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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. I would rather finish 4th and play Dogs at Marvel. That ground holds no fear.
  2. Nothing surer than us getting shafted. Lock it in Eddie.
  3. It’s because nobody cares about GWS. If they were a club in a football city like Melbourne SA or WA there’s no chance he would still be coaching.
  4. 100%. And those calling her out are a disgrace. This woman won medals with broken bones and kidney stones and remained in the sport despite long term sexual abuse suffered within the team. She is anything but weak and I applaud her for taking care of herself. Fancy that [censored] Novak having a go at her for not handling pressure and then throwing a toddler level tantrum after losing.
  5. It was a training run. Was it fun? Yes. Was it good to get touch and confidence back into Jackson and Rivers? Yes. Was it good for Bowey? Yes. Was it nice to see BB starting to show his best? Yes. Does this mean anything in the context of the season outside the 4 points? No. It was not a competitive hit out today. We were fantastic and credit to us for going hard for the whole game even if our goal kicking dropped off totally in the last quarter. But we won’t play a worse team this year.
  6. Women’s vault final is a boil over. Shame Simone couldn’t get up for it. She’d win it in a walk if she was right to go.
  7. No Simone Biles again today. So sad. I was really looking forward to seeing her these Olympics. Hope she can get herself right for at least the last two individual events. She’s an absolute champion for the sport.
  8. The fact that a country of 20 million odd people has more medals than basically every European nation and is top 5 against countries with millions, heck billions of people in the case of China, is a phenomenal mind blowing achievement.
  9. My little home country of Israel with a historic gold medal win in the men’s floor gymnastics. Wow!
  10. If Tmac and Salem are good to go I think it’s just one change. But I think it also depends if we want to rest players heading into finals.
  11. Not necessarily. You need to get a clearance from the AFL to allow them to play the next week. Given we spent 12 hours flying around Australia yesterday I doubt the AFL would be so cruel as to say he didn’t have legitimate back problems.
  12. If all 22 players got injured? That was a very enjoyable early afternoon and a prefect lead in to a boozy late afternoon enjoying some freedom in Victoria. A repeat next week please.
  13. Hope Tmac is ok. If he’s sore Weideman can replace him. In: JJ, Weideman? Out: Harmes/Viney, Tmac (hopefully not)
  14. I think we just found are new pre match ritual. 8 hours of scenic travel around Australia.
  15. Am I disappointed to only win by 98? No Am I annoyed that we can’t kick goals good? Yes Am I a greedy [censored]? Also yes
  16. It’s just you. These guys spent 9 hours on a scenic flight around Australia yesterday. Give them a break.
  17. Shame. Was hoping the first gamer kicks it. We’ve stopped playing.
  18. The only real question now is if Tmac is alright. This game is dead now.
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