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Everything posted by ex52k2

  1. One thing touched on, injuries. We had a few, some major, but they were made worse by us having a short list, Missing two , Brayshaw and Smith with Spargo going down ten minutes into the first game. These had the effect of restricting our response to in season injuries.
  2. This has been asked before, so I am sorry if I missed the reply. Where does a MFC reserved seat get you at docklands? Please dont say free on the top level.
  3. What do we want out of 2024 at this late stage? Our season is cooked, so how do we get the best result from now for the MFC. Do we know if Fullerton can play at AFL level or do we just leave him at Casey until we delist him. Drop Gawn, in for medical, Bring in Jefferson for 2 matches after telling him this is what AFL is like and strive over preseason to get there Use the remaining 2 games as a positive for 2025, if in doubt play them. Whats the worst that can happen? Lose 2 dead games, have a look at players and possibly improve our draft position. It wont matter to the vast majority of our supporters, they wont go anyway, Petty will still be a forward, at night, cold, dark or just couldnt care. Let us see the possible future and enjoy the DEES at the G. For now!
  4. The AFL dont care about a disaster for the MFC. There will be 19 teams soon, it would solve a few problems if one team fell out. I am sure interstate teams would cry if a Melbourne team went under. I am sure they would About 10 years ago we played GWS at docklands and drew about 8000 people, a complete money and look disaster, lost approx $120000. too many of those and we will be broke. If this happens we [ the supporters] can blame nobody but ourselves. As I wrote in an earlier post about possible moving of home games in favour of more for essendon and carlton at the G, I forget about the 4 games hawthorn will need to relocate in the ending of the Launceston games.
  5. My information on the break even figure was a conversation with Cameron Schwab about 10 years ago. It was during a walk to the G on a queens birthday game. He said that different grounds have different break even figures. Waverly was 14000 G 20000 and docklands 30000. Now those figures have changed, no Waverly, lower at docklands now owned by AFL. But as I said above I am more worried by other teams wanting OUR ground.
  6. As to the finances, we would have had to write a cheque to the MCC for not getting a break even crowd. Approx 20000 people, we pay or collect approx $10.00 for each above or below that figure. So in the last two home games we would have had to pay approx. $50000. Another point which I am much more afraid of both carlton and essendon want more games at the G. Which clubs attendance do you think lends itself to being moved to docklands, to enable more home games for the above teams?
  7. If in the words of our coach, Fullerton couldnt win a ruck contest, WHY draft him? We could have kept a Harmes or Jordan on the list and been no worse off in the ruck as the bloke we drafted to be a back up for Max cant ruck A real simple question . why draft him, didnt we look at his previous games at bris. Also as I recall we gave him two years, for a ruckman who cant ruck.
  8. How often have you heard the coach say ' our forward line is a work in progress. Dozens I bet. I think the airport rail link is closer to finish than our forward line. We worry so much about the forward line that its coach is a ruckman. Here is a left wing idea employ a forward line coach who was a forward. How about Jack Reiwolt. Just retired kicked many goals, in successful team. On thursday night sitting at the city end watching the forward line up close, the number of times with the ball approaching into our forward area, JVR and TMAC standing shoulder to shoulder next to each other. For gods sake split and offer multable options to the on coming ball carrier. Learn how to kick over the preseason at a 21 mtr wide target because simply we cant.
  9. Thank you very much Daniel. Being in my 70s and not up to speed with high tech[ I dont even own a mobile phone]. I went into MFC my account and changed my password and BINGO up popped my barcodes . Next H&M season pop down to 52k2 and I will by you a beer. signed GREY HAIRED OLD BUGGER.
  10. Daniel I have a physical card and there are 4 nos on the back, a number above the barcode, a member number higher on the card and 2 numbers one on the left and right of the barcode. Neither the barcode nor the member number is recognised by the MFC account .
  11. I am a 35 year member and cat 1 ticket holder. No bar code has been sent, no email. Other people love this time of year but I hate it having to battle with this stupid computer system. It takes all the joy out of finals. Ticktet is the daniel andrews of the computer world. How do I get my barcode? I dont have an MFC account.
  12. The problem isnt about connection between mids and forwards, get kingy in and he will throw dozens of stats at you Its all bum fluf. Our one problem is we cant hit a target 7.5 metres wide often enough. We are getting plenty of shots on goal, plenty. Alot of them set shots from good angles. Our scores show if we can hit that 7.5 mt target we will win most games. They are prof. footballers who canr kick. Thank god they arnt surgeons, dead everywhere.
