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La Dee-vina Comedia

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Everything posted by La Dee-vina Comedia

  1. Oh...there's already a thread on this topic called Top Heavy. Better to put any discussion there.
  2. Don't want to hijack the Fitzpatrick thread, but Dunn while a good long kick for goal is not a good field kick. He kicks the ball too high so it takes forever to reach its target thereby allowing the opposition to spoil. Now, back to Fitzpatrick. What's our preferred long-term big man combination once Jamar is no longer playing? Can we play all of Gawn (or Spencer), Hogan, Clark, Dawes, Watts and Fitzpatrick in the same team? Given our dearth of midfielders and other teams' shortage of ruckman, do we trade out one of the big guys (and if so, which one) for a midfielder (or two)?
  3. Having both Pedersen and Sellar as emergencies worries me. Could this mean one or both of Frawley and Dawes might not quite be right?
  4. Particularly if WADA or ASADA were approached and didn't provide a clear or definitive response. I could imagine a conversation along the lines of: Ess: "AOD-9604 is listed on the ACC website as not being prohibited. Is that correct?" WADA: :"Yes" Ess: "Thanks"
  5. I should have a look at the legislation. I suspect they can make him appear but they may not be able to make him answer questions. I know we have some lawyers on Demonland - does an individual always retain the right to refuse to answer questions? or can legislation over-ride that basic human right?
  6. I think it was this one from the Australian Crime Commission's website which states (look particularly at the last line): AOD-9604 is a variant of growth hormone which has fat burning properties and may be used by athletes to increase power to weight ratios by better utilisation of fat stores. AOD-9604 is about to enter phase three clinical trials.12 During phase two clinical trials it was also found to have an anabolic effect on cartilage tissue and may promote cartilage creation and repair and have a capacity to enhance muscle formation.13 AOD-9604 is not currently a WADA prohibited substance. I don't think anything Jobe Watson said on TV makes a difference as I assume he said exactly the same to the ASADA investigators. I suspect that Essendon believe that they can either prove that WADA or ASADA advised that AOD-9604 was OK to take (even if the WADA/ASADA official who told them was mistaken) or that there is sufficient doubt about the status of AOD-9604 that it would be impossible to take action against the club or players. That's not to say the AFL won't take some sort of action against the club for its poor governance of the issue. In fact, Watson might have deliberately said what he did to exude the confidence necessary to get journos to start reframing the debate by writing something similar to what I've just written. Finally, I wish we had a captain with the on-field skill, off-field personality and obvious leadership which he gives Essendon. Edit: typos
  7. In last night's Ess v WCE game, Channel 7 displayed the teams in a way that I've never seen before. Each team was presented with 5 defenders, 3 forwards and the rest as mids. I didn't like it - but I can understand the media's frustration when teams consistently publish their teams in positions they clearly won't play.
  8. Neil Craig might sue you for defamation
  9. Replace the words "Mark Neeld" with "Julia Gillard" and "senior coach" with "Prime Minister" and it could be an article in any newspaper in Australia today.
  10. Does that mean the position which reports to the CEO and to which all other football positions report including coach, fitness, development, recruitment, list management (however described), etc?
  11. Is there any reason why a new coach couldn't start straight away? I expect any potential new coach will have some other employment commitments at the moment, such as Football Manager, Assistant Coach or working in the media. And there may be strategic reasons why a new coach doesn't want to start until the end of this season, But if they could negotiate a release from their current employer, is there anything stopping a new coach taking over now?
  12. I agree - but if you're looking for a reason to defend your actions, it would help to use a Federal Government law enforcement agency's own website to muddy the waters.
  13. It's unclear to me whether we're after a new list manager. If Harrington's job was made redundant, that suggests there isn't a list manager's job to be filled. On the other hand, someone has to look after contracts, player payments, etc. However, that article is a pice of dross. No facts to substantiate the argument other than (1) Melbourne has no list manager and (2) Noble is a list manager.
  14. Some possible reasons: (1) lack of appropriate fitness/conditioning for the style of game being played (2) poor skills leading to players being forced to twist and turn more than they should to get a ball (I seem to recall that's how Jamie Bennell did his knee) (3) poor skills leading to players being forced to put their bodies in positions where contact with other players occurs which would not have happened if the ball had been delivered properly (4) and some unavoidable contact issues (such as Jack Grimes' latest injury)
  15. I think this is a far more complex issue than is being reported. The Australian Crime Commission website says that the AOD-9604 is "not currently prohibited" by WADA, and then also says it's not approved for human use. As a minimum, I think there is sufficient confusion that players who were injected or used AOD could claim a misunderstanding.
  16. Perhaps the saddest part about all of this is that a whole lot of young kids were injected with stuff that probably did nothing to help them physically but may cause health problems later in life. I don't agree with many posters on here who seem to take joy in the suffering of Essendon and by extension, their players and those players' families. This whole affair tarnishes what most of us would agree is the best game in the world. I hate drug cheats and those who pressure sporting figures to take them. If it is not already, I'd love to see those who expose sports people unwittingly to such risks, to be subject to criminal sanctions, not just suspensions or fines imposed by sporting organisations or WADA/ASADA.
  17. Dustin or Stefan? Or someone else?
  18. Agree about his left foot. But can he kick on the right? Does anyone know? (As an aside, I remain astounded at the inability of so many players across the competition to play on both sides. You'd think in a professional competition they would have learned to play on both sides of their bodies as young men, if not in under-age competitions.)
  19. The MRP system is a good idea being damaged by inanity. Mark Evans is reportedly going to make changes to the MRP system. I hope he keeps the basic premise of a points system but recalibrates the points to make more sense. (Note: I haven't seen the Spencer case. My argument is about the scheme in general, not specific cases)
  20. Am I right in recalling that he's also doing an AFL coaching course? (Perhaps that's not quite worded clearly - I mean taking a course which would train him to be an AFL coach in the future).
  21. Surely we'll be a chance with this team. There's 20 players on the ground compared with every one else's 18.
  22. Mind you, on SEN yesterday, Connolly was much kinder to the MFC players. He spent some time questioning why the media gives Jack Watts such a hard time while leaving another #1 draft pick, Kreuzer, alone. He also made it clear that he believes the club has not physically developed players well enough so that Watts is still too under-developed physically to play CHF.
  23. As usual, Demonlandy has done a great banner. In particular, I love the way the sky's colour moves from blue to red from left to right. It seems to give the appearance of foreboding as if the Demon has awoken, he's had enough and is about to wreak havoc on his enemies. Go Dees!
  24. He's not the first Kent to be a man of steel.
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