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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. At least nobody is talking about Jack Watts anymore.
  2. Heard Misfud often goes missing under pressure, and Polis loves to trash talk.
  3. Ben Cousins hired as our new chief medical officer Mark Jamar found to be a Russian spy Michael Newton is drafted back on a 6 year contract
  4. Not sure when or how, but this little nugget must have slipped right by us, what with all the other sh*t storms hitting us. http://www.melbourne...38/default.aspx Sensational
  5. Jack Grimes. One of the few reasons to not give up.
  6. They said "groin", which is the new "general soreness", which the old "omitted",
  7. Oh yeah, football. Forgot about that. LOL at Moloney's "injury". Soft. Wish they had just said "omitted for playing like garbage". The sad thing is, our midfield just went from bad to worse!
  8. This bullsh*t about 'due dillegence' is crap. We are not the only major sporting organisation who signed a deal with them, and as somebody mentioned before, plenty of dodgy companies are currently sponsoring AFL clubs. How were we to know that their nutbag CEO was going to have a case of verbal vomit?
  9. On a positive note, we are very good at being at rock bottom.
  10. Damn you Jack Watts, you have ruined everything! On a serious note, this is the only decision the club could have made. No other correct decision in this situation. You cannot keep this jerk onboard and alienate everybody that he offended. All I'm interested now is how much we got out of them, at least for this year, and what is our plan going forward. Might be time to suck it up and take a sponorship deal for FOJ sponsor for less than we initially wanted. Better than nothing.
  11. Who knew you could sue people for frustrating you. I could have been a millionaire by now!
  12. Like the club needs to deal with angry delusional supporter emails on top of everything else. How about you wait for our reaction to this before you jump on the "I am an embattled supporter, I am disgusted, I am microwaving my membership as we speak, this will not stand, ARGH!". Do you know what I do with customer feedback emails? Trash them.
  13. Energy Watch would have to pay out at least this year's sponsorship if we dump them, we should insist on it. In fact, they may have already paid up the $2mil, and there is no way we're giving that back. At least that should give us 12 months breathing space to find a new sponsor.
  14. Yet Trengove, Watts, and many many other players chose to stay long term. Please, he left because he is a scumbucket who cares only for the money. Don't bring yet another sh*t person into this discussion.
  15. No, this is about a mentally unstable person who has made disgusting comments towards people of different races, and then made specific comments of the most disgusting nature towards one of our players. I'd have supported somebody belt the crap out of him, let alone naming, shaming and then dumping him. That the MFC just somehow keeps finding itself in a sh*t storm is a separate issue. Our on field performances don't help, but neither do our players getting into trouble off field, and then having AFL employees with gutter mouths. It's been a year from hell.
  16. We should dump this idiot, but we should first make him pay out the full sponsorship term. This is not our fault, we cannot control what this person does, and it shouldn't now seriously damage our financial position. [censored] off Energy Watch, and thanks for the $6mil. Mind you, our inability to get a FOJ sponsor has left us in the worst possible position now. How much more can this club take?
  17. You know we have hit rock bottom when everybody pretty much agrees that we'll lose by 100 points and nobody is surprised by it. Not even in our wooden spoon years did I tip against us and go into a match hoping to lose by unde 100 points to keep it respectable. But, reality is, there is a bigger chance I'll get run over by a donkey, than of us winning this game.
  18. Optimistic view: we'll lose by 10 goals Pessimistic view: I'll turn it off at quarter time when we're down by 10 goals
  19. I can safely say that no group meetings ever take place at Melbourne. Ever. We don't want anybody thinking that we are discriminating against the individual. Whoever leaked to the media the news that team meetings were held on a regular basis, clearly did not see our game on Saturday.
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