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Queanbeyan Demon

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Everything posted by Queanbeyan Demon

  1. Brett Lovett has Salem covered very, very easily.
  2. GW at the Fox interview. Fox: you’ve got the job, congratulations. Does 235k per year sound about right? GW: yeah. Beauty. BTW, who’s my cohost? Fox: Slobbo GW: 750k per annum, 22.5 percent super and a new seven series every other year. Fox: cheaper than Lane, done.
  3. Me and me mates developed our own lingo to get around this linguistic challenge a coupla decades ago. We can thank the brilliant Jack Dyer for some of our terms. For example, 600 of the comp's footballers are what Jack once termed 'good ordinary'. (Jack of course used this term famously to describe the Buzz after he'd just kicked the goal the year and taken the mark of the decade. A bit like Donald Richmond Horne's "the lucky country" being misappropriated, so too have we deliberately misappropriated the term 'good-ordinary'.) Another Dyeism is "going alright". This describes a player who is in and out of a team, but is managing to hold his spot "at the minute". Any footballer who cheats (we all know who you are Geelong), are called "members of the Maffra".
  4. This. First time the club has practiced kicking since Ed's been at the club. Un-%*&@%*^-believable.
  5. The last annual report I read had Hutchison earning something well north of 900k per annum as the CEO of SEN. And on the topic of two first names . . . Nothing will ever beat Ron Barassi's question on the day of the Bears/Lions merger in 1996 when the president of the new club, Brisbane Lions, Noel Gordon was being interviewed. He was smugly batting away questions concerning knifes, backs and 'cover of darkness' shenanigans. Ron listened to the BS being spoken for about five minutes without saying too much when I suspect he had finally had enough. A panel member threw to him asking, "Do you have any questions Ron?" Brasso, pausing for two or three seconds for affect, calmly and authoritatively asked Gordon, "What's it like having two first names?" The broadcast box fell silent. Brilliant radio and he had made his point. Then I think the host fell on the floor barely able to contain his laughter.
  6. Woo wee . . . so here's the reality: "They're the biggest team in the league". They are not the biggest team in the league measured by membership or revenue (they barely scrape into third place on membership). They have won two premierships in 63 years (one less than us). They've been broke at least twice in that time. And Never, ever, landed a superstar from another club that's gone on and performed for them. Tracktor, I suspect, won't be the "dumb operator". I fear Tracktor doing a hammy in a preliminary final much more than I fear Collingwood's recruiting department.
  7. The main and most important take-way from the interview is that Jake intends on keeping his moustache. Of secondary matters: the back seven are traveling beautifully ATM, Tomlinson has been great, Kossi's form is not a revelation to those that have observed and trained with him for the last 12 months, Weid and BBB at least two weeks away and implied they'll comeback through the ressies, everyone loves Danny Frawley, and Angus Brayshaw is dating Danny's daughter. He didn't say so, but it's fair to also assume the following: we’re not getting carried away with the win, we're giving full credit to St. Kilda because we knew they'd be tough to beat and come out hard, credit is due to the boys for Saturday's win, we’re just happy to get the four points and looking forward to next week, our structures are working well and we kept our shape, blokes that are not in the team ATM are training the house down and ready to go, there will be a few things that, as a playing group, we'll need to look at during the week (and possibly even going forward), the kids are doing well, at some point in the last quarter the sting went out of the game, and we know the GWS will come to play next week.
  8. I well recall running onto the MCG at the end of the round 22 game in 1980 and making a beeline for Carl. I patted him on the back as he ran toward the player's race and implored, "please don't go Carl, we need you". As a kid, I loved the man.
  9. Six of the 10 premierships won by the most suspended clubs.
  10. Warms the heart to see the Tankers and Filth thirteenth and fourteenth.
  11. I thought Neita was a better CHB than a forward Wellsy . . . and that's saying something. I seem to remember Carey saying Neita was his most difficult opponent. Just my opinion FWIW. But outside of Neita, May is the best big bodied backman we've had in my 50 years watching the Deez.
  12. What? Award the Brownlow to a good, big bodied, player? Hehehehehe.
  13. We’re def in trouble if milkshake and Hibba are the answers. We really have got a chronic depth problem. Another year of shuffling the deck chairs.
  14. Weid will never be the player I had hoped (for example, Kennedy, Revolt, Hawkins). At best, a serviceable 175 game career. Lacks self belief, killer instinct and high level game sense. Not sure any of that can be taught. In 2021 dollars, makes him worth 500-600k per year at best.
