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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. Love it. Bold. Gutsy. Bet 18 and 19 won’t be here long.
  2. So long pick 25. It was nice having you for 2 hours. Be well.
  3. Even if Brown does SFA, watching Norf fans bleed makes this deal worth it.
  4. Geelong pay premiums for anyone aged 30 and over. It's club policy to keep their list as old as possible.
  5. Say what you like about how crap we are on field, I think off field we are one of the best clubs at getting trades done and taking full advantage of the system. We are very clever at trading for picks and once a player makes his intentions clear we always get the trades done with minimal fuss. I believe clubs really like to work with us, and that also helps enormously as we are not in the business of screwing everyone over.
  6. And just like that I like a Norf player. It's amazing how a different jumper just makes the hate all go away.
  7. For Cameron and Brown to be so far apart in worth is nuts. Brown's hair is far more marketable.
  8. I am looking forward to the Sideshow Bob* in a Melbourne jumper images coming our way from the graphic geniuses on this website. *The Simpsons character
  9. If Tmac doesn't get traded, and it's looking unlikely, he essentially becomes a VERY expensive back up forward, because he won't be getting a game ahead of Brown, or presumably Weideman, and with Jackson developing, it's all against him. Our best hope here is that he gets himself slimmed down and fit (his Instagram shows him working hard already, which is nice to see), and potentially plays a high half forward/backup ruck. Because honestly I can't see where he fits in for a game... and I haven't even mentioned a fit Petty.
  10. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of [censored].
  11. Maybe we don't have cards to play here, and hence why we wanted Smith as he would have been a free get. But with Collingwood reeking of desperation, we could potentially strike a bargain basement deal, which we may not have been aware of at the time when the comment re: Smith was made. I also don't know what sort of draft pick trades we are hoping to make on draft night. Remember that so many clubs have academy players in play, so need points. We could potentially be better off holding onto picks and trading them for a better overall pick and get a player we have our eye on in the draft.
  12. Collingwood list management is a hot mess. The person dishing out their contracts must be the ones doing Trump's taxes... 'she'll be right'. This fire sale is amusing.
  13. I would be a bit disappointed if we don't find another avenue this trade period for some more speed and to potentially fill up a wing position. Unless of course money is tight and we are trying to throw everything we have to keep Oliver, in which case, I agree.
  14. If that is the deal, that is sensational! Ben Brown for essentially a pick in the early 30s in a compromised draft. Deal of the century.
  15. Pretty harsh comparing our Prime Minister, who lead a pretty decent first lockdown and put together substantial financial measures in place to ensure lockdown was achievable for many businesses (admittedly not all, and admittedly the second lockdown in Victoria deserved more support), to a man who told me if I just drunk bleach and told myself the virus will 'go away' long enough, that it will. Plenty of politicians and mainstream media have a lot to answer for, but none come close to polishing the shoes of Trump when it comes to inaptitude, lies, corruption and utter stupidity.
  16. Also I love how everyone hangs sh*t on Biden for being 77. Trump is a morbidly obese 74 year old who got Covid. Not exactly a young fit President in comparison. If Trump had dealt with even half the tragedies that Biden has in his life, instead of running to Daddy every time he lost a company so he can get a new one, he may have developed some empathy and human decency. Instead he and his offsprings have become a [censored] stain on society.
  17. Are you serious? Ummm lets see, he could have told the truth about the danger of the virus, he could have listened to DOCTORS and SCIENTISTS instead of his own insane ramblings. He could have told people to wear masks instead of drinking bleach, he could encourage states to remain Covid safe and work/study from home where possible, instead of threatening to withdraw federal funds from states that didn't 'open up'. He could push for more testing, instead of saying the numbers are high because we are testing too much. And he could have refrained from holding multiple super spreading events for his equally irresponsible supporters, and also perhaps not spread Covid to 90% of the White House by WEARING A [censored] MASK! He has spent the last 6 months saying "we have a vaccine coming" (we don't yet), "the virus is going away" (it's gotten worse), and "it's not a big deal when you get it, you just get over it and become immune" (240,000 people have already died, and there is no evidence to suggest immunity is possible). So basically what should he have done is acted like a leader, and not like the orange halfwit that he is. He should have cared about the health of the people who elected him president, and delivered a consistent message about mask wearing, Covid safety, social distancing and so forth. Oh and he should have passed the second stimulus package he's been [censored] farting around with, to help those who have lost their job as a result. To say he has no power is to admit you know absolutely nothing about US politics. He has a senate majority, hence he has ALL the power. About a quarter of a million people will die before this moron leaves office. Tomorrow Biden will release a task force filled with ACTUAL DOCTORS AND SCIENTISTS to lead the Covid recovery, and has already said they will push to mandate mask wearing. He isn't even president yet, and already he's done more than Trump has in 4 years. Sounds about right.
  18. You’re right. Trump didn’t start any wars overseas. He just killed 240,000 of his own people by doing [censored] all about a deadly pandemic. What an America hero. Good riddance to this self centered pathological lying racist sack of horse [censored].
  19. That is so scary and with 122,000 Covid cases a day to boot. Thankfully come January this son of a [censored] is likely going to jail ?
  20. Hey dumb dumb, if the Democrats were going to rig this election do you think they would: 1. Lose house seats 2. Not take senate majority 3. Get Mitch McConnell, that absolute [censored], re-elected 4. Are you smart enough to understand anything I said above, or are you a typical Trump supporter who just flings poo at the wall like a monkey hoping something sticks? If not, please name for us the 6 democratic states you speak of who “stopped counting” (hint: Arizona and Georgia are Republican states) This slow death of Trump is the highlight of 2020 and the meltdown yet to come is the sweet finale of the TV show I’ve been watching for 4 days titled “make America sane again”.
  21. So if they should call Georgia why not call Arizona? Oh that’s right because Trump and his supporters are too stupid to stick to a single narrative. Can’t have it both ways big boy ?
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