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Fork 'em

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Posts posted by Fork 'em

  1. Ditto. Show me Aaron Davey, Colin Sylvia, Brad Green, Jamie Bennell et al with their head over the football, taking hits and laying tackles manically for four quarters on Sunday ... then I might start taking notice of what any of them says.

    I won't cause we'll be back to square 1 within a few weeks .

    We're a soft club that gets far too comforable with ourselves .

    I'm sure many on our list are just happy to be playing AFL and enjoying the lifestyle that it brings .

    Got a few twitter followers , lifes good .

    No need to push yourself too hard , Finals are for other clubs . :mad:

  2. n many respects it comes down to one simple notion. Melbourne , that is it's players and coaches say one thing and DO another. I don't believe a word of their waffle any more I will judge and comment purely on the result of their actions.

    Have yet to see words win a game of football, only effort.

    Some advice Brad... Less talk , more action

    Same reason I gave up reading the friday paper a few years ago .

    Got sick of our various leaders stating we let ourselves down , gonna redeem themselves , earn back respect Blah , blah , blah .

    Then theyed dish up the same tripe on gameday .

    We are forever redeeming ourselves and regaining lost respect.

    Had it up to Funkcig here with it . We had our arzes handed to us against the Dawks and what did we get ?We'll make amends against Brisbane . Fell over that line .

    GC next and the most uninspiring 90pt win I've ever witnessed .

    Here we are another game later and we're back to redeeming ourselves , it's a never ending circle of BS .

    As Pagan used to say , "Just show me the baby."

  3. Losing I can cope with but not that gutlessness. If a coach can't get the players to want to die for the jumper then he is not a coaches [censored] no matter how good he is at theory and powerpoints.

    Here , here .

    Did ya see the Richmond players , pounding their chests and ripping at their jumpers signifying heart when kicking goals over the weekend . I wanna see some of that coming from our club .

  4. The problem with Lyon on that show is he often shoots down any worthwhile conversation they might have on us .

    Couple of weeks ago Carro bought up the possibility of Malthouse coming to Melbourne .

    "I wouldn't think theyed be looking at changing the coach just now." dismissed Lyon , and quickly onto the next subject .

    Tho' he might deny it , he's up to his neck in this club .

    Half his best mates are running the joint , asif he doesn't have an imput .

  5. We set the bar too low ! :(:(

    Do we even have a bar ?

    When Bailey joined up he said he'd place no ceiling on the pace of developement .

    I'm not sure if a floor has been placed either .

  6. Whatever you do WJ don't mention his name. There are people round here so desperately clutching at straws, they'll be stalking his primary school to see if he kicks both feet at playtime

    Yeah , but we really need to know if he's an aggressive type and can he take a pack splitting mark ?

  7. I think we should keep Bailey to see the year out .

    Problem is I don't see any coaches in waiting that inspire me as a supporter at all .

    Personally , I woulda picked Hardwick infront of Bailey when we had the chance but that bird has flown .

    Whoever is chosen must have an aggressive combative mindset as opposed to passive .

    Something that hopefully will rub off on the playing list .

  8. We push numbers up the ground and behind the ball, we wait for the turnover, then we move the ball with run and carry and handpass, with our players running towards goal to catch flat footed zoning members of the opposition off guard.

    Does it work? Well, we have won games doing it. But as Garry Lyon, amongst others, has said, it's a high risk/high reward style. When it works, it looks good (e.g. Sydney, Brisbane from last year). We carve teams up on the rebound with pressure in our defensive half, and with footspeed and skill we stream forward and break the game open. When it doesn't work, we get destroyed.

    Ah , that explains everything .

    We wait for the opposition to get the ball and attack .

    Pray to god they make a mistake and turn it over .

    Then pray we don't make a mistake while trying to get them on the rebound .

    Talk about reactive , how 'bout some proactive for a change .

    Really untill Watts is fully developed and we find at least another Gorilla who can take a contested mark in the forward line , talk of success in finals is just an illusion anyhow . In high pressure finals when hail mary's are being bombed into the forward line big marking forwards are worth their weight in gold . Just gotta hope that our young developing midfeild is good enough to send it their way often enough . Preferably without having to come from the backline 1st .

  9. "Our recruiting seems to generally take the safe option with skilled light framed nice boys. I just don't get it."

    I don't either Theo.

    Where is our Cooney, Griffin, Judd, Selwood ?

    You can keep Cooney & Griffin , pass us Hodge , Swan , Bartell or Chapman .

  10. The problem is I'm not surprised , I've seen all this before .

    A surprise would be to come out after a long summer and show that we have improved significantly .

    Other clubs seem to be able to do it , ours finds it impossible .

    We've been fed a steady dose of snake-oil by Schwab , Connolly , Stynes & media about the accumilated talent on our list.

    That our facilities are second to none , that soon we'll be a power . We grimly hold onto flashes of competancy (like Watts game last night)that it will all come together in the end . Meanwhile we watch patiently as opposition teams and draftees feats surpass our own .

  11. Not only am I Upset, Angry and dissapointed but I believe I am owed apology as is every other Demon supporter

    I believe Dean Bailey owes all of us an


    not just on hisown behalf but on behalf of the players as well

    It obviously wont change the result,

    but it would be nice to see the coach and players acknowledge

    and recognise just how much they have let us down as supporters

    because we are as much a part of this club as they are,

    In fact, without us as supporters there may as well not be a club.

    They at least owe us that much I would have thought!

    If your lucky they may take time out from their privleged lives to put out a tweet .

  12. The AFL are destroying the great game .... Supercoach .

    And the real comp of course .

    If it ain't the dreaded "Late Omission" , we've gotta deal with the sub rule and also with the rounds so spread out you've got to submit your side without all teams sheets being finalised . Thank god we've had SC bye rounds , it's messing with my head more than usual . :wacko:

    Not to mention most of my big money guns are playing like Biaches . :(

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