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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. Good info Dazzle. Thanks for sharing
  2. Your secret service background has served you well, Mr Bond!
  3. You don't say! No one can pull the wool over your eyes, WYL
  4. Would be handy example if we played rugby league. But alas....
  5. Combination of double calf surgery earlier in the year and his new found inner peace due to fatherhood and home life stability.
  6. Sometimes the MFC scarf is the only thing I don when I go out. High tolerance to the cold, Mr Old
  7. Yes, it's going to be a telling preseason....
  8. Cornes chasing relevance. Same old same old.
  9. Apparently Finland just closed its borders, so no one will be crossing the finish line.... I'll see myself out.
  10. Only about 5 that still post, dc
  11. It's called relevance to the topic and refuting your comment that we should have kept the pokies. Besides that, it's also fact. You've offered this thread absolutely nothing except boorish name calling and shouting down posters who disagree with you, as if that some how make a you right. Congratulations. Fortunately for me, I'll put you on ignore. Have a great night!
  12. Because every club has cash flow issues, regardless of pokies. But we are one of few clubs not expecting money from idle machines. And where did I comment on its morality? Nice strawman tactic. If you want an example of a stupid one liner, it's a revisionist poster who's one line says we "should have kept pokies", when clearly we didn't! That's the definition of adding nothing. An asset that we sold for good money before COVID that would otherwise now be making nothing for about 6 months, and far less than expected for perhaps 12mths or more due to social distancing. A fortunate move I'd say. As I said, moot point. C ya.
  13. Worth remembering that we've been an 'assisted' club before, most recently in 2014 when the AFL appointed PJ and essentially took control over our financial position. Different circumstances now however, obviously
  14. And do you know if it has been used or the resulting investment can't be accessed quickly? Yeah, those pokies would be real handy in the long term if the club folded soon, NOT! It's a moot point, they're gone. Move on.
  15. Which would've made $0.00 since mid March and possibly $0.00 until September. Meanwhile, the money from their sale can be used NOW to help save the club
  16. Can you see Max's face in the background? Needs a caption competition for what he's thinking! "This kid's gonna put me on the bench within 6 months!"
  17. Given we just got out of pokies, a lot of those you list might be no. But it's extraordinary times, so who the hell knows. We have had a Chinese airline before. FMD, imagine the club major sponsor being the 'church' of scientology! Sexyland could be ok if we get VIP cards....
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