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Fork 'em

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Posts posted by Fork 'em

  1. This question is for any of the other mods to read/reply/delete, so RR you need not concern yourself.

    Lets not forget suspend/ban. :wacko:

    And your "Post of the year" has now been up 40mins without being deleted .... Amazing .

  2. Unless we are in the football dept any discussion we have here at all is abit of a toss .

    Who shall we draft , who shall we drop , who gets delisted , who's cpt ....... Pfft .

    Opinions is all they are and none are more relevant than the next .

    Maybe some are but .......

  3. FWIW, I knew Sat'day nights game was gonna be ugly as soon as I realised it was gonna be raining and had been for weeks .

    This was going to render our overhead marking /height advantage ineffective as it has since football started being played.

    The oppostition would also have the advantage as they would've been training in this sort of slop for said weeks .

    What I did like in the 1st game was how it took 10 mins for the GC to pass the centre line .

    Sure they got a couple of easy goal once over the back of the press but this will happen .

    The second game brisbane had far more of the ball but couldn't capitalise , thats called winning ugly or winning when your not playing well.

    Good sides find a way to do that .

    We just might've just learnt a few new little lessons in a micky mouse comp before the real stuff starts .

    “And it almost felt like a training drill in a way - particularly with the way we’ve practiced the zone and our structures,” - Tom Couch

    Lastly , no serious injuries .

    Me , I'm looking forward to seeing how we go on dry grounds when we can use our new height to advantage.

    I have looked at the draw and am optimistic what the season can produce.

    A finals berth is not out of the question if we play to potential and improve on the last couple of years .

  4. I don't like the idea of playing another team on Queens birthday. The rivalry with Collingwood goes back a long way.

    We just need to re-stoke it a little bit. Poaching some more of there staff would be a good start.

    Smashing them for the next 10 years would be a nice touch aswell.

  5. We seem to have reached a point where we criticise everything the club does without first knowing the reasons behind it.

    Can't see this stopping until our 13th flag is unfurled.

    We're a jumpy lot with good reason IMO , as a club we have an unnerving habit of self destructing .

  6. Not sure about Blease and Supercoach.

    Not sure if he's a great accumilater.

    Ya only get 6points for an 80m run , 6 bounces , 2 baulks and a goal at top pace from fiddy.

    If that happens 4 times a game it's still only 24pts.

  7. Not you as well. Mitch Robinson is a Dud, Jack Watts is a young man learning the craft and growing in size. Sit back and enjoy the ride. Or of course get the "Big Hits" video and watch Mitch run around. Oh wait, his best hits are behind the play and unlikely to be on film. He's as weak and gutless as I've seen from a supposed hit man. Grow up or go to the boxing, Oh wait they stand face to face, not Mitch's modus operandi, just ask Rohan Bail.

    If Mitch Robinson played for us he'd be a cult figure and I'd love a player like him running around for us .

    • Like 1
  8. My opinion is that Conca's only intention was to block to allow him to take off and get a 5 m break on Adams. There was clearly no malice nor did it appear that he wanted to hurt him. I am not suggesting he didn't expect there to be contact, but I am thinking about the longer term repercussions. If a player, who is nowhere near the ball isn't responsible for looking where he is running, every player on the field now needs to ensure that any player he makes contact with is aware that the contact was coming before he bumps. The onus on the bumper has gone too far.

    I remember when football was a mans game .

  9. Not a person in the footy community with half a melon would look at this bloke and not think "scumbag".

    Funny you should say that .


    The atmosphere was picnic blankets and fun , even the Giants fans knew the serious stuff was to come a little later in the year.

    Only a Collingwood supporter who abused Scully when he arrived at the game looked to be taking it seriously.

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