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Winners at last

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Posts posted by Winners at last

  1. 6 minutes ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

    Could be a half way decent game tonight!

    I have a modest investment on the Bears.

    [censored] I hate Geelong and their [censored] of a coach.

    We all do [hate Jee-long]. But no Duckwood & Rohan tonight to hate.

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  2. 4 hours ago, Skuit said:

    In a backwards way, Covid has been a blessing for the selection panel early in the year as we tick off the wins, and maybe for the long-term shape of our team. Hoping Weid backs up and can return to his mid-2020 form, along with Tomlinson getting closer to his best alongside Lever and May. Then Petty is our only real selection conundrum until Salem is ready to come back. 

    Post-note: I hadn't realised it, but the game last week was statistically Weideman's best ever as a forward - his biggest goal haul, equal-most number of marks, and easily the most scoring shots on goal. Posters lament J. Smith's ill-fortune, but Sam could probably be placed in that category too. Just as he was finding consistency, we took that trip to Cairns, and then he copped a pre-season leg injury. 

    IMHO Petty (when fit) is clearly in the best 22. He's ahead of Tomlinson. 

    Poor Tommo ... recruited as a winger, but that experiment didn't work. Good as a defender, but got injured and Petty overtook him. I suspect he will continue to get selected because of injuries to others. I wish him all the best ... great guy, great clubman and a solid player.

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  3. 17 hours ago, Skuit said:

    I think at least four of the interstate expansion teams belong to us. But I also think we’re of a similar age Onion, so I'll reframe the question. Other than the Sydney game you highlighted in 1993 and the GWS record, no other team has ever broken a streak of ten or more consecutive losses in a match against Melbourne (out of 30 or so instances, with more than half of those vs traditional Victorian teams).  

    I was at that Swans match. Pretty sure it was at Doglands. Dreadful.

  4. 48 minutes ago, David-Demon said:

    Look, I think you are part on the money except how can you not include BB , I agree , and then retain The Weed ? Frankly if I were a selector (and thank God I am not) I would bring BB back, retain The Weed and move T Mc to CHB to strengthen the second string back seven till Lever, Salen, Hibbo and Petty are available then re start our thinking then. Like, push the problem out till we have to make a really hard decision...lol 

    So, who are you suggesting be dropped for BBB? Tomlinson, or someone else?

    And if Lever is back this week (which seems likely), who would be the second player to make way for him? 

  5. 6 hours ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

    Civility is your only criterion? Sensitivity doesn’t get a guernsey? Cool. I need to take a break from DL anyways, so thank you for providing me with another (and deciding) reason, albeit unwittingly. 👍🏽

    Fork 'em ... There's a lot of love for WCW in this forum. 

    WCW ... hope you get well and soon. And come back when you're ready ... you'll be missed.

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  6. 23 minutes ago, Pates said:

    Apart from the third quarter I’d agree with you, the worry was that when we lost our structure there really seemed to be a few headless chook moments. Thankfully May brought them all in and steadied the ship, but the Stringer mark inside 50 was something we haven’t seen for a long time. 

    I think that’s the best thing about this team though, when the oppo has the run on and even takes the lead there isn’t panic or blaming. Each line comes together and knows what they need to do to reset. 

    FWIW Nibbler (who I like) stood and watched. I think he could/should have made a contest.

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