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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. I'm not sure what you mean by outdated. It's just an article that references what was being said on radio commentary today...which is now / today / current....according to the commentators. I have no idea where they sourced it. There is nothing in my posts which mentions MFC performance in 2016 in relation to anything about the final eight being settled by round 9. Jumping at shadows.
  2. No idea just quoting what was mentioned. In this article it is going as low as Rnd 7 so Rnd 9 must be a little more secure for those already in i would think..... https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/afl-2016-is-the-final-eight-already-done-and-dusted-20160502-gokd93.html
  3. As long as we make the eight i'll be wrapped. I heard someone on radio say today that if you're in the eight after round 9 you stay (or something like that!).
  4. I thought Tyson's first half was ok to good. His second had moments but fumbled a little at times and made a few poor decisions / skill errors and got caught with slow decisions/reactions on occasions. If he can find another level of intensity and effort in close and a little bit of burst speed away from the contest / strength through the upper body to shake a few more tackles? Not sure if that's possible at this point. Frustrating as he appears to offer so much more than he is giving right now (or maybe he doesn't and this is it!). Quite an important outside link guy in the team and hits a few targets up field. On reflection i'm now thinking it's more likely to be Spargo or Weids (both managed / match up / balance options) for Viney this week but who knows. If Tyson goes we lose a reasonable option / link man on the outside in mid field IMO. Going to be an interesting week at selection table.
  5. Amen to that 56. Footy is a funny game and Pedders might yet prove a whole bunch of us wrong as the year progresses with some sort of amazing lazarus!
  6. I don't see Pedders as an auto in vs Weids Ox to be honest. or Bull, or anyone. Just want to see the player that is most capable of impacting at AFL level more often than not and whoever is in the better form at that particular time. Pedders, Bull, Weids (Bart Simpson!) i really don't care as long as they are performing most matches and having an impact. A few examples of how i'm looking at yesterday's match from him.... 1st quarter approx 12:00 to go ....involvement where he spoils from behind, cleans up his own crumb, avoids a player on the inside and handballs inboard to Spargo for the goal. Very nice decision making and execution for the assist. Can see he has the poise and ability to be special right there and what the FD have been excited about. 2nd Quarter approx 16:45 to go .... handball receive in the clear from Clarry inside 50. Has Spargo short or Melk out the back. Just enough time to assess & execute but delivers between both into no man's land. Rischitelli mops up for the turnover...scoring opportunity missed. Start of 3rd....first 3 minutes. No Weids. Forward line functioning fine for 2 successive goals before he is rotated on. Could be just coincidence but just saying ....he isn't necessarily a "lock" for forward structure / success as a "must have 3rd tall" option as some on here are constantly suggesting. Apart from some reasonable ruck relief efforts and a few other cameos where he is clean with a kick, handball or two (the handball for the run in goal after the Melkshem kick to top of square for example was nice and clean) i don't see him impacting much from his own efforts after that first quarter Ox. This could just be an experience / AFL tank issue. Sometimes years before players get to a certain level (especially through the legs / body) that will see them impact more weeks than not at elite level over 4 quarters. If you are happy to see him having a good game then an average one (or two) and you think the team can afford to carry that then by all means keep playing him and getting games into him. I just think some of that experience can be happening at VFL level if there's a more in form option tearing it up at Casey or a major in like Viney and having him out wont really impact the team in a significant way. I've included the ProStats link as a reference (just put Fritsch in as i had to include an extra to get the vid up)... http://www.afl.com.au/stats/stats-pro#/Compare?playerIds=CD_I993806,CD_I1001438&comparisonTab=h2h
  7. Thats the great thing about footy and forums Daneleska. There are often differing opinions and its great to discuss them with fair minded ppl like yourself. Its a pleasure to discuss and pontificate with someone who is not so easily offended and who doesn't take it personally if you have a different way of putting or seeing things.
  8. That was a fat fingered unfinished post from phone. Pls read again if u wish. Frankly i dont think anything i , or anyone else on here said, wld convince you Ox. I think your mind is set on playing Weids regardless of form given how quickly you jumped on that one
  9. Why? Viney is why. And Weids is the 3rd stringer tall forward. And in answer to the first part, he might be playing a role, but i feel others can cover his role and impact the game / scoreboard more often making our forward line more potent.
  10. He must have done something to get a call up DJ. I rarely see VFL matches live so i can't comment. I think the Pedders for Weids argument in terms of it actually happening has bolted long ago 56 whether anyone outside the four walls thinks it would be better or not. Pedders fell out of favour in his Rnd 2 match against the Lions and IMHO would have to play an amazing block of games at VFL, one or two stand out blinders or see a key tall go down at AFL level before being seen again at senior level. See Dunn vs Oscar 2016. Time to move on.