  13. Thanks Titan.
  14. I got to thinking, this will be Grundys first game at the cattery. He first played in 2013 and collingwood havnt played there this century. So who plays at the cattery, well we have won another one, most down there. The following is the list from most AFL favoured to most hated. 2000-2023 collingwood.... 0 essendon....2 carlton.....3 hawthorn.....3 gold coast.......7 gws......7 richmond.......8 st. kilda.......11 pt adel......13 fremantle.....14 w.coast........14 w bulldogs.......15 adelaide.....16 sydney.......16 brisbane......17 n. melb.......18 And folks you guessed it MELBOURNE.....19. In looking this up I noticed that round 14 2015 adelaide vs geelong match was cancelled, can anybody remember why?
  15. From round 7, all parking at the G will have to be purchased on line from Ticktec. This is on the MCC website Once again if you dont have a mobile phone you just dont park at the G. First refusing to axcept Australian money, then having to use credit cards now that isnt good enough, having to prepurchase parking tickets online from of all people.... TICKETEC.
  16. Great article BB, its time we stopped thinking about the me. How close we are to Gosches paddock and how only peasants live miles away. The question that needs to be asked and the only question is, what is best for the MFC. The club and only the club, not us landers. As long as we share facilities with other codes we will be turfed off of our training ground, which is happening for the womens soccer. Are we happy to be a gypsy football club at the bec and call of every piddly code. Its time we became the MFC not the CBD football team. By the way I dont live near Caufield but at Pakenham, 40 ks away.
  17. In relation to the home base saga. I believe we are at loggerheads with ourselves. There are two sides to this subject, WANT and NEED We want to have all our training and admin departments in one place at the G , or as close as possible. But we dont need this for our club. There is a difference, I dont think in this day we can get the want. But I believe we can get the need. To me this is the Caufield race course. Now I am not privy to any of the costings,planing and all the gov [censored] but Caufield meets our need. By the way I dont live within 40ks of Caufield.
  18. I am a 34 year member, sat in the rain, sat and watched us get beat by 186 points at geelong, didnt leave early, Tried to buy 2 tickets today with 2 membership cards, not 10. after 1 hour of watching a blue line cross the screen we got through only to be locked out on the next screen. Rang the club, SORRY SIR was the reply WE DONT HAVE ANY SAY WITH TICKTEK. I am a member of the MFC not ticktek. So its goodbye 34 years of attending as a member and the thousands of dollars we spent, as a blue collar worker some years we couldnt really afford the money but we did. So goodbye.
  19. For all those who DONT think having a big name matters at the AFL. Question: which player in 2021 concussed 3 opposition players that year and didnt get suspended? But wait theres more he also broke an opponents eye socket for the hell of it. Not only didnt he get reported or suspended for it he didnt even have a free kick awarded against him. Yes you guess it our old mate TOM, by the way May says I hope I didnt damage your elbow with my eye socket.
  20. Not exactly about crowd numbers, but I have noticed more very young supporters in DEES jumpers at games. Not surprising, but a lot of hawk adults had young kids in tow with Demons gear on. Are we now appealing to the very young fans now?
  21. Two things, do you think weeds would make a good wingman? And isnt it great after Hird goes to coach gws they put in like last night. I guess what ever it takes.
  22. How would you like to be carlton. In the last 2 games they have be awarded 16 50 mtr penalties including two 100 mtr ones. It will be interesting when they play footscray the umpires will be totally confused in who to support.
  23. The AFL want a record this weekend, guess what no general parking at the G all weekend. Only parking for the toffs and disabled. Think Gil needs to tell his vision to the MCG hob nobs.
  24. Ah the modern world where everything is quicker and simpler, all thanks to the mobile controller. Remember the bad old slow days when you rocked up and showed your membership card and you were in.[ bar code from 1998] Now in this techno crap slow confused world we are saved, think so , just read the several pages of confusion above. While mobile confusers are handy to a lot of people they restrict your life in others. Think not, I was refused a booster shot because I didnt have a mobile confuser. But in true computer logic the chemist staff punched in 04000000000 a dummy number so what good is it. Just tell me with a strait face the new system is more efficient, quicker and less confusing than a simple card. I have phoned the AFL in regards to the new system they didnt want to know and blamed the clubs, the MFC blamed the AFL. So no membership card to use and save for our 14th flag.
  25. Stood on the outer wing all day, on the fence. Langdon just in front of us all day, boy can he motor. He also has the one on one skills to match. Had six opponents over the game beat the lot. During the first qtr north kicked it out on the full five times all on our side of the ground. During the game looked at the score board and we were 18 goals we score so quickly at times, north looked slow and hesitant. By the way we need to get the umpires down to training to explain to us where we are going wrong with the rules. The free kick count for the first qtr{ excluding out on the full] was 14 to 1 against us, and 27 to 11 all day. We must be very bad, particularly our tacking only 1 was rewarded. Good team effort and at one stage BBB had scored as many goals as north 5. Venue looked great, a small grandstand on the outer needed but great ground.
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