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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. He lifted his rating / output off a pretty low base the week before, from which he would more likely to have been rested... but wasn't. Jeffrey doesn't appear to have put in a door knocking performance so far either. Spargo more than likely retained.
  2. I'm wondering if Hunt is now getting a tag quite often by a close checking quick opponent in order to curb his line breaking run given his success in this area in the last few seasons? If so, It's a compliment to his game so far. But the question then remains, how do you figure him into the team while getting the tag off his back, allowing him the extra space to utilise his run (and major asset) once more? I noticed in his last few games he is quite often running to low percentage areas of the ground (eg., hugging the boundary) possibly to shake the tag and get a few more receives. However, the counter to this is it then leaves him in a less damaging area of the ground to use his run and attack strengths even when he does get it. And the flip side is he is then probably not being sought out as often as a result by other defenders quite as often as previously (when he was running into more dangerous areas (not under a hardish tag). Exactly the outcome the opp coaches might be aiming for.
  3. Not so much 23rd overall IMO. Personally feel he is ranked much higher than that in an overall team sense. More like the next cab off the rank out of the available inside/outside mids (including those at Casey) or vying for a position with one of them (should they drop off the pointy end a little). Of course you need more than just mid fielders to make up the overall team but, as you say, he was pushed out onto the mid field fringe by the return of Jack.
  4. Trainer to Tom.... "She'll be right mate" ...."just to be sure though, maybe go get a quick scan eh"
  5. The VFL couldn't have picked a more appropriate location for wet slushy footy MD. Hats off (or maybe on!) to your uncle. Hope he received a bonus from the VFL for all the gumboots left behind.
  6. lol i don't recall sitting too often. Standing was the order of the day in order to get warm! The idea was to keep moving and bending as many body parts as possible, which more often than not was the elbow, using a tinny as a dumbbell.
  7. Was built under a rain belt so It would rain on que about 1pm / 2pm every Saturday, timed beautifully to coincide with the first bounce. The VFL intended it that way! In order to honor long held traditions, they wanted to go as close as possible to reproducing the old fashioned slog fests, similar to those at the suburban grounds Arctic was built to replace.
  8. i thought that was to make themselves more attractive when presenting their case to magistrate/judge
  9. DC would have been better. Bathe the whole stadium in green and re name it the Green Lantern!
  10. When my doc asks me what the cause of the RSI in my scrolling finger was I will know exactly who to blame... WERRIDEE!
  11. Measured as he was flying through the air attempting a specky DS!
  12. Yeater's shot was from 35ish and pretty much directly in front on the run. To be fair it was going straight through the goals initially (for the sealer) till the last 10 meters when a hand of god saw it miraculously (for the Dorks) do a 45 degree sharp left turn (from behind the goals) and go sailing through for a behind (half goal post height!). I was gob smacked in disbelief at the time. Yeater was one of the main reasons we made the finals that year and, while not a naturally gifted footballer, was one of the most consistent and gutsy defenders i have ever seen in my days watching the Demons (at least from the first half memories....a tad sketchy after half time in many cases....so some might take me up on that!). People tend to remember the last few minutes (Stynes, Eishold, Yeates), which unfortunately weren't great obviously. But we forget little things that may also have cost us the match like the late Sean Wight in the 1st quarter (i think) giving off a blatant lifted throw as he was going to ground which i'm pretty sure the Dorks goaled from. Also the last torp from the square (by Tuck?) was allowed to get out the back (not enough numbers up/back in what was effectively the last play of the day). Probably a few others during the course of the game etc.
  13. With Jack returning to the mid field I am hoping Hulk can now spend a bit more time closer to goal and start using that speed as a leading hit up forward more often. Starting to see this more already but we should now up the ante a little. This will put even more fear & chaos into the opp's defence along with a few more scoring opportunities for Jesse (and the team).
  14. Well said. The cup for him first though pls. Then the legend cemented in stone. Chunk was (is) the glue, the sweat, the never say die spirit that has stuck and seen us through good times (tail end), not so good, horrid, the recovery and now hopefully some light at the end of a very long tunnel. A more loyal and consistent Demon I have not seen this side of Tulip.
  15. There are knowns and then there are unknowns. Then there are known knowns and known unknowns. The question is where does this fit among the known known unknown knowns?....
  16. A bit of an eye opener for me also FND. Hopefully the raw passion & joy of just playing the game for the enjoyment factor hasn't been completely lost
  17. The Crows aren't tracking well. Take no notice of the Doggies game. If we bring our A game it could get ugly.
  18. Tracking well above the Crows right now. Demons by 6 plus.... running away in the last. A potential blow out beckons.
  19. We are running at a level way above the Crows right now. Anything is possible at AFL level but If we hold our form this should be a very solid win and if the tea leaves are correct there is a good chance of a pretty big blow out in the offing. Go Demons!
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