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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. Yeah I keep wondering if I'm alone in thinking that Davey's efforts are largely insipid. He ball watches more than anyone, and never fully commits to a contest. I don't expect him to be Grimes, Bartram or McKenzie, but he can't be thinking about protecting his body all the time when the ball is in the balance. People are happy to get stuck into Morton and Watts, but they are babies compared to Davey, who is an experienced senior player with a fully mature body.
  2. Steve Johnson had a career high 35 disposals and 3 goals. Not the best game Garland ever played. I know he didn't always play on him through the middle but it was just an average performance I thought.
  3. 6- Clark 5- Jones 4- Morton 3- Frawley 2- Howe 1- McKenzie Clark deserves about 19 votes though. Amazing effort today.
  4. Oh Sellar. Please make Martin fit ASAP. We are no good. The end. Clark, Jones and Morton very good today. Frawley better in the second half.
  5. Also props to Morton. Hardest game I've seen him play. I know Chapman is killing it, but Morton is working very hard.
  6. Great start to the third then a sharp drop in intensity and we are done for. And I could see it coming. We got to 15 points behind and there was no excitement no passion. Hardly anyone went up and cheered Howe on. It's like we've conceded the match already. Tappy off Dunn on. Also we are soooooooooo flat footed. Clark is awesome.
  7. Nice in theory, but what if Jamar goes down in the first minute? We don't even have Watts in there to ruck.
  8. It's a great analogy. You get a reprieve and think "yay it's over", then again. If you think we are not that bad you are kidding yourself. We are lucky Geelong can't convert. Minus 60 in uncontested possessions and it's only half time! Just because we are not 100 points down doesn't mean it's happy days. Trying hard is not good enough, it's a bloody given. I appreciate that we are not lying down and giving up, but our skills and decision making is just woeful. I doubt Mark Neeld is in there praising them.
  9. Watching us play is like being kicked in the guts repeatedly. 100 point loss coming up. At least that's 86 points better than last year.
  10. Aaron Davey ball watching. Go hard FFS! Still loving Clark sick. Great one man band!
  11. Just woeful. Frawley is getting spanked. Really poor work from him.
  12. Get Sellar out of there. Howe to Scarlet.
  13. We can't touch the football in the middle. It's depressing. Clark is awesome!
  14. Tapscott is an utter liability right now with his speed. If he isn't fit he shouldn't play.
  15. Epic fail. Seriously. This is a training drill with only the wind ruining the Cat's party. Scary.
  16. Like sand through the hour glass, so are the days of our lives *cue cheesy dramatic music* Unbelievable. No wonder Neeld thinks we were a club concerned about everything but football.
  17. FFS why is there always a dark shadow over anything remotely positive happening at this club? There goes half a season of Gysberts developing. Fantastic.
  18. Cons Unless you've trained as a ruckman before, your chances of doing a serious injury are very high. Watts is no ruckman, never was, never will be. Why waste his development learning a very specific craft he'll never use long term? Kthanxby.
  19. I'd be all over him like a fat kid on a chip. In a totally professional way. A ready made potential star, and a goal-kicking midfielder. YES PLEASE!!!
  20. I blame Jack Watts for the rubbish IT team at work. Useless.
  21. Nothing annoys me more than supporters who get upset when people make negative comments. I never abuse our players and never will, but I get annoyed when we do stupid things and I express that frustration. I'm an emotional footy supporter and I make no apologies for that. I don't swear (loudly enough for anyone to hear anyway ), and I will stand and cheer everything good that we do, so if me expressing my emotions annoys people then they can stay at home. If you want to watch in silence watch it on TV. Otherwise harden up. Our players hear worse from our coaches everyday.
  22. Great news for Blease, will give him a much needed confidence boost. And Bennell winning some possessions is another positive.
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