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Fork 'em

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Posts posted by Fork 'em

  1. I feel for Aussie and am sorry for his loss but sooner or later he's gotta make the decision if he wants to play AFL or not .

    Has struggled for fitness since he joined the club and is now on extended leave during the season .

    We can't keep a spot on list forever incase he decides to come back at some point .

    He can still embrace his culture and play AFL , they are not exclusive to each other .

  2. Don't be fooled Rusty Nails , there is an underlying arrogance in dem Tiger fans .

    Sure they've had the edge taken off them during the many lean years but make no mistake it's there and not far from the surface .

    They still consider themselves 1 of the Big4 remember , a sleeping giant .

    Even at the 1st Richmond game last year I found myself next to several who were relentless in their bagging of our club , our players , supporters , pathetic cheer squad you name it .

    After a while I couldn't help myself , lean't over and reminded them they followed Richmond , RICHMOND FFS .

    Quietened them down nicely it did and I happily kicked back and watched us [censored] 'em . B)

    If the Toigs keep progressing , they won't be humble for long .

    We as a club need to keep landing psycological blows on them now .

    Don't let 'em get their tails up when they meet us .

  3. Huge game this week in reference to the ladder .

    Log jam of sides including us on 22 points looking at a spot in the 8 .

    Richmond would love to take us down , not only for the 4points .

    They wanna prove that they can take us without the prime draft picks .

    Like North , got abit of an inferiority complex they do .

    If we can match thier intensity , this will be a cracker game .

  4. I beg you, and anybody else on here, not to quote Drew Morphett! He is the most monumental muppet of a commentator, I just CANNOT understand how he gets a gig. And he has been for 30 or whatever years. He brings no insight, no quality, and is woefully glib..... rubbish of the highest order!!!!!!!!!

    I've often wondered how he keeps getting a gig myself .

    Turns whatever game he's commentating into a snore fest .

  5. As a junior when Scully was relentlessly chasing a footy around , whether it be in the backyard or at the park .

    And he woulda done alot of it .

    Do ya think he was driven by being rich ?

    Do ya think he'd lie in bed at night thinking about how rich he'd get if he could play AFL ?

    Do ya think he lay there hoping he'd play in another state to his family infront of who cares smattering of rugby fans ?

    Doubt it .

    He dreamt of playing finals at a packed MCG , staying in Victoria around his family .... and having his pick of blonde bombshells . ;)

    Let the record state again .... He'll stay . B)

  6. They could have. It would have been embarrassing.

    It would have been the braver option and the better one.

    I argued for it at the time with similar opinions to yours in opposition.

    Sometimes the best thing to do is admit a mistake and put the gear into R.

    And have the proud MacDonald tell us to bash it up our A.

    Now that would be embarrassing .

  7. In a couple years due to enabling the youth to get games , this thread could be "The seeds of yesterdays Triumph ......"

    were planted when Dean Bailey sacked James McDonald.

    Maybe abit more short term pain than we anticipated but then .... Who knows what woulda happened this year.

    I'm bettin' Bruce didn't count on getting injured early . Looks like this year with the Dawks is going to be his last . Should he have taken our offer and remained a 1 club player ?

    Wonder what he's thinking now .

    BTW I don't think such decisions (to retire/delist) should be left upto individuals. There is far too much money at stake. A player could be satisfied sitting out a year injured or playing in the magoos for $500k, esp if he doesn't have another career to fall back on. It would be impossible for a player (captain or not) to be totally objective about his form and ignore the money.

    And yes, the club could have managed it better....but then they admit that.

    Couldn't have said it better myself .

  8. It sounds to me like you haven't been around much and witnessed much.

    Didn't see them win their last flag , never saw us win ours and didn't see the Saints win theirs .

    Been around long enough and witnessed enough to know we're all basket cases .

    The Dog's won't be winning a flag anytime soon with or without Smorgan , neither will the Aints with Lyon.

    Will we .... With the GC's bag of up an coming youngsters I'm having my doubts .

    The Saints can 'Press',,, But haven't learnt to 'Attack', and don't know how to..

    The Aints once new all about attack , they've since had that instinct coached out of them .

    I'm not the 1 who's dee-luded , same with your 1 game wonder mate up there Rhino Richards .

  9. Thats the worst piece of revisionist history I have read for some time on here. Could not be more wrong. At the end of 2006, Thomas was finished ahd the wheels were off the Saints.

    FFS, Lyon went within a kick of a flag and he is the worst thing to happen to the Saints. :wacko: At least Malcolm Blight and Tim Watson can breathe easy now.

    Finished at the end of 2006 because he had a fallout with Buttress .

    The only reason we beat them in the Elimination final was cause they lost Gehrig , Harvey and both Clarkes during the game .

    Yeah Lyon took them to within a point of the flag with a mature list .

    Also got smashed in game 2 because he refused to learn any lessons from the previous week .

    Do you think they should get rid of him at the end of the year ?

    Be lucky to even make the finals and who cares , no-one wants to watch them play his negative game plan anyhoo .

  10. Tide has only turned by simpletons who believe everything the media says.

    Exactly .

    Listened to Sheehan before the game .

    Stated how he was at the press conference where Scully declared he hadn't signed anything .

    Chose to disregard this info from the horses mouth and feels from "Gut instinct" he gone .

    Parasitic Peanut should just tell Scully he's a liar to his face .

  11. Kept 'em alive, their thriving.. you've got to look at it from a perspective of what they've been for the last 50 Years to see how well they've done.

    Mate , they've done nothing for 50 years and Smorgan has saved 'em .

    Your Idea and mine about thriving are obviously different.

    You seem to think that building a sound list and team can be bought at the nearest mobile phone shop. Underestimating the work that is involved in doing this.

    Where is it that I say this ?

    They've built a steady and constant platform from which they can launch their next assault thats forming as we speak, with the new blood coming in to that side.

    Pfft ... Yeah right .

    The saints area more concern with their negative style. But they to have some young coming through.

    Double Pfft .

    Lyon is the worst thing that happened to that club .

    Thomas had them playing exciting footy the was the talk of the football world .

    If he hadn't have had a personal fallout with Buttress he'd still be there with possibly a flag or 2.

    Their youth is nothing compared to the core of that club which the club was built around .

    Once Reiwoldt , Hayes , Dal Santo , Montagna & co are gone they'll have Nothing .

    Their goose is cooked .

    Ooop ... Game time , gotta go .

  12. I s'pose you also think that Smoron & Eade @ the Doggies, & Greg Westaway / Ross Lyon, have failed @ the Saints as well?

    I do .

    Tho' I do dip me lid to Smorgan as he kept the Dogs alive .

    This is the AFL , success means Flags .

  13. Great idea for a thread.

    If we can get the likes of Gysberts, Tapscott and McKenzie up to that level, as well as an injury-free Garland, we're well on our way.

    These boy's are Monty's for that level IMO .

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