  15. High level summary There are 29 comments similar to this: Melbourne are sh*t and will struggle to make the eight. There are 239 comments that bag their players and coach. Jesse Melbourne screwed us big time. Pick 6 and 23 was way overs for what Hogan had produced to then, regardless of how he performed for us. Anyone hear the Melbourne guy on the purple reign pod the other day? He said Hogan was a good player to sneak in the back for cheap goals even at his best, and that if he was a freo fan he would have been disgusted that we paid the price we did for him, even back in 2018. That Hogan trade in the end will have cost us a premiership. That draft was the best in years and we skipped it. There’s talk it could be the best draft of all time. Hogan would have been handy today. May We were out positioned and out marked all game. May and the other bigs too good. Other than that both teams need to improve significantly to threaten the top 8 this year. Schultz smashing May was quite fun to watch, May putting him in a soft headlock afterwards, talk about a bruised ego. May is one of those players that dishes it out (his tribunal record attests to that), but not good at taking it. Our midfield lacks class and run on the outside. Resulting in May and Lever dominating the air. Max Meek admirable but Gawn was just way too good. Great effort by Meek, didn’t do too much but neither did Gawn. Played his role against the best ruck in the comp. . . . and so on and so forth Shocked to be writing this but Goodwin out coached Longmuir. At selection, strategy and during the game. It was 2016 level bad. Thankfully it was only against Melbourne who are also a bucket of sh*t. Yeah we just pumped life back into Tom McDonald. Fyfe is making no impact as a forward. It’s a waste. They scored about 10 goals from turnovers. Death, taxes and a sh*t Freo attack. We made Melbourne look good today which says how bad we really are. Henry was outpointed by Jetta whom is a very good small defender. Im going to say this quietly, we looked a lot better when Hamling and Pearce went off injured. “Just had a bad day” 6 years At Freo coaches come and go, head fitness guys come and go, trades come and go, draftees come and go but since the end of 2015 nothing has changed long term to make us a more competitive side. This is looking like a perpetual rebuild at this moment so only another 5 years to go and we will make it to 9th on the table. One positive from today- Treacy has just kicked his 3rd goal in the first quarter playing for peel against Claremont. Melbourne probably being harder for longer, that really felt like a game we coulda/shoulda won. So many wasted opportunities in the 1st and 4th qtrs when we had all the momentum. *6 goals in a half. FFS... this is so "Freo". Good thing we are doing the extra skills training. It's paying dividends. This graphic says it all. Our best were better, our bottom half of the team just killed us.
  16. I love Nev to bits . . . one of my all time fave Deez. But I'm extremely worried.
  17. No offence Melbourne fans reading this, this all the hallmarks of a mid-season coach firing. If May doesn't get up we should win it easily IMO. Looking at both forward lines it could end up the lowest score in AFL history. The Cairn's catastrophe was where we took Melbourne's last glimmer of finals hope last season and flushed it down the toilet. Max Gawn likely to do battle with the inexperienced Lloyd Meek. If Meek can just not get absolutely smashed by Gawn then we are in with a good chance. Gawn best on. Tabs will be double teamed by May and Lever all day. Lever seems to be made of the same brittle substance as Sturt. Unfortunately, I think Melbourne win this by 2-4 goals. Too many injuries and no forward line for us. I'll be very surprised if we kick 65 points. They also have no forward line at the moment only Mcdonald who looks very ordinary now days and Fritsch. The hype-train has us playing finals. If that's going to be the case, this game is a 'must win'. The biggest error the club made in the last 5 years was trading for Hogan instead of picking Ben King at the draft. It is highly likely this weekend's AFLW game between the same two clubs will have a bigger scoreline than Melb v Freo in Rd 1. I don't think that either team is going to do much damage in 2021 .... except to their supporters. Melbourne are trash! I hate to say it but If we lose to them we are in the back alley right alongside them! I think we should be good enough to beat Melbourne. Their pre-season has been awful and I don’t see any growth coming in that list from last year. We should win.
  18. Wow . . . just wow! How specifically is Max more responsible than most for us underachieving over the past decade? There's another poster on here, Anti-Saint, who is of a similar mindset. What am I missing?
  19. How about this Sue? The players are aware we have a problem winning games we are expected to win. Our performances last year in Cairns were unacceptable. With a finals position on the line against two sides below us on the ladder, we simply choked. Some fans have accused us of 'drinking our own bath water'. Based on those performances in crucial games, they are correct. We let ourselves down but most importantly, we disappointed our fans . . . again. And for that, I say, on behalf of the players, we're sorry. You, the fans, supporters and members are the lifeblood of the club and provide us with a lifestyle most people can only dream about. And we abused your trust, support and love. For that, on behalf of the players, I apologise. In 2021 we undertake to play a more accountable and disciplined style of game. This means further developing our individual strengths and minimising the influence our weaknesses have on the outcome of each game. For example, Jack Viney is committed to playing Aussie Rules each weekend, I'm gradually improving my goal kicking and hope to thread at least one per game this year and Maysie's target is to keep all the gorillas to two goals or less in each game he plays. All the players will be held accountable, both internally and externally, for their on field performances. To that end, Jack, Stephen and I will front the media each week, and on behalf of the players, answer for our performances as truthfully as possible.
  20. We are no different to the racists at Collingwood or the exposed culture of entrenched sexism and misogyny on Capital Hill. Much of society, and by extension, the MFC, is completely blind, and contributing to, the normalisation of the abuse of women. This subtle but pervasive structurally embedded sexism is the personification of male power and control, which of course, is the root cause of gender inequality that manifests as domestic violence, rape, sexual exploitation, unequal pay and a plethora of other abuses. We are all implicated when we allow other people to be mistreated and patriarchal symbols such as the Australian Club are used to raise funds for our beloved club.
  21. I cut my Friday night footy watching by 50 percent when Dennis Cometti finished calling that game each week. I'll now only watch Friday night if the Deez are playing, and only with the volume down. Bruce, at certain times toward the end of his career, became a parody (mostly of himself), but this shouldn't detract from the brilliant broadcaster he was for the vast majority of his career. And he helped revolutionise the analysis of the game for seven years (1995-2002) as host of the original Talking Footy. To this day, the benchmark in footy chat shows IMHO. Good on you Bruce, footy can only be watched now with the volume turned down . . . that's the greatest tribute of all my friend.
  22. Exhibit 1: Shaun Playford Burgoyne. Exhibit 2: The Band Who Kew Too Much - Hard Rubbish Night In Kew
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