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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. It’s exactly like the flu vaccine. Doesn’t stop the flu but stops you getting very ill.
  2. Either that is super unlucky or people who work and attend that college have learnt nothing from last year. A super spreading community if ever there was one. Unbelievable.
  3. JJ and Sparrow or Vanders sub. JJ is going to be in our finals team. So if he’s not sore he comes straight back in.
  4. She was amazing as always. I think they scored her a little low on the difficulty but what an effort to come third after the week she’s had.
  5. They’ve basically never really said he’s injured or with what. They sort of referenced it in passing in a press conference. I suspect he’s struggling a bit with groin issues that they’re managing. Don’t think they want to advertise it tho which is fair enough. I think Tom is a good chance to play. If his back was really bad they wouldn’t have put him through that flight or made him leave his family for 7 days to stare at a hotel wall.
  6. This is definitely a big issue. Big name players for big clubs get away with murder which is absolute trash. The inconsistency of the tribunal and the MRO is disgraceful.
  7. This is a forum for discussion. Last time I checked you’re free to put me on ignore. Just because someone doesn’t agree with your views doesn’t make it a carry on or laughable. You carrying on that there was nothing in it has been proven wrong. We’ve now lost our vice captain for 2 weeks. Whether you agree with the decision or not, it was a dumb thing for Jack to do and put us in that position as a club. I doubt anyone at the club would disagree with that assessment. No need to respond. I don’t give a single [censored] about what you think about my thoughts.
  8. Why? How is this not a distraction? If we appeal that’s another day of not knowing if he can play or not. We have a very tough week in hotel quarantine in Perth and a big game coming up on a hostile ground. How is this not an unnecessary distraction?
  9. Regardless of what happens now, this stupid act from Viney has added unnecessary distraction to an already compromised preparation for a very important game. [censored] poor leadership.
  10. 2 matches is harsh for someone with a decent record. But we all know they make light work of players who aren’t big names.
  11. I’ll answer my own question. Simone on at 6:50pm then we have an Aussie representing in the horizontal bars. My night is sorted ?
  12. Do we know the order of the gymnastics finals tonight? I am trying to plan my evening around it…. I’m not obsessed you are ?
  13. Video is from Yesterday. Hunt reposted it and said "bad start to Perth quarantine". Poor form from Fritta haha
  14. I’m worried. They are under immense pressure to perform and they’ll want to put a better performance in front of their home crowd for fear of copping the booing.
  15. You might be right. He has always been someone that I found hard to warm to. He has not been a team player from the outside and there’s a reason he lost the captaincy. He’s also in bad form. Having said that I’m not here to hang him. I think what he did was terrible stupid unnecessary and very dangerous. But overall Jack is a fair player. He plays hard and tough and takes as good as he gives. I’ve been critical of Kosi and Spargo staging for frees and I love them both. I also think Oliver was a bit of a sook last year with the umpires and I’m glad he stopped doing that although he does get held more than anyone I know for no frees. None of our players are beyond fault. Viney doesn’t have form like Selwood for example, but it doesn’t make what he did any better. It was a fairly extended brain fade rather than a split second decision made in play and that will unfortunately cost him.
  16. If Salem doesn’t play Hibbo surely comes in and Bowey plays the attacking role with Hunt. We don’t want to mess with the defensive structure too much at this stage I wouldn’t think.
  17. Also a valid point. When a player does something dangerous while the ball is in play you can argue the split second decision a player was making trying to get or keep possession of the ball (think Fritsch earlier in the year or Hawkins on May). This was not in play. Ball wasn’t even near these two guys. That doesn’t help the argument that it was deliberate and off the ball.
  18. Confirming today that Simone Biles will compete in this one. Hope she goes well!!
  19. I think most people in this thread including me who said it’s a bloody bad look, think he will get a week. Not 7. A week for stupidity and for not being a big name player from a big club. But also for utter stupidity and potential of serious injury is fair. If he gets a fine he is lucky just as a few before him have been.
  20. Well they’re old enough to have been fully vaccinated which helps.
  21. Thank you. My iPhone is not an English professor ? I think he will get a week for malicious intent and that is about right. It’s a bad look and the AFL will want to stamp it out. Viney is not a big enough name so easy to make him wear it.
  22. Whatever I won’t keep going around in circles with you. If you don’t think what Viney did was stupid and dangerous then you’re letting your bias show. Also some reading for you if you’re interested https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2014/nov/25/head-neck-injuries-phil-hughes-doctor
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