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Chopper Lovell

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Everything posted by Chopper Lovell

  1. Who on earth calls him "G-EYE-sberts"?
  2. Jeez, someone's having a bad day.... Calm down, precious...
  3. 731247 needs one more to join....
  4. I'm in some leagues that still need people: 304799 635111 And the above 499717 still has spots.....
  5. Gee, he may have been able to squeeze a few extra beans out of the club if he'd signed earlier...
  6. Was just wondering, does anyone here know if Cam Bruce copped it from the Melbourne players?
  7. Agreed; I think it will become more obvious over the next few years just how important having a stand-alone reserves team actually is. Is it just a coincidence that the only two Victorian teams with their own VFL sides finished 1st and 2nd last year? Maybe, but then again....
  8. Awesome, sounds good. My gf and I upgraded to the Legend's membership after the 2010 season, and we're really looking forward to it. What's the word on the Presidents club for one home game feature? What does this entail? Why is it worth $600?
  9. Anyone hold a legends membership? Just wondering what the vibe is like there.
  10. Tell ya what, if he doesn't sign/just reiterates the same garbage we've heard before, he'll have a great time at family day on sunday....!!
  11. There's the grand old brotherly Melbourne fan spirit we all know... FCS, let it go and concentrate on the game. Jeez....
  12. Isn't more than double the previous number of wins considered a vast improvement?
  13. Why don't the reporters just ask Scully? It's a bit ridiculous really, they seem to have no problem ambushing other players with questions relating to all manner of garbage.... Quite simple, 'are you going to be a Melbourne player this year?' What's with reporters these days?
  14. Won't be an issue - Jurrah will absolutely 100% never leave Melbourne (until the club want to delist him, that is).
  15. If I were to compare him to anyone, I'd like to think of him as a young Nick Riewoldt; the same people used to bag the hell out of him when he was a kid, but look at him now: silence....
  16. I think we can all agree that the current ones are a BIG miss....
  17. Terrible guernseys - my girlfriend Jade, who is beginning her first season as a Melbourne supporter/member, asked me why the club were wearing pink tonight. Talk about an embarrassment to the club. Imagine what the rest of the AFL world were thinking..... It was the first match! Everyone was watching!!!!
  18. Cool, figured out how to embed them - thanks for that!
  19. Anyone know how to actually embed the youtube videos into the forum posts (like at Demonology)? Is it actually possible?
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