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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. Harmes. Get. Out. The. Way.
  2. Oh my god Tmac with the shanks. You wouldn’t read about it!
  3. Time to move to Marvel.
  4. He can find touch in the VFL like everyone else. I dunno why he gets special treatment. He’s been trash since coming back. Yet Hibbo gets dropped after a stellar year and two poor games.
  5. Watch us lose this now ?
  6. Goal kicking gone to [censored].
  7. Get Viney off. I’m done with him.
  8. Bad for our brand. We need to lose to keep the media happy.
  9. We are playing too cute. Stop it.
  10. Oliver is I dunno. A+++ grade?
  11. Langdon is not in good form right now.
  12. Oliver is a superstar. He just is.
  13. Can we keep this up tho?
  14. Harmes play more like Harmes and less like you think you’re Bont.
  15. Super soft free. I’ll take it.
  16. Ben Brown marks in the goal square. Ben Brown: “I’m off to the Centre square”
  17. Omg Clarry kicked a goal
  18. How the hell did that happen? Lucky play hasn’t started. Hot mess.
  19. As I said all along. Better to carry a best 22 player thru a form slump than replace him with an NQR. Good players find a way. I still think replacing JJ with Sparrow was a mistake but given it’s his first season I assume he is sore and needs a break. Straight back in for me next week. He is so composed.
  20. Viney talking to the umpires. Stop it. It’s not helping your cause.
  21. Nothing surer than conceding a goal with 11 seconds to go
  22. This game is already got disaster written all over it. We are in some horrible form.
  23. Too many [censored] handballs Shocking Sparrow!
  24. Well already umpires helping the Suns here.
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