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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. I've just come back from a once in a lifetime holiday. I tell you what, never again...
  2. My local shop assistant fiercely fought off an armed robber with his labelling gun, yesterday. Police are now looking for a man and say there's a price on his head.
  3. Maybe the game should be less coached, analysed, compartmentalised, scrutinised, etc. Many observers talk about footy being a simple game at its core, and it should be! This is an opportunity for the league and clubs to bring the game back from a two hour, over-thought, rolling scrum
  4. Even sport starved footy fans would turn off if we were getting done by 1/4 time. Blockbusters by the big clubs are an obvious starting point Edit. Come to think of it, and given current financial climate, I'm happy that we will start the season soon with MFC participating. In the madness of the last couple of months, I half expected the AFL to use iso and shutdown as reasons to shake up the comp and remove what could argued as deadwood. If by the end of this year we finish in the finals (whatever that looks like), it would be a good platform to launch into 2021. Of course it would be great to win it in 2020, but this isn't a time for small clubs to be making demands or assuming that rules of fairness apply.
  5. Slight aside, Burgo talking player fitness during iso on FC tonight
  6. Bbo, to quote PJK: you're all tip and no iceberg! Full of bs.
  7. From Max's hand to that foot is a long journey for a football. Seems to always hook when things go astray
  8. So, a slap with a wet lettuce leaf. Where's the disincentive for other clubs not to do it (apart from the virus, of course)?
  9. Jurrah was as clean as a whistle with ball in hand. Great vision too. Had that amazing knack to be able to visualise what was going to happen before others could
  10. The rule is that clubs cannot share any indoor facilities. I would assume this means only one of MFC, Storm or Victory can use AAMI facilities. Also, would a group of 10 (which includes FD staff) mean at any one training location? That prevents backs at one end of Goschs, mids in the centre and forward at the other end. May have to separate off to different locations. This is probably why Andrews said it wasn't effective immediately, as they have to nut it out on a case by case basis
  11. Kozzie seems to be good at those too. Put one in each pocket!
  12. https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/dean-laidley-how-his-story-reveals-cultural-change-20200509-p54rf3.html
  13. Agreed. Cale mentioned a number of interesting points about facilities (e.g. junction oval), player development, support staff, complacency and others, which gives a fairly honest overview of us at the time.
  14. Of course he is, and with no crowd. Then it would be their turn next year. Greedy [censored]
  15. I repeat: there would not be a person here who does not have sympathy for the AVO victim. It's a given. I'll leave you to continue to if you want.
  16. Maybe they could put MFC membership packs on the shelves next to toilet paper
  17. Toady's back! Didn't you read in the papers about the party that was busted in Romsey? I managed to flee over the back fence, but Biff and Uncle were caught 'doing a Laidley'
  18. Ok, so you want us to talk about the AVO victim/s? To discuss what's happened to them? On an anonymous football forum? Just to balence the thread up? I think you are confusing most poster's respect for the victim's privacy as to mean we do not care. For us to not know the name of the victim, the circumstances surrounding the AVO or it's breach is a good thing, and more than likely what they want. Not one person on here has said they do not have sympathy for the AVO victim. Of course we do.
  19. No one is denying that. There are two important stories here. One, that he is accused of the things you mention, and second that Laidley's privacy was illegally breached by police officers (two have now been suspended). A third story is of a life spiralling out of control apparently from drugs/mental health issues. There are only losers in this whole situation. I would've thought it good for the victim's sake that little has been leaked about the charges Laidley is likely to face. We have information about the photos and text messages of the privacy breach, so that is why it is the dominant discussion here at the moment. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/may/05/clicks-and-dollars-trump-ethics-for-media-that-published-leaked-photos-of-dean-laidley
  20. Is this a PC way of talking about a Swiss midget?
  21. Senior Constable Shane Reid, has been named in The Age.
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