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Winners at last

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Posts posted by Winners at last

  1. Freo are really bad                                                                                                                                                                           

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  2. Here's an idea out of left field ...

    When we're being continually thrashed in the air up forward and/or the oppo take intercept mark after intercept mark, perhaps sometimes just 'kick it to grass' and let the small forwards run onto it? Surely better than being continually outmarked.

    Or is that just another Baldrick plan?


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  3. This filth success is doing my head in. It's worse than the Demons doing poorly.

    Imagine if the GF is filth v puddy tatts!! I'm an MCC member and have been to every grand final (other than 2020/21 obviously) for about 15 years. If these teams play off, I wouldn't go. 

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