  11. Can't agree more. They are just a rough indicator as to what may have happened on the day if you aren't watching. But, having watched the match, his impact on the game was minimal and not even close to being AFL worthy Danelska. Weid has shown us something vs the Tiges and more so vs the Saints. He has given us that chop out and structure that many here keep blurting on about and, for those of us which are blessed with vision, is bleedingly obvious. Great efforts. But like any rookie they are up one week down the next. To maintain your spot most players need to perform at a level more weeks than they don't. As i said, twice (which is conveniently ignored by some), i also think he will be retained by the FD against the Blues, even though he is the obvious out for Viney after yesterday. Tyson seems the more likely alternative option. Spargo next cab but would be quite a weird out IMO and he would be very unfortunate. Rookies are prone to being in for a few weeks, and then sent back for further development, finding form and taking advantage of an injury or out of form player to regain their place. Has been happening for decades at other AFL clubs. I don't see why it should be any different at the MFC or in the case of Weids. He will come good in time and hold his spot i have no doubts. But i will beg to differ with any others on here who seem to believe he is entitled to be an automatic inclusion every week, regardless of form.
  12. I would normally agree with this Danelska but this was the worst for the year. AFL footballers have to do better than that as we've seen with many other omissions (Pedders, Hunt, Jeffy, Frost, Wags) after some very ordinary performances (on the field and statistically).
  13. I'm looking at the likely replacement for Viney Wise. As i said, Weids had a shocker. That's not my doing. We have two very solid tall forwards who are performing beautifully. The 3rd, who is a rookie, didn't and is a luxury with arguably our best mid fielder returning. The glaringly obvious omission before the weekend was ANB but after yesterday it's now Weids. Form is everything and, as we keep hearing from SATY, apparently no one is sacred if they aren''t performing. But given the lay of the land inside the FD i, like you, also think he will be kept (see Macca's influence). Tyson the likely out.
  14. You conveniently missed another important part of my post Wise...... ....."Having said that my belief is that Weids is very much a favorite of Macca's and hence not easily removed once selected and will more than likely get another (undeserved) go at it next week. Spargo might be the other alternative but if he is it would be a travesty and wouldn't make much sense given his small forward role. Tyson the more likely option IMO." ...... And i also watch / attend games too but thanks for the "stats only" stereotype. As i have always said, and will continue to, stats are a loose guide ,after the event, as to how someone is fairing and shouldn't be the sole criteria but also shouldn't be totally ignored either.
  15. If you listen to some ex Coaches / Players you only need someone who can get up and compete reasonably well in a relief rucking role R&B. We don't need another Maxy when he is resting. We all know Harmes was a serious fail on behalf of the FD and will never be a serious chop out option and should never be used in that role again. Pedders can easily provide an average chop out, similar to Weids, and that's all you need. He would easily contribute to structure vs Weids plus add improved results on the field. He is often bringing others into the game also with clever handball / body work, is quite good defensively inside 50 AND can kick a few goals with decent accuracy also which we lack outside of T-Mac. I'm not saying he is the future over Weid or other potential tall forward recruits who might surpass him, obviously given his age, but Weid is presently ranked 31st out of the 31 players that have graced the field so far this season statistically vs Pedders @ 24th & even Frost is ahead @ 28th. Weids game y'day was statistically the worst of any player so far this season including Pedders against the Lions in Rnd 2 (where he was immediately dropped and not looked at again...so far), Jeffy's horrors against the Hawks / Tigers, some low ebbs from the likes of Hannan in Rnd 1, Hunt vs the Bombers and ANB last week. 3 tall forwards is a luxury but one which could be justified if Weids was performing at a reasonable level (at worst). He isn't and ANB has likely saved his bacon re: Viney's return. I agree with OD, the glaringly obvious omission is Weids for Viney. Having said that my belief is that Weids is very much a favorite of Macca's and hence not easily removed once selected and will more than likely get another (undeserved) go at it next week. Spargo might be the other alternative but if he is it would be a travesty and wouldn't make much sense given his small forward role. Tyson the more likely option IMO. Obviously the performance of others (outside of Viney) at Casey will play a large part in next weeks Ins/Outs. Being our biggest win for the year, and in winning form, you would think the FD would be making very few changes outside of Viney unless someone else plays a blinder.
  16. 6. Clarry - Even with a tag! 5. Harmes - Best game (statistically) by an MFC player outside of Clarry's Rnd 2 vs Lions and last week vs Saints performances. There is no chance he will be looked at for Viney against the Blues. 4. Lewis - Last week good, this week even better! Repaying the faith. Leadership was never an issue. Performance now there. Great win for the club. 3. Hogan - Bruce Banner eat your heart out! 2. Salem - A fabulous return. 1. Fritsch - Amazingly clean and starting to do the defensive things very well including intercepting!
  17. Sometime this century Chris. And everyone arguing about congestion congestion congestion. Umpires are largely to blame along with insane interchange numbers.
  18. 16 effective disposals running @ 76% efficiency. 5 Clearances. 7 score involvements and 5 interceptions. Arguably one of the best on field! So many others missing easy stuff also and you pick Harmes out!?? Not renowned for goal kicking anyway.
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