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Fork 'em

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Posts posted by Fork 'em

  1. Let me stress at the 28th minute mark of the 4th quarter if he has played exceptionally i'll be leading the brigade to stand and clap as one but whether you disagree or not standing for him running off looked and sounded poor.

    You shouldn't have too long to wait .

    Won't be the only standing ovation you'll give him before he's done either . ;)

  2. I was just saying yesterday to a mate how exciting we are when we get going. Our ability to score in bursts and move the ball so quickly end to end is fantastic to watch. Imagine following the saints - it would be akin to watching a bloke push a big rock up a hill.

    Yep , our game style is awesome to watch when on song .

    Couldn't handle it if it was similar to the Aints.

    If we got Roos as coach like some want around here guess what we'd get .:mad:

  3. Funny how earlier in the season our "game plan" was getting a hammering. A few win shuts that talk up pretty quickly,that and 35 tackles inside 50 - which by the by is the sort of pressure Bailey has pointed out all season we are aiming for and that a failure to do so is not related to game plan but execution.

    Was it in the Tackle this week were Robinson stated the loser coach between Bailey and Eade would be back under pressure .

    The media are just parasites and won't be happy till they have a coach scalp , even then they'll just move onto the next coach under abit of pressure .

  4. Nice attempt to put a positive spin on it.

    Fact remains, we can be in top form, go to Etihad, and lose. It's happened both this year and last.

    I remember late in the Daniher era , we we're looking at top4 late in the season and met Carlton who were last .

    Guess what , we got done .

    I was filthy .

    Wheels fell off from there and were lucky to hold our spot in the 8 .

  5. You can put a line through Geelong at Skilled now. They haven't lost there since the Jurassic period.

    Since we beat them I believe .

    Don't think we'll get this time tho' .

    Would love a scalp tho' , was hoping we'd take 1 last year but haven't looked like it this year.

    ATM , I'd prefer we just play every game on it's merits as I still believe the roller coaster might have a dip or 2 in it yet .

    Let's get over the dogs 1st.

    Having said that , we seem to be gaining confidence and providing we get a good injury run anything might happen .

    I feel if the mids can feed the forwards regular ball we'll do well .

    IMO our forward line is starting to look deadly on paper .

    If they can all can "click" together we'll score heavily .

    Backline is getting better by the week and still have Tapscott and Davey to inject .

    Jamar and Martin are a strong ruck combo .

    I'm looking forward to seeing what develops , It's not like we haven't gone on a rampage and strung multiple wins together before . ;)

  6. Bad luck to the lad, had some bad fortune. But from a playing perspective, hopefully he doesn't come back. A list clogger who doesn't offer anything that we don't have, and is nowhere near in our best 28 players. .

    Blunt , but correct IMO .

    Hasn't done much since the Freo comback game several years ago .

  7. we still need plenty of grunt. We are currently unbalanced. Too many outside players, not enough inside players. You won't win a big final with Morton, Jurrah, Bennell, Davey, to name a few. Natural development will help some, but I'd suggest we need two less outsiders and two more thumpers.

    Tapscotts a thumper .

  8. The tighter confines of Etihad make it easier to zone and that makes it harder for us - agree we've got to get past it and this week would be a good time to start.

    We seem to be working a Press of our own ATM .

    Might be us doing the strangling this time .


  9. When the team walked forward at the start of the game, I looked at our starting 6 forward group: Green, Jamar, Howe, Petterd, Sylvia and Watts. THere are clearly no crumbers of any sort in this lot, and once Jurrah came off the bench after a couple of minutes you could clearly see today that his role was to act as that of the crumber. A role he accomplished with some aplomb. He ran, chased hard, tackled, and when he had the ball he looked his quick and agile self and found targets by foot more often than not. The kicking for goal is the only thing that didnt improve by the magnitudes that his vision and nous did.

    Pretty handy forward line that . B)

  10. He's a beauty, takes the game on with his pace and is as hard as nails, took a good gutsy grab too. It's my opinion that had Bennell taken the same approach as Nicho to the start of his career, he'd be a lot further advanced than he is now.

    On PuntRoadEnd they reckon Nicholson must've been covered in vasoline.

    ... I might be when I watch the replay...

    Thought he was abit small when I 1st saw him .

    Makes up for that with the balls to take 'em on , blistering pace and the strength to shrug a tackle .

    Enjoying this kids work here .

  11. I think he had 11 scoring assists. He got BOG on mmm. JB said to Jack he should go to every person that has bagged him and say stick that up ya. Im glad he is finally showing us his potential.

    Im just super impressed with Jack and he is showing us what he is capable of. I loved his contested marks he took and that mark he took in the middle of the pack was superb.

    I did get a little annoyed when he gave away that dumb free kick and the tigers scored a goal out of it. He said after the game Dean had words with him. But when he kicked that goal on the 3/4 time siren all was forgiven.

    Didn't mind the "stupid" free actually .

    Startin' to throw some weight around ... Love it .

    We've got front row seats watching a Super Duper star in the making .

  12. I'm with you , the Wiz brought too much joy to hold a grudge on him .

    I was of the impression we would lose him at some stage due to his family staying west anyway so wasn't such a shock .

    He loved our club , didn't have the same magic at Freo .

    I even admired the way he'd always play well against us , carving us up with multiple goals at times.

    As for the GF ,I can't believe we weren't ready for Essendons physical assault.

    They'd been belting us up since since the 80's and this was a forken Grand Final , Sheedy kept Wallace in the lineup purely for thuggery .

    And if Neitz hadda kicked them 1st 2 , who knows what woulda happened .

    What did happen was Hird kicked the captains goal to put them on the board , they then quickly slammed another . They were away .

    Remember even Farmer getting a dud decision early when just clear and heading goalward .

    Confidence sapping sh!t .

    The game was over by the time Long displayed his cowardice by charging the youngest kid on the ground with his head over the ball. Made it even more of a weak act .

    Wallace broke Greens windpipe or something in the opening minute or 2 .

    He wouldn't have been far off second youngest on the ground .

    AAarrrr .... Shouldn't have got me started . :mad:;)

  13. In my 42 years following Melbourne that was the only year I had real confidence we could win the game from any position .

    Even if we were 5 goals down I was always confident we could come back and win it .

    With Neitz , Schwarz , Farmer , Robbo and Uze running around the forward line usually 1 or 2 would cut loose at some stage.

    We had an unhappy knack of meeting dominate seasoned sides at their peaks in the last 2 GF's .

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