling, Kennedy is making silly tired mistakes etc etc... Honestly, it's completely obvious we were more tired than we should have been as that second quarter went on. Do you really think the Saints are a 5 goal a quarter better team than us?

    Are you seriously suggesting that ANB and Bugg for Vince and another (say Kennedy) would have stopped that absolute garbage from the entire rest of the team?

    Get a grip.

    • Like 1
  9. Just now, stuie said:

    Stupid because tired. It's not complicated.


    Tell me Stu. Which Casey players would you bring in that would have made a difference in that quarter? Go on, name, say the top three that are tired and who you'd have instead.

    I'd say that off the top of my head, I can think of three clangers for Harmes and Jetta each, in the first 15-20 minutes. That's not when you're tired and, if it is, then we've got bigger problems than shuffling a couple of blokes in from Casey.

  10. 2 minutes ago, DemonAndrew said:

    We really play dumb football.


    The lack of front and square positioning at contested situations has cost as least four or five goals.

    We're also committing a lot of extra numbers to the contest and leaving opponents free, which I thought we'd eradicated.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Clint Bizkit said:

    Well some of us could see this coming in the first quarter, clearly Melbourne couldn't.

    Well done, you got it right! Still, if you're unrelentingly negative, you'll get it right when it happens.

    You can't lose if you expect it to be horrible every time. Sometimes it is, and you win. Sometimes it's not, and you win.

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