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Winners at last

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Posts posted by Winners at last

  1. 39 minutes ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

    Isn’t that what Buddy’s counsel does on his behalf? overdramatising for effect much?

    Also, he can still be a ripper bloke. That’s not contingent on how he handled the case, nor on the outcome. 

    Wow, not a lot of love for Andrew in this thread ...  😢

    I have briefed Andrew many times. He is an outstanding barrister.

    Y'all stop being mean about him ! 

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  2. 3 minutes ago, David-Demon said:


    Yeah, we all agree at the Demons........


    "Mr Franklin intended to strike Mr Cotchin," Gleeson said.

    "He was looking directly at him. His response was spontaneous sand intentional."

    It concluded a heated evening in which Franklin said Cotchin "exaggerated" the contact and the AFL counsel Andrew Woods described Franklin's action as "cowardly".

    Woods said Franklin was "angry" when Cotchin bumped him off the ball.




    Trent Cotchin reacts after a confrontation with Lance Franklin in Sydney's win over Richmond in round 11, 2022. Picture: Phil Hillyard

    "It's an element of luck that Cotchin does not sustain a more serious injury," he said.

    "It's precisely what a professional AFL player should know what not to do.

    "It's brazen, it's cowardly and the opposing player isn't expecting that to happen to him.

    "It's AFL, not Fight Club or a combat sport."



    I know Andrew Woods. He is a ripper bloke. Well done sir!! 

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  3. 6 hours ago, Winners at last said:

    It doesn't relate to this thread, but it's hardly worth a new thread. Arguably it doesn't warrant a post at all!

    Had a terrible dream last night. I was watching the GF ... it was the Demons' third GF since 1964, and we were expected to win easily. We didn't ... got thrashed!! So relieved to wake up !! 

    Can anyone guess who we were playing in that nightmare?  Clue.. It wasn't the Dogs, nor the filth.


    2 hours ago, Bring-Back-Powell said:

    St Kilda?

    Nope .... guess again

  4. It doesn't relate to this thread, but it's hardly worth a new thread. Arguably it doesn't warrant a post at all!

    Had a terrible dream last night. I was watching the GF ... it was the Demons' third GF since 1964, and we were expected to win easily. We didn't ... got thrashed!! So relieved to wake up !! 

    Can anyone guess who we were playing in that nightmare?  Clue.. It wasn't the Dogs, nor the filth.

    • Thinking 1
  5. 13 hours ago, Hellaintabadplacetobe said:

    Hard to argue with any of that. They have the skills and the pace to break our lines.

    We looked really slow against Freo, maybe it was training loads like last year or perhaps flu that we appear to have been hit by!?

    Always match up well against us.

    and physically small ... 

    • Like 2
  6. 17 minutes ago, Demon17 said:

    Great post response to a a ridiculous comment on the 2021 season being a "myth".

    Just finished a 16 win streak from last season into nearly mid-2022. Last season and the falg wasno fluke -  neither is this year. I think the team is even better given its consolidated belief in winning. 

    It was actually 17 ... like your name!!!

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  7. 7 minutes ago, Swooper1987 said:

    Our first half, in particular the second quarter was outstanding but as has been mentioned we wasted opportunities and what should've been a 6 or 7 goal lead was only 4 and the door was ajar.  Our backline wasn't exposed in the first half due to the dominance of Gawn, Oliver and Viney at clearance.  Gawn spent a substantial amount of time out of the ruck and off the ground in the third and that was the turning point.  Jackson played nothing like a big man yesterday.  He was uncompetitive in the air and in the ruck.  A paltry 7 hitouts from 36 ruck contests (Gawn 20 from 44, Darcy 32 from 59, Lobb 7 from 25).  Our midfield dominance is predicated on either winning hit out or negating the oppo ruck.  We never get beaten in the ruck.  We may not always win it but we never lose it - until yesterday.  Gawn played a fine game - not outstanding but he more than held up his end and neither Lobb nor Darcy had any real influence when opposed to Gawn.  Jackson's ability to hit the scoreboard has also stagnated this season.  If he is to be a third tall forward he needs to do more in that part of the ground.5 go

    Our tall forwards were terrible in the air also.  Freo's contested marks were mostly intercept in defence and that is an indictment on Brown and Weidemann.  The good news is, it's all fixable.  Mitch Brown will probably come in if he plays ok today.  He's a very smart footballer and he knows how to lead.  Tomlinson is a very good defender who'd be playing regular senior footy nearly anywhere else.  Harmes will be close to playing this week. TMac should be back.  All of a sudden we look a much better team.  We won games in May's absence last year and I'm sure we can do it again.

    There are obviously 'turning points' in matches. I think we were a goal short of what we needed at the end of Q2. (A bit like Bulldogs in Q3 in the GF.)

    Can't remember who missed near the end of Q2, but a 5+ goal lead at HF would have been handy. Also misses by Fritsch (?) and Spargo at the start of Q4 snuffed out any chance of a comeback. 

  8.  Thankfully the sun did come out this morning ...although hidden behind cloud,

    Our percentage took a fair hit.

    I don't think Langdon will be back for a while. He was sadly missed ... as were May, Tmac, Salem and Harmes.

    Hmm .... I've booked tickets to the next 3 matches  .... Swans, filth & Brisbane. And to those posters who are thankful that Franklin will be playing ... as if he won't appeal and get off! 

    We were absolutely monstered by Freo .... I haven't seen us being outmarked so regularly since the bad old days ... 

    Excuse my rambings ...  I need a coffee ... onwards and upwards ....


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  9. 3 hours ago, gs77 said:

    The more analogous situation is our "nursing" Jones to his 300 game milestone early last year, after which excepting a couple of medi subs he barely played again. I'll be surprised if we see much more of Melksham after this weekend, though I'llalways have a soft spot for him for coming to us and playing great footy that simultaneously served an "F U" to Dons fans who derided him at the time of the trade and lit up our breakthrough 2018 campaign. 

    Spot on dude ... Jones was lucky to make it to 300 games. The Club did the right thing by him ... he was pretty much cooked, and there was realistically no hope of him playing in the GF.

  10. I watched a replay of the Round 1 match 2011 v Swans. (On Foxtel via Kayo.)

    Boy ... how many turnovers did the Demons commit in that match! (Answer ... lots). Rohan Bail/Col Garland/Grimes/Trengove/Sylvia/Nate Jones  et al.

    Chalk and cheese compared to the 2021/2022 side.

    One striking feature was the virtual absence of round the neck free kicks. Why would that be? The fact that players did not drop their knees/try to milk free kicks in those days? 


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