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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. Good points La Dee. The reality is that any sponsorship (within reason) is good income for the club. ATM beggars can't be choosers. Bring it on!
  2. Priorities: 1. MCG sized training ground with good surface. Another oval/space nearby for breakout groups. 2. Modern gym, pool to AFL standard. Preferably open indoor training space too. 3. Admin centre in same place as above two. ... ... ... ... 10. Social club/bar.
  3. For 2 years only @ $1.5mill per year. If that what it takes for the club to get some of the cash it needs, so be it. I can live with that.
  4. Venuto Club has 90 pokies sucking about $7mill per year away from the community.
  5. Our very own Uncle Bitter has been at it again! https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2020/may/28/man-acquitted-of-entering-a-home-with-a-weapon-after-successful-sex-fantasy-defence
  6. No chance Fritter will be squeezed out
  7. I'll meet you at gate 3, dc. Here's a pic for you to find me (going with the new training jumper colours)
  8. He also said "please spell my name correctly!"
  9. That turns me on! Yeah, baby!!!
  10. Fair enough pit. Personally I'd like a MFC bar for supporters at our HQ, but if it does not make a decent profit year round it simply cannot be done. Same reason why we declined the Edwin's cafe site. Making a profit will be so critical in the next 5-10 years. I wouldn't be opposed to a foyer museum in our new HQ. Glass cabinets with cups, jumpers, medals, Alan Jokovich's tight shorts, etc. But I cannot see us spending much on these types of things. Seinfeld also said "sometimes the road less travelled is less travelled for a reason!"
  11. Affairs 101: If you are going to answer a booty call, make sure your iPhone isn't connected to the family iPad. ?
  12. Yes, that right. You got it in one.
  13. Yeah, nah. Edwins makes sfa $ and has poor foot traffic. Go there most days and you'll see it is a marginal business at the best of times, despite what some club fan boys might say. Now and for the foreseeable future it is absolutely useless as a business. Social clubs, museums, footy cafes are a great way to waste precious club money. Emotion does not equal profit.
  14. Not the case. Domestic incident. To sum it up: when your [censored] stands up, your brain sits down.
  15. Social mixing can't come soon enough for you, by the looks of it picket.
  16. No reason (except money, of course) why we can't have facilities at both Casey and Goschs. Three story admin, gym and 2/3 lane pool at car park F next to AAMI. Resize and resurface Goschs oval to MCG size. Use grass area between for additional training, such as warm ups, rehab, sprints. Where would the money come from? Does community engagement need to be a factor in funding? How can this be addressed? Casey already has ovals, pool, running track. Does it need better gym and indoor hanger? I'm not sure as I haven't been there. Would be keen to hear from posters that know the facilities. But should that area be earmarked for sports and development, it's possible that a post COVID state govt would look at community projects that promote health and engagement for locals. No reason why it can't be available for the public when not used by MFC A compact Gosches facility for in-season. Spacious Casey for preseason, bye weeks and when needed during the season.
  17. So Barrett believes in assumed guilt as a first resort? Lucky he's not on our High Court!
  18. Given it would only get decent foot traffic a couple of times per week (and almost zero over summer) there is no sense in having a bar/cafe/social club attached to any development. It's sounds nice and cosy, but imo would be a waste of money. Might be better to relocate the merch shop away from Brunton Ave, but even then it would be smarter to do 100% online, except for mobile shop or two outside the ground on match day and at club events, which we kind of do now, but poorly.
  19. BBO has had no troubles social distancing at the G. Even when it's a full house he gets a seat on his own.
  20. The city link off-ramp won't be changed. We'd need to work around that.
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