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Fork 'em

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Posts posted by Fork 'em

  1. Power Forwards who can take contested marks are massive in big high pressure games .

    With the stakes high there are alot of Hail Mary's into the forward line from mids that are under great pressure.

    Having 1 or 2 inside fiddy who can take strong marks are Gold .

  2. Since when has repeatedly dropping the "F" bomb been a part of the tradition of sport? When I was growing up and going to the footy, there was very little of that and I honestly cannot see why today should be any different.

    Didn't hear it very often during the 70's - 80's .

    Any-one that did were smartly told to pull their heads in . B)

    Nowadays , many fear getting stabbed for their trouble .

  3. I don't know Tom personally but I do speak to someone VERY close to him from time to time. As of two weeks ago, I was told that Tom has had no discussions with GWS (nor has his management). Tom is very close to his family. This should work in our favour. I wouldn't worry about Mike's comments.

    I get the same mail from someone close to the horse mouth aswell .

    nothing to worry about , move on .

  4. what i liked the most was that he would throw himself at the ball, and 9/10 get two hand on it and make a great contest.

    Seems to have great judgement in the air , as U said , got his hands on everything he flew for.

    Loved his blocking work aswell .

  5. This year Martin has come along beautifully .

    His's confidence and surer ball skills were on show from the pre-season .

    So he might have to sort a few things , they all do .

    As he develops further he'll be a major asset IMO .

    With big Max around the ruck division will be bullet proof .

  6. I dislike all players the same amount who do not play for the MFC, although Goddard's Mark in last years drawn GF was just sublime.

    I was gutted when it didn't win the game against the Filth.

    If they had've won the St.Kilda fans woulda forgotten about Breen and immortalised him .

  7. Never forget my parents taking me to the Sports Co (or Sports Power) store that Robbie used to work at, think it was in Box Hill (a long drive from Ballarat at the time). I would've been all of 7 or 8 years old, and proudly wore the number 2 on my back. Poor Robbie didn't have a Melbourne jumper in stock, and as a result, I had to try a Collingwood jumper on to get the size right. Robbie's words of advice prior to me putting it on; "close your eyes and block your nose". As I idolised him greatly, I did just that, he got my right size worked out and sent the (right) jumper up to me.

    A true gentleman on field, an even truer(?) one off field.

    He did have a store at Waverly Gardens that he'd man personally .

    Also remember Leigh Matthews owning a (shoe?)shop at Brandon Park .

  8. Complete [censored]!!!! :mad: Our players take the same time to get over the same injuries as other clubs. EVERY injury is slightly different and are managed on a case by case basis. ALL our injuries this year have been impact related. This has absolutely nothing to do with fitness or physical preparation. It is bad luck and part of the game. In fact the one injury which is potentially workload or preparation related, and I'm being very presumptuous here, is Jordie McKenzie's groin. He is back ahead of time.

    Scully's knee .

  9. Firstly, I would like to say that I think Dean has done a fantastic job at readying this group of 'kids' for AFL football. Their skills are very good, their understanding of the game is good and they are fit enough to run out a whole game.

    However, I think he has taken this group as far as he can. They need an elite coach. A tactical master who can tie all of the pieces, that Dean has created, together. A coach that is as revered as he is respected. He needs a little bit of intimidation and a whole lot of "I don't want excuses" about him. They need a taskmaster to slap 'em around and steer them, kicking and screaming if necessary, to where their potential is waiting for them. They don't need a coach that they want to win for. They need a coach that they feel they must win for. Whether it's to avoid a spraying or whether it's in fear of letting the coach down, it doesn't matter. I don't believe they have it now.

    If it's not too much I'd like a sprinkle of moondust in his hair aswell . :lol:

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