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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. He kinda reminds me of a slinky descending down some steps.... Lots of movement, but no real speed. But I digress...
  2. Didn't realise that I was calling Beamer a legend. My apologies wyl.
  3. I don't think anyone here is happy with where we are, but throwing the baby out with the bath water is not the answer. There is no answer as simple as that. Yes, as the current most senior mid we would like to see him show more. However, i believe he's worth more to us than the trade we would get for him at years end, partic if it was us offering him up. The reality is we don't have an A grade midfielder, far from it, but Beamer shouldn't be the scapegoat for poor midfield recruitment and development.
  4. I'd be pretty certain there will be more than one person working with JV next year. In amongst a group of quality mids, Beamer will be a very good contributor. In a team with few mids, he's targeted by opponents as one of the only that can have an impact. Few outside of here would say the game was really alive in Q3, that is unless you are comparing it to 186.
  5. I'm talkin. So you'd quickly get rid of one of our only hard bodied, experienced mids, passionate about the club, recent Bluey winner? We need him. In what is a very poor midfield, he's perhaps amongst our most important players. May not be performing ATM, granted, but not good enough reason to crucify him. We would have few left on the park at years end if that was the measuring stick. Amazing how quickly we kick a player when he's out of form. Talk about short memory. Ridiculous.
  6. Living up to your name, pal. Who's been lesser than us over the last few years (franchises excluded)?
  7. Strawbs ended up going to the Tiges, I believe. They promised using their last list place that year to a big bloke who couldn't get a game at the Hawks (John Origlasso) and instead picked up Stawbs when he put his hand up for a trade. Injuries robbed him of any hope of a career at the Tiges.
  8. Hands up those who trust a Magpie fan (that has a relationship with Eddie) when he's 'managing' a MFC contracted player without the MFC's knowledge or consent?
  9. Hey Batherus and BHMc, one way to protect a vulnerable person and keep the trash media away from him is to protect the person by keeping the trash media away from him! An hack ex Magpie and the other a Magpie fan... media amateurs. Eddie played them like a guitar.
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